Chapter 32- Runaway

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I started running down the stairs and heard Niall yelling out to me.

“Jasmine, wait!” He shouted.

I kept running. Finally, I got to the lower level and I ran outside, kicking off my heels so I could sprint down the empty, dark streets. I didn’t know where I was going but I still ran. Then, I reached the park. I stopped running and sat down against a tree trunk, with only the light of the moon shining down on me. I sat in the dirt, and I didn’t care if my dress got dirty; my makeup was most likely a mess now anyways.

How could Niall have cheated on me again? I trusted him, but I guess I was wrong to. And Danielle too; Liam must be heartbroken. I guess Niall and I weren’t meant for each other. Why did I think Niall would ever like me as much as I liked him? He could have anyone; someone like Danielle. Thoughts kept flashing through my mind, and I couldn’t stop crying no matter how hard I tried. At least no one can see me crying, so I might as well let it all out while I can.

Niall’s P.O.V.

I ran down the stairs trying to catch up with Jasmine, but she’s faster than I am, her small body holding an unbelievable amount of energy.

I saw her run outside and kick off her heels so she could run faster, but I don’t know where she was going. Tears started welling in my eyes when I realized she had too much of a distance on me and I would never catch up to her on foot. I took the elevator upstairs and I barged into the living room.

“You guys,” I started, “Jasmine ran away. I don’t know where she went. She ran downstairs and went outside. I have no idea where she could’ve gone.”

“What did you do?” Gaby demanded, immediately coming face to face with me. Choler filled her eyes and venom filled her words.

“I-I,” I stuttered.

“What. Did. You. Do?” Gaby said in a firmer voice. I’ve never seen her so angry.

“I was setting up our date and Danielle came up to the roof with me. She asked me if I needed any help so I said sure. She started getting kind of close but I thought she was just being friendly. Next thing I know, she kissed me!” I said hurriedly.


“I tried pushing her away but she had a really good grip on my waist and I couldn’t get away.”

“How do I know you aren’t lying? How can I tell that you didn’t kiss Danielle yourself?” She asked me, and I realized that she sounded a lot like Jasmine, which stung even more.

“Please! You have to believe me.” I said, my voice shaking.

“I’m not going to believe anything until I talk to you, Danielle, and Jasmine together. But now, we have to find Jasmine.” We ran downstairs and started piling up into numerous cars.

“Gaby and I will drive west.” Harry announced. “Liam and Zayn, go south. Louis, go east. Niall, you go north.”

I didn't bother grabbing my car keys, so I started sprinting north and looking everywhere. “Jasmine!” I called out. “Jasmine!” I cried frantically. It was really hard to see anything because it was pretty dark out; it was already a little after 9. I decided to try and call her. The phone rang four times and it went to her voicemail.

"Hey! This is Jasmine! I'm either busy right now or just too lazy to pick up my phone. But leave a message and I'll call you back soon! Bye!" the voicemail said.

"Jasmine, please answer your phone, baby. It wasn't my fault. I have so much to say to you," I left a message.

Then, I started running into the park and started searching again. “Jasmine!” I shouted for her.

Then, I saw her standing near a tree, but there was a large figure hovering over her. I immediately ran over to her. “Jasmine,” I started yelling, but she was too far away to hear me.

She looked up desperately, searching for the familiar voice, but looked down just as quickly.

Jasmine's P.O.V.

The guy took a step closer to me and kneeled down beside me, stroking my face. "C'mon, baby, I can make you feel better," I heard him say evilly. "I can make you feel more than whoever hurt you."

"Please don't touch me," I begged, swatting away his hand.

"Oh, man, we got ourselves a feisty one tonight."

I looked up at his face, and he looked to be no more than 20 or 25.

As he walked closer to me, I continued stepping back, but I eventually was trapped against the tree. I squeezed my eyes shut, just wishing I could disappear.

The guy took a few steps closer, pressing his body firmly against mine.

I tried pushing at his chest, but he grabbed hold of my wrists. I could smell alcohol and smoke in his breath, and I had to try not to gag.

He slowly let go of my wrists and placed his hands on my waist, holding me in place. Then, he started grinding his hips into mine.

More tears escaped my eyes, but now they weren't because of Niall; they were because I was scared. I felt something hard press against my thigh.

"You feel that, baby? That's all for you."

I whimpered.

"Don't worry, you'll get more of it soon." He slowly pushed the sleeve of my dress down, revealing more of my neck. He started kissing it, and he ran his slimy tongue over a certain spot. He playfully nibbled on it, but then became rough and broke through the sensitive skin. Blood rose to the surface and I shook with fear.

Will nobody stop this? Does nobody see this? I thought, my eyes scanning the empty park. "Please leave me alone," I gulped, but I felt so weak and I couldn't even stand. I leaned against the tree, but the guy lifted me up, making sure I was standing.

Then, I felt the weight of the man being lifted off of my body. I sank down to my knees and my hand flew up to the spot that the guy was sucking. I winced in pain as I felt a rough spot on my neck.

I looked around, dazed, to see what made the man move so suddenly.

There, the man lie on the grass, hand on his stomach and knees to his chest, as someone continuously kicked his gut.

I looked up at the person's face and saw the familiar features of none other than Niall. "Ni-" I croaked, but I felt so broken. My chest was wheezing, feeling like I was having an asthma attack.

Blood trickled down the man's face and arms as Niall straddled the him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Niall punched multiple times and pounded into his face.

"Stop," I sighed breathlessly. "You're killing him," I spoke slowly. I tried standing up, but just ended up falling down again. "Niall, stop!" I tried to scream, but it came out scratchy. Finally, I decided to crawl towards the two, and right as Niall's fist was in the air, I grabbed him by his muscular arm.

Niall looked right into my hazy eyes.

"Stop," I tried speaking again. "Don't kill him. He may be a criminal, but I don't want you to be, too. Don't kill him," I begged.

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