Chapter 55- Trusting Your Heart

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"It doesn't matter. I said it, and it's done, but I didn't mean it. I love you, Jasmine." Liam voiced.

I had to make a decision and I had to make it now. Who would I choose; Niall or Liam? Liam is so sweet, caring, and he loves me. But Niall loves me as well. He cares about me and thinks I’m beautiful no matter what I wear or whether I’m wearing makeup or not. They both treat me right.

Then I remembered something. Something extremely crucial to having a good relationship.


“Jasmine, I’m so sorry. I tried explaining everything until you ran off.” Liam apologized.

“Liam, I forgive you.” I stated.

“So... you’ll take me back?”

I looked over at Niall, who was staring at the ground with tears in his eyes.

I sighed. “You guys, I love you both, and you know that. But there’s something that I need to say.” I took a deep breath. “When we were at the hospital, I heard you guys telling me to squeeze one of your hands. That would be the person I chose, right?"

They both nodded.

"Well, I thought it was fate until now. I remembered that my head told me to squeeze my left hand, so I did. When I found out it was Liam, I thought it was what fate had wanted. But now I know; I should’ve gone with my heart. My heart was telling me my right hand.”

Niall looked up at me, with hope in his eyes. “Does that mean you’re choosing me?” Niall asked hopefully.

I gave a small nod.

Niall gave me a huge hug, and I hugged back.

When we pulled away from each other and I looked over at Liam.

He was standing there, looking away with a sad expression on his face.

I walked over towards him and gave him a hug, and he rested his chin on my head. “Liam, I still love you, but I love you like a friend. I just have to follow my heart. I’m sorry.”

“I know. I know you still love me. But you love Niall more. I understand.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, and we can still be friends; as if none of this had ever happened.”


“Yeah.” He wiped away a tear.

“Liam, you’re going to make one girl really happy one day. She’s gonna be really lucky. You’ll find someone. I know you will."

“Thanks, Jasmine.”

I pulled out of the hug and walked over towards Niall. I grabbed his hand and he kissed my knuckles. "Um, is Danielle still going to spread rumors?" I asked worriedly.

“No. Especially now that I’m not with you; she has no reason to. I gave her what she wanted.” Liam responded coldly.

“Good, because if she does, I swear, I will beat her senseless.” I said trying to break the tension, earning a laugh from Niall and Liam. “What's so funny?” I asked.

You’re gonna beat her senseless?” Liam asked with a smile smile playing on his features.

“Yup. With my fists of fury!” I confirmed, bringing up my fists.

“Ok, you keep telling yourself that.” Niall said, still chuckling.

“I will! You guys don’t think I can take on Danielle?”

“Well, she’s a lot older and a lot taller.” Liam voiced.

“So? I’m small, fast, flexible, and I bite.”

The guys laughed again.

“Yeah, she should really be threatened.” Niall said, kissing my head.

“She should." I sassed. speaking of sass, where's Louis? Actually where's everyone? "Hey, Niall. Where is everybody?"

“They went to go pick up Eleanor from the airport. She’s staying for a few days, before we go on tour.” Niall explained.

“Why didn’t you go?”

“I slept in.”

"Of course you did," I giggled, giving him a side hug.

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