Chapter 88- #PrayForJasmine

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Niall's P.O.V

I heard a loud shot that sounded like fireworks from behind me. I quickly turned around and saw a girl of about 18 years old hovering over Jasmine, who was on the ground.

"Security!" Libby yelled in a panicked voice.

Four security guards hurried to the scene.

One of them handcuffed the girl as she hesitantly dropped her gun.

Wait... gun. Gun?!

It took a second for me to process everything and put the pieces together.

Jasmine was lying on the ground, motionless. She had been shot.

I ran over to her and picked her up off the ground.

Jasmine was clutching onto her side. As soon as she removed her hand, I saw blood seeping through her white shirt.

"Someone call an ambulance!" I yelled frantically.

Her face was drained of all color and she has tears in her eyes.

"I'll be fine, Niall." She whispered, probably because that's the loudest she could manage.

"You're right. You'll get into the ambulance and they'll make you better."


As the ambulance finally arrived and the paramedics lifted her onto the gurney, I felt tears running down my face.

"Can I come with her?" I asked the paramedic. I wasn't taking no for an answer. "I'm her boyfriend." I said, hoping it'd persuade them.

"Sure, I think we have room for you in the back." One man said.

I kept my grip on Jasmine's hand as they carried her into the ambulance.

Her grip loosened a bit and I began to panic.

"What happened? She let go of my hand!" I practically screamed.

"She blacked out. Sir, I need you to stand back. We'll do all we can to save her." A paramedic stated.

I backed away from Jasmine, and the paramedics tied a band around her torso.

"She's losing a lot of blood!" One declared.

"Here," another responded, handing the first one gauze.

They wrapped her torso in gauze and bandages. Another one hooked her up to a machine and put a breathing mask on her.

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally arrived at the hospital.

They rushed her in and immediately pushed her gurney into a room, bringing the machine she was hooked up to along with them.

A woman came up to me and tried stopping me from going inside.

"I'm sorry sir, you can't go in there. They're about to do surgery on her." The nurse informed me.

I let more tears fall out of my eyes. "Yes, I understand. When will I be able to see her?" I asked quietly.

"Well, if she makes it through the surgery and nothing goes wrong, she'll probably-"

I cut her off. "Wait, 'if' she makes it through? You mean she could not make it?"

"Well, anything can happen, but don't worry, nothing will. They'll do their best to get the bullet out of her. From the x-rays they took in the ambulance, it looks like it's near her ribcage. So they should be able to get it out without anything going wrong."

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