Chapter 12- The News

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One day, I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. We were at Gaby’s house and I didn't know many people around here, but I answered the door anyways. I looked at the clock on the wall; it read 7:30. Who would be at the door this early in the morning? I opened the door and was surprised to see Paul.

“Good morning, Jasmine. May I come in?” he asked.

I nodded and he stepped inside. I closed the door behind him, rubbing sleep away from my eyes.

“Is everyone still sleeping?” He asked.

“Yeah. I’ll wake them up.” I said.

“Thank you.”

“Guys! Wake up!” I yelled.

Paul chuckled. "When you said 'I'll wake them up' I assumed you meant go and wake them up. I could've yelled at them."

I smiled humorously.

There was the sound of doors open and close until, finally, everyone was in the living room with Paul and me.

“What’s up, Paul?” Liam asked, rubbing his eyes.

“You guys, I have some bad news.” Paul started.

We all looked at each other, confused.

“Sit down. I know all of you have grown very close... but the boys have a photo shoot and some interviews in England. Then, they have to go back on tour. In three days, you also have a Red Carpet event.”

I could feel disappointment wash over me like a huge ocean wave. We’ve been living together for about two and a half weeks now. I got too attached to let them go. I know it was only two weeks, but we had so much fun and we got to know wach other really well.

“Can’t the girls please go with us?” Harry pleaded.

“I’m afraid not. They would be too much of a distraction to you.” Paul said.

Liam sighed heavily.

“It’d be more distracting for them not to go. We’d be thinking of only them, and how much we miss them.” Niall said, grabbing my hand. You could tell that Paul was thinking hard about this.

“Fine. They can come. Only if they don’t distract you, and I have to double check with management. And it has to be ok with their parents.” Paul demanded.

All of the boys jumped up in happiness. Niall picked me up by my waist and spun me around.

This is going to be great! Seven close friends, living near each other in England, having the time of our lives.

“I’ll go call our parents.” Gaby said. She went downstairs and dialled their number, conversing with them about it. About 15 minutes later, she came back upstairs with a huge smile on her face. “They said, since they’re gone, we can go!” She exclaimed. "But, your dad said you can't be in the same bedroom as the guys."

I laughed. "Only my dad would say such a thing. But we get to go!" I squealed.

“Great. We leave tomorrow at five in the morning, ok?” Paul declared.

“Yes. Thank you so much, Paul.” Liam said.

Then, Paul left so we could get ready and pack.

“Ok, then. Let’s start packing!” I said. Everyone started getting their suitcases and clothes and started packing.

When we were done, we just sat down and relaxed. I was so excited. I've on;y been out of the country a few times, and that was only to visit family in Israel and Guatemala. Then, something hit me. “Hey guys?” I asked. “Where are we going to stay?”

“Um, well we have plenty of room in our flat. You can stay there. You and Gaby would each get your own room.” Liam said.

“Awesome, thanks you guys," Gaby stated.

“It’s no problem, considering you let us stay here for the past few weeks.”

I just nodded, smiling. Words couldn't describe how excited I was right then.


It was already 8:30 pm when we finished packing. We stayed home and did nothing all day. It was actually nice. I rested my head on Zayn's shoulder, because he was sitting next to me and I was exhausted.

We had to get up early in the morning so I should try getting some sleep now. The last thing I remember is having a dream. I saw a beach, and the sun setting. Then, I see Niall, holding a bouquet of magnolias, my favorite flower. My dream was interrupted by Gaby waking me up, so we could leave for the airport.

Weird dream, Niall would never like me, I thought.

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