Chapter 84- Austin

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I quickly got up from the bed and stood upright. “Austin, what are you doing here?” I snapped.

“I came to give you your bags. I knocked but there was no answer. I thought there was no one in here, so I was just going to drop off your things. I didn’t know they were yours. I didn’t even know you were here.” Austin explained.

“Wait, you work here?”

“Yeah, I have a summer job here. Most of the bellboys are off because it’s Sunday, so I’m helping, but I  usually clean the pools here. What are you doing in California?”

“Well, I’m with Niall. He’s from a band. You must’ve heard of them; One Direction. My cousin and I are touring with them, and Valeria and Libby might, too."

“One Direction; isn't that the band Jennifer’s obsessed with? And Valeria and Libby are here, too?”

“Yes, that’s them, and they’re not here yet, but they will be soon. What are you doing in California?” I asked, changing the subject around.

“Well, my dad lives here. You know, in Chicago I live with my mom, but I'm spending a few months with my dad, and I wanted a summer job.”

“Can someone please explain what’s going on?” Niall asked suddenly.

“I’m sorry, we’re being rude. This is Austin. He lives in Chicago and I know him because he’s in the 16-year-old division in my dance class.” I spoke. I paused before continuing. “And he’s… He’s…” I didn’t want to make this more awkward than it already was.

“I’m her ex boyfriend.” Austin voiced, getting straight to the point.

Niall’s eyes widened. “Boyfriend?” He asked.

Ex boyfriend.” I sneered, making sure to emphasize the ‘ex’.

“Yes, ex boyfriend.” Austin said, giving a small smirk.

This is super awkward. What am I supposed to say?!

Niall grabbed me protectively around my waist, holding me close.

“Well, it was nice to see you again, but we have things to do.” I hissed.

“Of course.” Austin grinned. “Bye, Jasmine. It was very good to see you.” He winked cheekily at me.

I gave him the evil eye and Niall gripped my waist tighter.

Austin left our room and I let out a big sigh.

“Ex boyfriend, huh?” Niall asked.

“Yes, we dated for 3 months, and that was before I found out he was cheating on me. I’m positive, it’s over now.” I said, kind of panicking.

“It’s ok, Jasmine. Calm down. It was the past, and- wait. He cheated on you?” he asked, clenching his jaw.

I nodded slowly, reliving the painful memories.

“Who did he cheat on you with?"

“A girl at my school. Her name is Jennifer and we were actually good friends. Or at least I thought we were. I went over to his house one day when he claimed he was sick, and I saw him kissing her. Now I know that he’s just a player.”

"That bastard!"

“Niall, it’s fine. It was the past.” I said, smiling.

“He wasted 3 months of your life. I know I’ve cheated but I didn’t waste 3 months, and I regret doing it.”

“Niall, say it with me.” I gave a small smile.

“It was the past.” We said together, Niall sighing, me giggling.

“Good, now I’m with you, and it’s all that matters. Austin will not be a bother to us.” I stated.

I hope.

“Are you sure?”

I gulped hard. “Yeah, I’m positive.”

But if I knew Austin, he doesn’t let anything go, and he is one cheeky guy. He's such a flirt and thinks he can get any girl he wants.

Well, he’s not making me fall for his tricks again.

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