Chapter 78- Suspicions

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Niall’s P.O.V.

I was really worried about Jasmine.

She was getting so much hate, even though she never did anything wrong, and she certainly didn’t deserve this. Now people were calling her fat? She was so skinny and she's not even close to being fat.

God, why can't our 'fans' open their eyes and see that Jasmine makes me the happiest person in the world? Why don't they understand that I love her, and she causes me to feel that I'm the luckiest man on the planet?

I just hope she knows she’s loved, and that she’s beautiful. I looked over at her from where I was standing in the small kitchen.

She was sitting down in our dining area with one knee brought up to her chest. She was writing something on a piece of paper, but I couldn’t exactly see what it was.

Jasmine’s P.O.V.

I was doodling on a blank piece of paper. I was just writing what was on my mind. I wrote down random things, mostly about how I was feeling at the moment.

There were things like “This isn’t a diet. It’s a lifestyle.” “The thinner, the winner.” “I will do this no matter what it takes. I want this more than anything, even more than food.” and so on. I even drew stick figures, showing how skinny I needed to be.

Niall’s P.O.V.

I walked over to where Jasmine was sitting. I glanced at her paper and saw squiggly lines and some doodles of stick figures.

“What are you drawing?” I asked her, slightly smiling at her drawings.

“Um, nothing.” She hesitated. She crumpled up the paper and stuffed it in her purse.

I looked at her oddly.

She faked a smile but I just shrugged it off. There’s nothing wrong with doodling, right?

It was almost dinner time and she hadn’t eaten anything all day. I was beginning to get worried. "Are you hungry?” I asked her, almost desperately.

She took a moment to answer, then shook her head.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m…” She paused for a moment, “just not hungry.”

“Can you at least eat something small? You haven’t eaten anything all day. How about an apple?” I offered.

She sighed, but agreed. She took a bite out of it and soon, everyone else came into the kitchen.

“Who wants pizza?” Liam asked.

We all agreed, except for Jasmine, who continued gnawing her apple.

Liam was heating up an oven pizza and soon, we were all eating.

Jasmine was half way through her apple when she got up and threw it out into the bin. Then, she went into the bathroom.

“Hey you guys, has Jasmine been acting… weird…lately?” I pointed out.

“Yeah, she has. What’s up with her? Is she on a diet?” Gaby asked.

I shrugged, eating a bite of pizza.

I then eyed Jasmine’s purse, and quickly started to dig through it.

“What are you doing? That’s private.” Louis said, trying to stop me.

I took out the crumpled piece of paper and opened it up. Inside, were doodles of stick figures with captions of “This will be me.” “Must be skinny.” “Get it of your system.” As soon as I read the last quote, I knew exactly what she was doing in the bathroom.

She was ‘getting it out of her system’.

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