Chapter 65- Insecurities

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I kept thinking about that strange dream. What could it mean? I've had weird dreams like this before, and they all tend to come true. Thoughts ran through my mind continuously, but I wasn’t going to let it stop this from being an awesome day!

We were leaving for the guy’s tour today.

I took a shower and quickly got dressed (external link).


We were now headed to the airport and going to San Jose, California, back in America. It took us about an hour to actually get on the private jet, because Louis and Harry kept goofing off while we were at the luggage belt at the airport.

When we finally did get on the jet, Niall and I sat alone all the way in the back.

“Are you excited to be going on tour with us?” Niall asked me with a big, goofy grin on his face.

“Yeah, I really am. I can’t wait to see you guys perform again. When’s your first concert?” I asked.

“Tonight, actually. You’re coming, right?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t I? I’ll be at all of your shows, even if it’s on Mars.” I reassured, giggling.

“Oh! That'd be so cool. We should have that arranged.” He joked.

“You really should. That’d be pretty epic.”

He chuckled. “It really would, but it would be nothing compared to spending a second with you.”

I felt my cheeks go hot. “Well, luckily for you, you get to spend your entire tour with me.” I smiled humorously.

“Yeah, I really am lucky.” He said, although he was more serious.

“Well, so am I.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I have you.”

“You’re lucky to have me?” he said, chuckling.

“Yes, I am.” I said, confused now. “Why is that so funny?”

“Because, out of all of the guys in the world, you chose me?”

“Yeah,” I trailed off, still flustered.

“But I’m just a guy from Mullingar who loves to eat and is a back-up singer for Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. I don’t understand.”

“No, you’re not. You can have almost any girl on the planet and you chose me. That’s what I don’t understand.”

“I chose you because you’re you. You're tons of fun to be with, you're so funny, you're outgoing, beautiful, smart, and you're just... perfect .”

“Well, I love you because you’re funny, sensitive, cute, romantic, caring, you have flaws and I love all of them, whenever you kiss me I blush, and when I look into your beautiful blue eyes, I melt.”

“But I’m just ‘Niall’ while the other guys are ‘hot’, ‘amazing’, ‘brilliant’, and ‘talented’. Some girls don’t even bother looking at me at signings, and when they do, a lot of times, it’s to tell me they hate me."

"Well those people have their heads up their asses. There are way more people that love you than there are people who hate you; like me. I love you so much. And don’t tell the other guys, but you’re my favorite member.” I whispered the last sentence, trying to lighten up the mood.

He chuckled. “Thanks, babe. I love you, too, so much."

I kissed him softly. When I tried pulling away, I got pulled in again by his hand on my neck. I smiled into the kiss.

He softly ran his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance. When I playfully denied him access, he playfully but my lower lips.

I gasped, and he took advantage of the opportunity, and entered my mouth.

Our tongues danced perfectly in sync, as if they were dancing to a beautiful melody.

Then, we pulled away, due to our phones beeping.

There was a picture of Niall and me making out. It had leaked on Twitter, because Zayn put it up.

Zayn laughed. “Wow that was some pretty intense kissing.” He stated.

“ Ha ha, very funny.” I said sarcastically.

“It actually is.”

There were already some comments on Zayn's page, because he's the one that posted the picture. I looked at all of them.

@Jasmine_Dreams @NiallOfficial That was some major lip-lock! But you guys are so cute together and are obviously in love. #JiallForever!!

Jiall; I like it.

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