Chapter 86- Perfectly Imperfect

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As soon as we pulled away, Niall buried his face in my hair, wrapping his arms protectively around me.

“I don’t want to lose you.” He whispered into my ear.

“You won’t lose me. There’s no reason for me to leave, and there’s no way you’re leaving me without a fight.” I giggled, even though I was completely serious.

“You won’t have to put up a fight, because I am never letting you go. That’s a promise.”

I pulled away from him so I could look into his eyes.

“Well, here’s my promise.” I leaned in and kissed him passionately. This kiss was different than one I’ve ever shared with Niall. It felt as if this would be our last kiss. I kissed him as if I would never see him again; long and just... indescribable.

It was an amazing feeling, to have him in my arms, knowing that he’s mine.

I gently raked my fingers through his hair, and he smiled into the kiss. I slowly ran my fingertips down his arm, and I felt him shiver.  I brought my hands back up his arm and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He grabbed me by my waist and brought me closer to him, pulling me against his chest. He leaned back on the lawn chair and brought me back with him. All my weight was on Niall, but his kiss was still so gentle and soft.

I finally pulled my head back and dug my face in the crook of his neck.

“I like your promise better.” He smiled.

I laughed at his goofy grin and looked him in the eyes.

He continued smiling cheekily, and his eyes seemed to glitter in the moonlight.

“I knew you would.” I whispered.

“You know me so well.”

I giggled. “Yeah, maybe a little too well.”

“No, you know me better than any other person I've ever met; even the boys don’t know things that you do, and you’re not clingy or over-protective. I love that about you. You’re just perfect.”

I blushed a bright crimson color. “Nobody’s perfect.” (Like Miley Cyrus/Hanna Montana says!)

“In my eyes, you’re perfect. You may not be perfect in your eyes, but you are in mine. You have flaws, but they're all perfect. Even your habbits are adorable; like when you scrunch your nose up when you’re mad.”

“Do I really do that?”

“Yes, you do.”

“That’s so weird.”

“No, it’s perfect."

“You know what’s perfect is when you laugh and you turn bright red.”

“Speaking of turning bright red, it’s also cute when you blush whenever we kiss.”

“Well, I can’t help it. Your eyes make me melt, and then when you kiss me, I just feel like putty at your fingertips." I blushed even more.

“Don't even get me started on your eyes," he began. "When you're angry or sad, they're brown. When you're happy, they're this beautiful green color. And when you're frustrated, they're a blue with gray. Your eyes are gorgeous."

“So are yours," I grinned widely, "and the way that you’re protective over me is adorable.”

"Princess, it's my job to be protective over you. I wouldn't let anybody hurt you for the life of me." He held me tightly in his muscular arms, snaking his arms around me.

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