Chapter 18- Oops.

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We were coming home from the park and for some reason; I kept thinking about how Niall called me beautiful. Immediately, I told myself to stop thinking about it. Niall and I were just friends. I've had friends tell me I'm pretty before; but pretty and beautiful are two completely different things to a girl. Still, I don't think he didn’t likes me in that way at all, but the thought just wouldn’t leave my head.

No, Jasmine! Strictly friends!

I pulled Gaby into my room right when we got inside the apartment- er- flat.

“Gaby, I have a major problem.” I whispered so nobody would hear through the closed door.

“What is it, Jasmine?” Gaby asked with a worried expression on her face.

“I think... I have feelings for Niall.” I hesitated. "Obviously, being my cousin, I wanted to tell you first. Well, the fact that you're my cousin and the only other people in the house are guys."

She had a shocked look. She sat down on my bed, staring off into space. “Oh. My. God.”

“I know he doesn’t like me back, but I can’t push the thought out of my mind.” I felt like crying. What was I going to do? I think I liked him, but I can’t even compare to a lot of the other girls that Niall could be dating.

“Did he tell you that he only liked you as a friend?”

“Not exactly, but he might as well have. But why would he like me? He can have any girl in the world. I’d be his last resort.”

“Jasmine, you’re beautiful; inside and out. Any guy would be lucky to have you, even if Niall isn't that guy.”

“But I'm not even worth his time.”

“Jasmine," she sighed, "I’ll find out if he likes you or not, ok? Just give me a few days.”

I nodded my head. “Thank you Gaby,” I said giving her a huge hug.

“You’re welcome. Now let’s get back to the boys.”

We went downstairs to see the boys watching a movie.

“Hi. What are you watching?” I asked, sitting down next to Zayn, as if nothing had happened at all.

“Spiderman,” He said.

A short while into the movie, I got up and went into the kitchen. I'm sure the guys wouldn't mind if I had a small snack. I opened up the fridge and saw some baby carrots in there. I grabbed them and went back to the living room.

Louis saw me eating the carrots and paused the movie. “Jasmine, give me the carrots and no one gets hurt.” He said playfully.

“What are you gonna do, Tomlinson? Sass me?” I said eating another carrot.

The boys laughed. Louis stood up and came towards me. "I may have sass, but I also have ass."

Niall stood behind Louis, signaling me to throw the carrots to him.

Right before Louis grabbed them from my hands, I threw them to Niall.

“Hey, no fair!” Louis complained.

“Life’s not fair, honey. So much for your 'sass and ass'.” I stated, making everyone laugh again.

Louis groaned and started running towards Niall.

Niall threw the carrots back at me, and then I threw them to Harry.

“Boo bear! Thank you for helpin,” Louis said gratefully, about to take the carrots from Harry's hand.

To Louis' surprise, Harry threw them back to me.

“Boo bear! I’m surprised at you!” Louis said dramatically. Then, Louis ran at me, full force. He picked me up and spun me around. He lifted me onto his shoulders and everyone else surrounded him, trying to get me down. Then, Louis tripped on a pillow on the floor and we all fell down. It hurt really badly.

I fell on top of Louis, Zayn fell on top of me, and everyone else fell on top of Zayn. It was like a domino effect.

Then, I felt a pair of lips being forced onto mine. That hurt even worse than the fall. I closed my eyes, flinching in pain. Then, I opened my eyes to see that the pair of lips belonged to Niall.

We all got up and I touched my lip; it was busted open and blood was slowly dripping from my lips to my chin..

“I’m so sorry, Jasmine. I didn’t mean to do that.” Niall said coming to me and looking at my blood-red lips.

I went into the bathroom to inspect the injury. Blood flowed down at a steady pace.

Niall came to the bathroom, wanting to help. He wiped the blood up with a wipe and kissed my temple.

“I really am sorry,” he guiltily said, looking at his feet.

“It’s fine, just not what I expected for my first kiss.” I mumbled.

He looked up in shock. “First kiss?”

I nodded my head, sheepishly.

“Well then, let’s pretend it never happened, OK?”

I nodded my head again and hugged him. I’d gladly forget that happened. Even if I liked Niall, that was not my ideal first kiss.

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