IMPORTANT Author's Note

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HELLO fellow earthlings... and some aliens! Soooooooo um, I'm going to be putting up a new fan fiction! It's gonna be a Louis Tomlinson story, but I don't have a name for it! If you have any suggestions, please tell me! It won't be anything like this story, though.


HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP HOLY NUTTY MONKEYS OF SANTA CLAUS!!!!!! AAAAAAH!!!!! Who heard One Direction's new song, Little Things?

I memorized the lyrics in less than an hour!!! Bazinga!

It's a beautiful song with a beautiful meaning, and it's sung my five beautiful guys. Everything's just beautiful. I'm so proud of my boys. :)

When I heard it the first time, I ran around the house screaming... Totally awkward when my dad asks me what happened. o_O

If you haven't listened to it already, or if you just want to listen to it again, the lyric video is on the side here! I can't wait for the actual video to come out!

Ah!!! I can't calm down!!! Oh my fried bananas!! Listen to it!!!!!! Please?!?!?! If you do, I'll love you forever!!!

Words can't describe how amazing it is.

Not even some gigantic word like flabbergast can describe it!!! My feelings are so mixed!

I'm beyond happy about how far they've come and how talented and awesome they are. At the same time, though, I'm sad that they're not the same idiots that were sitting on the bottom of the stairs in the X Factor house, doing video diaries!!

I'm mostly happy, though, also because the song is very meaningful.

In all seriousness, (I know, you're probably thinking, 'Jasmine's being serious?!' Yes, I am) you should listen to it. Not only because they're amazing and because I love them, but because the song is made for an insecure girl. Listen to it because it's made to make all those little things that make you insecure go away.

Now, back to regular, not-so-serious Jasmine!

Thanks for reading and please vote, comment, and fan!!!

Now, don't forget:

Read and follow my updates and chapters

One Direction is amazing

Listen to this song!!!

Stay in school

Don't do drugs


OMG! Also, did you guys hear that Niall's on crutches? I read that he got attacked by a squirrel and it tore all his ligaments. My poor babes! See the side picture... and Liam's like bald. He said he did it for charity, so I'm super proud. He still looks hot, it's just different. I love them anyways!!

Now, I'm matching with Niall because I just got braces today, which is why I'm not in school at the moment.

And who saw the new Pepsi commercial with One Direction?! Aaaah! I freaked! It's so cute!!! Check it out, it's actually kind of funny. 

And for some reason, I keep singing "Narwals on steroids"... yeeeaaah. I don't know what's going on with my mind. Maybe when they put my braces on, they gave me wack-o gas or something. 


Thanks for listening to me rambling on and on and on... unless you left already and I'm talking to no one... how weird would that be?! Sorry for disturbing your reading. Comment, vote, and fan!!! Gooooooooodbye!

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