Chapter 9- Not A Joke

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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of giggling next to me. I slowly fluttered opened my eyes to see Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Gaby standing next to the bed laughing. “What are you doing?” I asked them in a scratchy voice, still half asleep.

“We’re taking pictures of you and Niall and posting them to Twitter; but it's our secret fan accounts, so don't worry.” Louis answered.


“Yeah. Check your Twitter.” Gaby said, still giggling. I logged onto my Twitter through my phone, @Jasmine_Dreams, and saw pictures of Niall and I cuddled up together. I was tagged in all of them. Under the pictures, I saw a bunch of comments.

@Jasmine_Dreams: Who is she?! She doesn’t deserve Niall! She’s probably only looking for attention!

@Jasmine_Dreams: She isn’t even pretty! No one wants her and she’s absolutely worthless!

@Jasmine_Dreams: I think you’re just another girl who’s going to break Niall’s heart, so do us a favor and get lost! #CrushJasmineandNiall

@Jasmine_Dream: Chill you guys. It's obviously photo-shopped.

I put my phone down and felt tears sting my eyes. We're not even dating and I'm getting so much hate. I've only known them a few days and I'm already in so deep. I sniffled, a few warm tears gliding down my face, glimmering in the light that shone behind the blinds of the window.

Niall then shuffled around next to me and sat up, rubbing his eyes. He then glanced around the room at everyone's faces, and then focused on me. “Jasmine, why are you crying?” He asked, then cradling me in his lap. I handed him my phone so he could see the pictures and comments. “Who took these pictures?” He demanded, making the anger obvious in his voice.

“We did. We didn’t know it would get to that. We thought of it as a harmless joke.” Harry said innocently.

“We’re so sorry, Jasmine,” Zayn said, rubbing my arm.

I just nodded my head and buried my face into the crook of Niall’s neck.

“Can you guys give us a minute?” Niall asked the others.

They all agreed and left the room.

“Jasmine, don’t listen to those people. You’re beautiful, no matter what anyone else tells you. You’re an amazing girl and if anyone argues with that, I will personally punch them in the face, do you understand?” He said to me. "I haven't known you long but I've known you long enough to know that you're not a bad person and you don't deserve that."

I laughed humorlessly, tears still streaming down my face.

“Thank you, Niall.” I kissed him on the cheek, lingering there for a moment. Then put my head against his chest.

“Let’s go downstairs, yeah?” He said.

I nodded my head and got up from the bed.

He took my hand and we walked downstairs together. Then, his phone rang. He answered it and started yelling into the phone. “No. We’re not! It’s just rumors! Well, I’m sorry!” This is the only side of the conversation that I heard. Finally, Niall hung up. “Management's really mad about the pictures online.” Niall announced to everyone.

"I told you guys that was a bad idea!" Liam stated angrily. "Now we need to call Paul for escorting us everywhere because fans will be even more hectic now."

“Paul Higgins?” Gaby asked.

Harry nodded. “He’s our bodyguard.” He voiced.

I groaned. I have such a major headache. I got up to take some aspirin and poured a glass of water, then swallowed the pill.

Niall came behind me and put a comforting hand on the small of my back. He rested his chin on my head and whispered “Everything will be ok.”

I sure hope so.

A/N: The twitter names aren’t real. I just made them up randomly. Thanks for reading, much love!

XX Enjoy the story!

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