Chapter 95- Surprise Guests

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The next morning I woke up to someone gently shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes, squinting a little bit to adjust to the sunlight illuminating my hospital room.

Niall’s face was the first thing I saw, and I smiled up at him.

“Jasmine,” He started, smiling back at me.

“Hi Niall,” I greeted.

“Someone’s here to see you, princess." He whispered softly.

“Who is it?” I asked, fully awake now.

“I think they’d rather come in and show you, rather than me just telling you.”

“Well whoever ‘them’ is, tell them to hurry!” I pouted over-dramatically, using air-quotes.

He chuckled. He went over to the door and poked his head out. “Guys, come in here.” He spoke in his thick Irish accent.

Soon, my parents, my sister and brother, my cousin, and my aunt entered the room.

My eyes went wide, a huge smile grew on my face, and I let out a little squeal. “You guys! What are you doing here?” I asked, still smiling brightly.

“Well, my daughter got shot. That’s what happened. I wasn’t going to just sit at home, panicking and being worried when I could just travel a few thousand miles to see her.” My mom stated sarcastically.

I smiled up at her.

She ran a soothing hand through my hair. “Jasmine, how are you feeling?”

“I’m actually a lot better. I’ve been here for a few days, and the doctors said I’m recovering well.” I responded.

“Good.” Tears starting brimming her eyes.

“Mom, don’t cry. I’m fine.” I rubbed her arm reassuringly.

“I know. I know, it’s just… A mother can’t just ignore the fact that their daughter’s been shot and is being hospitalized.”

“I know that, but I will be ok, I swear. They’re taking good care of me, and Niall hasn’t left my side. He’s stayed in the hospital with me the whole time.” I looked up at him and he was looking at me guiltily. “And it’s no one’s fault that I’m in here.” I made sure to add at the end, still looking up at Niall.

He gave me a sympathetic look and I shot him a small smile.

“We missed you!” My baby brother, Zach, said, completely oblivious to our totally serious conversation. Well, he wouldn’t realize what we’re talking about, seeing as he’s only four.

I took his tiny hand in mine. “I just saw you not even a month ago.”

“Still,” he pouted, giving me a sullen look.

“You’re so weird.” I stated, giggling and ruffling his hair, causing everyone else around me to laugh as well. "I still miss you, too, though." I gave him a small hug.

“We have a surprise for you!” He cheered suddenly, clapping his little hands together.

“What is it?” I asked excitedly.

“We brought someone here. Niall told me you missed her,” my dad continued.

“Who is it?” I urged.

“Come in here!” My dad called into the hallway.

I screamed frantically in my head, slightly bouncing in my bed. I can’t believe she’s here!

A/N: Who do you think that person is? I want to know your guesses.

Also, I'm so so so so so so sooooo sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've just been busy and I kind of had writer's block. But now I've got a bunch of fresh ideas, so I'll be continuously writing.  This story will be over very soon, so check out my Louis Tomlinson fanfic, Second Star to the Right, as well! It's nothing like this story, but still has my own little details and thoughts in it like this one.

As usual, comment, vote, fan, and do all other things that Wattpad makes possible. Thanks for reading! I love you all! xx

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