Chapter 54- Rumors

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Niall and I immediately pulled away from each other.

“Niall, what are you doing?” Liam growled, stepping closer.

“Um, Liam, we were just…” Niall said, getting nervous.

“Just snogging Jasmine? Just like you snog all the other girls you see in the street?” Liam hissed.

Well that was harsh.

“I don’t snog all the other girls in the street,” Niall said, his voice getting deep with anger.

“Yeah? Because with the many times you’ve cheated on Jasmine, someone would think so.”

Niall stood up, face to face with Liam. “I know what I did was wrong. I would never hurt her like that again. I love her more than you will ever be able to know!” He said, yelling now.

“If you did, you wouldn’t have cheated on her in the first place! I know how it feels; Danielle cheated on me! And to make matters worse, she cheated on me with you! I thought you were my friend.” Liam shouted back.

“It’s not my fault. She came onto me!”

“Oh, I’m sure that's what happened.” Liam stated sarcastically.

“Well if she cheated on you, then why did you tell her you loved her today? Huh? Jasmine told me that you told Danielle exactly what you said to her. What was that all about?”

"You guys, don't argue, please." I tried speaking calmly, getting between them before things could get violent.

They didn’t even look at me. It’s as if I wasn’t even there.

I stood there awkwardly.

“You want to know what that was about?” Liam asked.

“More than anything,” Niall said, sarcastically.

“Danielle rang me and told me to tell her that I loved her, and to make her feel loved again.”

“Well why would you agree?”

“Because she said if I didn’t, she would make rumors up that I got her pregnant!”

There was a long pause.

I broke the silence. “Danielle isn’t pregnant, though.” I mumbled.

“Not yet. She’d get pregnant just to get even. She would do it so I’d come back to her, once the rumors start.” Liam explained.

I needed a moment to think.

"So she'd just have some random-ass guy's kid? All just so she could start rumors and to have you back?" I asked.

"Knowing Danielle, yes she would. She doesn't give up on anything, even if it means the worst."

"What kind of person would be so sick as to do that?"

"Danielle, apparently," Niall said.

"It doesn't matter. I said it, and it's done, but I didn't mean it. I love you, Jasmine." Liam voiced.

I had to make a decision and I had to make it now. Who would I choose; Niall or Liam? Liam is so sweet, caring, and he loves me. But Niall loves me as well. He cares about me and thinks I’m beautiful no matter what I wear or whether I’m wearing makeup or not. They both treat me right.

Then I remembered something. Something extremely crucial to having a good relationship.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! Thanks for reading, loves! xx ;)

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