Chapter 15- The Premiere

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We got back to the boys and immediately, my hair caught their attention. “What happened to your hair?” Louis gasped, trying to stifle a laugh.

Gaby handed me a pocket mirror and I saw that my hair was sticking up in all places.

“Selena Gomez happened." I grumbled.

"What?" Harry asked, bewildered.

"She got pissed at me because she thinks I'm dating Niall, and apparently, ‘Niall is hers’” I explained, using air quotes.

“She what? Really?” Niall asked in a surprised tone, raising his eyebrows and his eyes widening in shock.

“Yup. You should see it soon enough in magazines, though." I half joked. "Anyways, you guys can go inside and get our seats for the premier of the movie. Gaby, can you please help me fix my hair?” I asked.

“Sure,” they all said in unison.

Gaby took the bobby pins out and readjusted my hair to how it looked before it was roughhoused. “There you go,” Gaby said once she was done.

“Thank you so much.”

Then, someone rushed past us, pushing me back slightly. The person turned around to apologize.

“Sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” He said.

“You’re Josh Hutcherson.” I stated in disbelief, trying not to be obvious that I totally drool over him.

“Yeah." he commented. Then his eyes focused more on me. "Hey, aren't you that one girl with One Direction? I've seen you in magazines and on TV and stuff."

“Yeah. I’m Jasmine. Nice to meet you,” I said, outstretching my hand.

He took it firmly and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you too, but I have to go, sorry. Wouldn’t want to miss the premier of my own movie, would I?” he chuckled.

“No, I guess not. Bye, it was nice meeting you.”

"It was nice meeting you, too, Jasmine." He said, winking.

“Oh, my gosh. That was Josh Hutcherson. You were just having a conversation with him. And he winked at you!” Gaby squealed, running beside me.

“Yeah, kind of. Thanks for the recap.” I said giggling. "Where were you during all of this?"

"Oh, you know. I may or may not have been chatting up Alexander Ludwig."

"What? Do you realize that we're like living a dream right now?"

"Somebody pinch me," she said dazed.

I laughed. “Come on. Let’s go inside before the boys get too out of control.”

When we got to our seats, I sat on the end beside Niall. The boys were throwing popcorn at each other, except for Liam, who was trying to stop the chaos.

I just laughed and zoned into the movie as it was beginning. About half way into the film, I felt Niall’s head fall onto my shoulder. I just looked at him oddly. How could he be bored by this? I was fascinated. I even started tearing up as Maggie went into the wall of gas (If you've read the book, you'd know what I'm talking about).

When the movie was over, all of the boys were covered in popcorn. It was in their hair and clinging onto their clothes.

I laughed and woke up Niall beside me. “Niall, the movie’s over. Let’s go.” I whispered.

“Hello,” He said smiling up at me.

“Hi,” I said giggling, taking a piece of popcorn out of his hair and flicking it into the empty movie theater popcorn box.

“Let’s go guys. There's an after party!” Harry exclaimed, fist pumping in the air. He stood up from his seat and dragged Gaby downstairs.

“Ready?” I asked Niall.

He nodded and stood up, taking my hand.

“Let’s party!” Niall cheered.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter.

Also, I really love J-Hutch!!! He's so hot and he is amazing in the Hunger Games. Same goes for Liam Hemsworth and Alexander Ludwig! They're drool-worthy.

Coment, vote, and fan!

Kisses! XX   =]

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