Chapter 94- No One's Fault

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“I’m positive; I’d be happy to stay here with you.”

I softly nodded my head in response.

He nodded along. “I’m gonna go to the cafeteria really quick; I haven’t eaten anything in 12 hours. That must be a record or something.” He said, earning a giggle from me.

“Ok, Niall.”

“Do you want anything?”

I shook my head no.

Then, he left the room, heading for the food court.

As soon as he left, another body came into my room, but it wasn't somebody I was hoping to see.


My eyes nearly popped out of my head as Austin stepped into the room.

He had no business here... and what's up with the bandages on his nose? Was it broken? Well, if it is, he deserves it, big time. He shouldn’t have cheated on me, and I bet I wasn’t the only one he’s cheated on.

“What are you doing here?” I asked bitterly. “And what the hell happened to your nose?”

He scoffed. “Why don’t you ask your boyfriend.” He answered with a sort of growl.

“Niall did that?” I questioned, very surprised, yet happy at the same time.

He curtly nodded, giving me a glare.

“Well, he must’ve had a good reason.” I continued.

“Not really, I mean, I didn’t do anything.”

“Oh, yeah, I’m sure you didn't.” I said sarcastically.

He didn't say anything for a moment. “Jasmine,” He whispered. “I want you back.”

My jaw dropped to the floor, I'm sure. Then, I cleared my throat. “Well, you had your chance, and now I’m with Niall.” I stated firmly, looking him straight in the eyes with my mouth in a straight line, showing no emotions whatsoever.

“Jasmine, I know I cheated and I blew my chances, but cheating was the worst mistake I’ve ever made. I’m so sorry.”

“It wasn’t a mistake. It was a decision.” I snapped at him.

“Well, it was the wrong decision, and I’ll never do it again. (A/N: Déjà vu?  Yeah.)

“Even if you didn’t ever cheat on me again, I have Niall. He’s all I need, and he's all I'll ever need. I don’t need you in my life. It’s already dramatic enough.”

“That’s the thing: with Niall, you got hurt and people hate you for no reason.”

“Shut up, Austin.” I clenched my jaw tightly.

“No, if you were with me, it’d be as easy as breathing.”

“Austin, stop!” I yelled.

“Jasmine, chill out.”

I lowered my voice. “Austin, you're never getting me back. There's no decision to be made; it's over. We're over."

“Just give me a chance.”

“Why should I? I’m happier with Niall than I ever was with you, and our relationship is none of your business.”

“You should give me a chance because...” He trailed off.

“Because what?” I spat.

Before I could even get a chance to think, his lips were crashed onto mine.

Unlike Niall’s kiss, this was forced and it actually kind of hurt.

I tried pushing him away from me, but he was too strong and I was still weak from the surgery and all that’s happened.

“Austin, get away.” I said against his rough lips.

Finally, he did, smirking to himself.

“You had no right to do that.” I barked at him, ready to punch him in the face to give him two black eyes to match his broken nose.

“You enjoyed it, though, didn’t you?”

“Are you insane? No! I love Niall! I even tried pushing you away. Don’t ever kiss me again!” I screamed.

At that exact moment, Niall came back with a plate of cheeseburgers and chicken strips from the cafeteria. His smile fell as he saw Austin standing near me.

“You kissed her?” Niall growled, which was appointed to Austin. He must've heard me say that.

“Yeah, and she liked it." Austin smiled evilly.

"Bullshit!" I yelled.

Niall set his food down on a nearby table.

“Well, you can say goodbye to your life.”

“I’m sorry?  You already took Jasmine away from me, and you broke my nose.”

“You said you didn’t regret cheating on her! She was probably gutted when you did that to her. You’re arrogant and stupid!”

“Oh, I’m stupid? How stupid does someone have to be to let someone else shoot your girlfriend?” Austin grumbled.

“That wasn’t his fault!” I interrupted.

“Then whose fault is it?”

“The fans can get pretty psychotic. It’s no one’s fault except that girl who shot me.”

“No matter whose fault it is, I’d be better for you.”

“Well, that’s not your decision to make, now is it? Even if I did have to choose someone, I'd choose Niall in a heartbeat. I'd choose a hobo off the street, as long as I didn't have to go back to you, Austin."

Austin scoffed, and a small smile crept onto Niall’s face.

“Whatever, there’s bound to be a young nurse or something here that’s hot. There are tons of girls here in California, plus girls lining up to date me back in Illinois.” Austin scowled.

“Then what are you still doing here? Leave.” I snarled.

He eventually made his way to the door, but before he left, he looked back at me, as if there was hope that I'd take him back.

I smiled and waved him off.

There was an angry glare in his eyes as he turned around and left.

“Well, I’m glad he’s out of our life.” Niall said.

“Oh, me too, trust me. I’ve known him for about 3 years. I’ve had quite enough of him.”

He grinned, kissing me on the cheek, and then he started eating a cheeseburger.

“You want one?” He asked me, pointing to his plateful of cheeseburgers. Niall offering me food meant something special, as stupid as it sounds, seeing as he never shares his food with anybody.

I shook my head. “No thanks, I can’t eat anything unless the doctors give it to me or tell me I can eat something.”

He gave me a sympathetic look. I know he’d hate to go without food.

What I really want is to get out of this bloody hospital!

Oh wait, did I just say 'bloody'? I’ve been spending too much time with the boys.

A/N: Look at the picture at the right to see how Austin AKA Austin Mahone looks in the story. I know he really isn't mean or bad in real life. I've met him, and he's actually really nice and he's such a sweetheart. So no hate please!! Byeeee I hope you enjoy the story! xx

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