Chapter 50- Blackout

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Jasmine’s P.O.V.

I heard things shuffling around me and people’s distinct conversations. I couldn’t open my eyes or move at all. My body felt like it weighed a ton. My eyelids felt like bricks that couldn’t be lifted. My neck felt a toothpick while my head felt like a bowling ball. I started hyperventilating because didn’t know where I was or who I was with or what was going on. I tried calming down by taking deep breaths. For a moment, everything went silent and I heard someone trying to speak to me.

“Jasmine, this is Niall, sweetheart.” I heard a thick Irish accent say. “Babe, if you can hear me, say something, do something, anything. Please.”

I tried moving but couldn’t.

“Jasmine, I’m so sorry, this is all my fault. You’re in a coma and you can’t move. You’re barely breathing on your own.” Niall said.

I struggled to move, even a little bit. I tried moving my thumb, but failed yet again.

“Jasmine, I’m so sorry. I talked to the doctors. They said people in comas- they said that you can hear me but I doubt it.” He whispered.

I moaned. It was all I could do.

He gasped and squeezed my hand.

I heard footsteps run away and come back. “She moaned and I think she might be able to hear me.” Niall said.

“Let me check. People in coma's are aware of the sounds around them, but very rarely are they able to respond.” I heard a woman’s voice say. “Jasmine, love, if you hear me, do something.”

I moaned again, my chest rising up and down with each heavy breath that I used to put forth the huge effort.

“Jasmine, can you move at all?” she said.

I heard more footsteps come in the room. I tried moving my thumb again, and it moved slightly.

“She can hear us!” I heard Gaby’s familiar voice say.

I still couldn’t open my eyes yet. I felt two hands grab at my own.

“Jasmine, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand.” Liam voiced.

“No, Jasmine, if you hear me, squeeze my hand.” Niall stated desperately.

I didn’t know what to do.

“We’ll let Jasmine make her own decision. Jasmine, squeeze the hand of the person that you want." Liam said sweetly.

I didn’t know who was at which hand. My head said one hand but my heart said the other. My eyes wouldn’t open for the life of me. I also didn’t know who I would choose, even if I could open my eyes. I didn't even think about it and went by instinct, squeezing my left hand. I didn’t know who it was but I had hoped it was the right choice, whatever the right choice may be.

“She-she squeezed my hand.” I heard Liam say.

So that’s who I chose.

Niall let go of my right hand. He kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear. “It’s ok, Jasmine. No matter who you chose, I would’ve loved you anyways. I will always love you.”

“Jasmine,” Liam started.

I moaned again. I tried to say something. Anything. I couldn’t. I felt a pair of warm lips touch my cheek, which I’m guessing belonged to Liam.

“Jasmine, I love you.” He said quietly.

Then, I blacked out again, and couldn’t hear anything further in the conversation.

The decision was fate. I just hope that fate had chosen the right decision. I guess I loved both Liam and Niall, but did I love them in the same way? No matter; I guess it was a fair way to choose. It was the only way to choose.

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