Chapter 7- The Concert

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, the Katy Perry song making my eyes go wide. It was eight in the morning. I brushed my teeth and got dressed. (picture of the outfit at the right)

The boys were also getting ready because they had an interview with B96 this morning.

“Do you girls want to come with us and watch the interview live?” Harry asked us as we sat at the dining room table, eating breakfast.

“Sure!” Gaby and I said at the same time.

“Let me just get ready really quick,” Gaby stated.

While she did that, I went into the bathroom and put my hair in a fishtail braid and applied a touch of makeup. “Ok, ready!” I said once I was done. 

“Let’s go, then!” Louis said.


“Good morning, Chicago. It's your boys J and Julian in the morning. If you're listening right now, you’re in for a real treat: world-famous boy band, One Direction is here!” the hosts, Jay, announced. “They’re here to answer your questions, via Twitter! Alright boys, the first question is from @jasspoo123. ‘Who is your biggest inspiration?’” (A/N: Most of these are fake accounts, but this one is mine.)

“Well, personally, I admire Michael Buble. He’s just an amazing singer.” Niall said.

“I look up to Robbie Williams. He’s absolutely brilliant,” Harry said.

“My inspiration is also Michael Buble. He has so much talent. He’s my reason for becoming a singer.” Liam said.

"I'm a Barney fan. That purple dinosaur is... yeah he's, like, pretty cool." Zayn joked.

The other host, Julian, laughed. “Next question; ‘who is currently single?’ from @Heatherlovesbubbles001.” The announcer asked. Niall, Zayn, and Harry all raised their hands. “Liam and Louis, you’re the only ones who aren’t single?” he asked. “Who’s your girlfriend, then?”

“Yeah. Her name is Danielle and she's a dancer. We’ve been dating for three years and I love her to bits.” Liam answered, smiling.

“My girlfriend is Eleanor, we’ve been dating for three years, also. She’s going to school right now, and I love her with all my heart.” Louis answered, and I couldn't help but coo.

 “Niall’s single!” Gaby whisper-shouted, nudging me.

“So is Harry.” I whisper-shouted back at her, waggling my eyebrows.

After many questions, we were finally escorted by Paul, the boys' bodygaurd, to our car. From there, we went to the concert arena. We were going to meet the boys there because if we arrived together, things would get more hectic than they already are.

Gaby and I were outside with the other Directioners, waiting to go inside for the concert. There were so many people here; I was hoping we didn’t get trampled over. When we got inside, I bought a One Direction shirt. We got to the front row, right before the show started. They started singing “What Makes You Beautiful” and the boys kept looking at us, winking and smiling.

“When we get backstage, we should act like total fangirls,” I told Gaby. Her face lit up immediately and nodded her head, agreeing. We both knew, with how crazy we are, it would be hilarious.

When the songs were done, we were permitted backstage, and we put our hair in side ponytails, and were fangirling like there was no tomorrow!

“Oh my God you’re One Direction!” I said, in a valley girl voice.

“I think I’m gonna totes faint!” Gaby said, smirking. The boys looked at us confused, and then started laughing.

“Do you girls need an autograph?” Louis asked, still laughing.

“Oh-em-gee. Could I?! I would just love that!” I said with a huge smile on my face. The boys then signed my shirt (external link) with black sharpies. “Oh my God! Thank you so much! I love you guys! My life is, like, totes complete now!”

We waited around after we finished 'fangirling'. They were finished meeting other fans, and they smiled the entire time. Then, we all packed into the limousine, heading home.

It's like my life took a total toll, and is suddenly lightening up for me.

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