Chapter 44- The Party

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That weekend, as planned, we had the party.

Gaby was pressuring me into wearing a tight, short dress, but I thought it was far too revealing.

"Come on, Jazz. You'll look smoking hot!" Gaby persuaded.

"I'll look like a prostitute!" I argued.

"Please?" she begged, making googly eyes at me and pouting her lips. "You'll stop traffic! All eyes will be on you."

"Yeah, because I'll look like a suffocating sausage in that dress." I rolled my eyes.

"No you won't! You're way too skinny to look like a 'sausage'." she used air quotes. "For me?"

"No," I said blandly.

She smirked. "That's too bad. I think Niall would really enjoy that."

I huffed. "Gaby-"

"You'll look gorgeous!"

"Fine." I sighed in defeat as she giddily jumped up and down. I hesitantly walked into the bathroom and put on the sleek black dress (external link). It tightly hugged my waist and bust, and made my butt look like a Kardashian's! I looked in the mirror, not happy with the way I looked, because I looked like a hooker.

I walked out of the bathroom, and glared at Gaby.

She squealed, hopping up and down again. "You look fabulous!" she stated.

I rollled my eyes again. "Thanks," I said coldly.


Finally, we drove down to the club where the party was taking place. It was reserved only for the people with invitations. When I walked in, I saw tons of famous people there! Katy Perry, Cher Lloyd, Miley Cyrus, Rita Ora, Nick Grimshaw, Matt Cardle, Lou Teasdale, Demi Lovato- and that was only at a first glance! 

Music was blaring from speakers, people were dancing on the dance floor, and people were drinking at the bar. The party was really cool so far. I was socializing with a lot of people and everyone was having a really good time.

But some of us were having a bit too much fun. People were drunk. The only people sober were Liam, a few of the other guests, and me, since I'm not of age to drink yet.

Harry walked by with a drink in his hand. “Hey, Harry? Have you seen Niall?” I asked. "I haven't seen him all night."

“He’s in the corridorrrrr. I saw him go into the back roommmm." he slurred.

“Uh, thanks Harry.”

I went upstairs and knocked on the door to the room.

There was no answer.

I knocked again- no answer. I got tired of waiting, so I opened the door and saw Niall and Cheryl Cole making out.

I stopped dead in my tracks. “Niall,” I said, my voice hoarse.

He didn’t even look up. He just kept kissing Cheryl.

“Niall,” I said more firmly.

He looked up with a dazed look on his face. “What do you want?” he hissed. Then he continued snogging Cheryl.

I was speechless. I ran through the club with tears staining my face. I grabbed the drink that was in Gaby's hand, and chugged it down. I felt it scorch and burn down my throat as I swallowed it. At that point, I didn't care if I was of age to drink or not. I dropped the glass on the floor and started feeling woozy.

"You took my Devil Springs Vodka!" she shouted, pouting and stomping her foot on the ground.

I slowly nodded. "You can get a new one."

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