Chapter 91- The Dead and the Gone

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Zayn P.O.V.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing; something had gone wrong with Jasmine's surgery. I ran out of the hospital with Libby calling my name, but I kept walking. I just needed time.

Jasmine was like my little sister, and now she stopped breathing.

When I went outside, I leaned against the bricks of the building, crossing my arms. I lit a cigarette and put it in mouth. I just needed to let loose. This was the first time I’ve smoked in almost a week. I was doing so well, with the help of Jasmine, the rest of the guys, and a nicotine patch. Right now, I was under so much stress and I couldn’t take it anymore.

I let out a ring of smoke from my mouth, and then realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I took the cigarette out of my mouth, stared at it for a second, and dropped it on the ground.

Jasmine wouldn’t want me to smoke. She wouldn’t like seeing me like this.

I stepped on the half gone cigarette, crushing it beneath the sole of my shoe. I popped a piece of gum into my mouth.

That should hold me off for a while.

I went back inside, and I saw that Niall was still crying.

This was hard on all of us, but it was probably hardest on him.

He loved Jasmine so much and what they had; it didn’t come around every day.

Then, a nurse came out of the surgical room.

“Who’s with Jasmine Garcia?” She asked, looking around the waiting room.

Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis, Gaby, Libby, Valeria, and I all raised our hands.

“I need to talk to one of you.”

We all put our hands down and all slowly turned our heads towards Niall.

He sniffled and got up. He walked to the nurse, running a nervous hand through his brown-blond hair.

Together, he and the nurse went towards the back end of the room.

Niall’s P.O.V.

I walked to the back of the room with the nurse, running a hand through my hair.

She had a sad and disappointed expression on her face.

All of these emotions flooded through me. I was sad, worried, depressed, anxious, impatient, tormented, antsy, and every other expression you can think of, besides happy.

“I have some news on Jasmine.” She started.

“What is it?” I managed to choke out, holding back more tears.

She looked down at her feet and pursed her lips. “She…”

“She what?”

“I’m sorry to say it, but Jasmine’s heart stopped beating and she stopped breathing.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

My heart felt like it got ripped out of my chest, thrown at the ground, broke into a million pieces, then was trampled on my a stampede of elephants.

I slowly slid down the wall and put my head in my hands. I let sobs escape my mouth, and then I let out a painful scream. I heard another round of hysterics, but they didn’t come from me. I brought my head up just enough to see Gaby crying and screaming Jasmine’s name.

The nurse must’ve told her what had happened; seeing as she was no longer by me anymore.

I put my head back down, not wanting to face the world.

Another nurse then quickly ran into the room.

“We got Jasmine’s heartbeat up and running again. She’s breathing again.” She stated quickly. “It was just a malfunction.”

I got up to my feet and ran over to her. “Is Jasmine still alive?” I asked, my voice groggy from crying.

“Yes, she just had a defect with the amnesia. She’s alive… For now.”

I processed this, and I had hoped Jasmine would make it through. “Have you ever heard the phrase ‘it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all’?” I asked quietly.

She nodded her head. “Yes, why?”

I sighed. “Well, I love her. So, so much, and we both want to be together forever. So please, let her get out of here. It’s not her fault she got shot. If anyone's at fault, it's me. I just don't want to lose her.”

I saw tears lining the rims of her eyes, threatening to come out. “We’ll do our best. I promise you, she will come out of here. You’ll walk out that door, hand in hand, and you’ll live to be together for a long time.”

I nodded my head. “Thank you.”

Before I knew it, she embraced me in a hug. “She’ll be happy to know you love her so much.”

“I don’t just love her; I can’t live without her.”

A/N: I know the title of this chapter is "The Dead and the Gone." I don't know if it really makes sense, but when I was writing it, it did; and I'm sorry that this chapter was really depressing. At least she's not dead! On a happier note, look at the picture at the right side! It kind of relates to the beginning of this chapter. On a completely unrelated topic, watch the song at the right for a good laugh; it's called 'When I was a Dinosaur'. It's my cousin's favorite song... he's 27... Please comment, vote, and fan. xx

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