Chapter 81- What Went Wrong

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We got out of the bathroom and he took me back to the room Niall and I would be sleeping in. I sat down on the bed, and Zayn sat next to me.

“If I still wanted to be skinny, would you let me do it in a healthier way?” I asked, scared of his answer.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“I mean, if I still wanted to be skinnier, would it be ok if I lost weight by doing something healthier? Like eating healthier and exercising?”

He sighed. “Jasmine, you’re already skinny enough, but if that’s how you really feel, then yes. But there will be no throwing up or starving yourself. Only healthy dieting, and only when necessary.” He demanded..

“Fair enough. Thanks again, Zayn.”                   

“No problem, love. I just didn’t want to see you hurting yourself.”

“I know, and I’ll try really hard not to do it anymore. It’s just that the fans get so… It’s hard to explain.” I sighed, trying to find the right words to say. I know how they can be because I was/am one.

“I know. The fans get really judgmental and they send hate to our girlfriends all the time. We wish we could stop it. We just can’t. It’s not fair, but it comes with being famous. That’s why Perrie and I broke up a while ago; it didn’t quite work out.”

This is the first I’ve heard of him talking about Perrie. I knew they broke up, but I didn’t exactly know why.


"The fans hated her, and one day, she finally cracked. She told me she had enough and that she couldn’t take it anymore. I got over her, of course, but it just gets me upset that the 'fans' are the reason why we ended it.”

“It’s really terrible that it had to be like that. I’m sorry.” I said, grabbing his hand, comfortingly. "Some fans just take it way too far, but not all of them are like that. I know, because I am one." I smiled genuinely.

“It’s ok. I just hope Libby doesn’t take it all to heart and end it like Perrie did. That is, if Libby and I get any farther than just friends.”

“You two are totally going to be more than ‘just friends’. Haven’t you asked her to be your girlfriend yet?”

“Not yet, I’m afraid she’ll say no.” He said, sheepishly.

“Well, I know she’d say yes. Take the chance and ask her to be yours! Before we met you, she would always talk about you at dance. She’d be all ‘Zayn got a new tattoo’; ‘Zayn dyed his bangs’, ‘Zayn, Zayn, Zayn’!”

He chuckled. “Well then maybe I’ll ask her when we see her at our next stop.” He smiled widely.

“Good boy.” I stated, patting his hand.

He chuckled again. “You’re sure she likes me?”

“I'm positive, I have never been surer of anything!”

“Ok, then I’ll ask her to be my girlfriend at our next stop.” he repeated, more affirmatively this time, though. 

“Yay!” I squealed. “By the way, when is our next stop?”

“We should be there within the next half an hour or so.”

“Awesome! Your show’s going to be great!”

“I hope so. You’re coming, right?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t I? I love your concerts, they’re so much fun!”

My phone buzzed; I got a new tweet. I read it and it said:

@Jasmine_Dreams is the strongest person I know. Never underestimate her. I’m so proud to call her my girlfriend. xx Love you babe!

It was sent from Niall’s account and I felt my cheeks go hot.

Gosh, I love that boy with all I have.

A/N: Hi readers! So I don't really know what to call the sleeping areas in a tour bus, so I called them sleeping rooms or I will also refer to them as (i.e.) [Niall and my] room. I just wanted to let you know, because if you don't understand my kooky self, then there's a picture of One Direction's actual tour bus at the right, and there are some pics of te beds an stuff. Anyways, enjoy the story! Vote, comment, and fan! Byeee

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