Chapter 57- Getting to Know Each Other

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We set our shopping bags down on my dresser and sat on my bed.

“So, you guys. Tell me; what’s your favorite thing about your boyfriend?” Eleanor asked.

“Well, Harry’s really sweet and knows how to treat me. He acts like he doesn’t care but really, he’s just a big softy.” Gaby said smiling, and kind of dazed. “What about you, Jasmine? What've you got to say about Niall?”

“Niall isn’t afraid to be himself around me. He’s sensitive, sweet, funny, romantic, cute; the whole pakage. He isn’t ashamed to be seen with me, no matter how embarrassing I can be, and trust me, I can be very embarrassing." We all laughed. "He just plays along, and he treats me like I’m a princess.” I said, speaking the truth. I imagined being in the happiest place in the world; Niall's arms. “Eleanor, what’s your favorite thing about Louis?”

“He’s so funny and we’re so compatible with each other. He’s with me every second possible and treats me the way a girl should be treated. I love him with all my heart.” She said.

After continuous talking and gossip, we did each other’s nails and hair. We talked more about our boyfriend’s personalities and really got to know each other. We tried on our new outfits and took a bunch of pictures to put on Instagram and Twitter. We also sent in our 'Ellen’s Dance Dare' video after editing it with music.

Soon, I put on my pajamas, which I bought thinking about Liam and Niall, and how they told me that I couldn't take on Danielle in a fight. (Picture at the right)

We went downstairs to watch Night at the Museum with the guys.

Once Niall and Liam saw my pajamas, they started smiling.

“What’s with the smiles?” Zayn asked.

“Jasmine’s pajamas,” Liam answered.

“What about them?” Harry asked.

“Yesterday, we were talking about Danielle.” Liam started.

“Yeah,” Zayn said, urging Liam to continue.

“Well, Jasmine was saying that she would beat Danielle senseless if she spread the rumors I told you about. Niall and I thought she couldn’t. So she set out to find pajamas, indicating that she can take on Danielle.” He finished.

“Yeah, she said she’d beat Danielle with her ‘fists of fury’… and because she bites.” Niall said. They all laughed.

"You're about as scary as a baby bunny." Louis piped in.

I pouted. "Baby bunnies can be scary. I had one and it peed on me. That was pretty scary."

Everyone laughed at me.

“Jasmine isn’t afraid to fight, though. One time, a guy liked Jasmine, but he had a girlfriend. His girlfriend was really pissed at Jasmine, because she thought they had a 'thing'" Gaby said, using air quotes.

“So what happened?” Louis asked.

“When Jasmine was supposed to meet her in the schoolyard one day, Jasmine punched her in the face and broke her nose.”

“No way,” Harry said.

“Yup, and she didn’t even bite her. Although one time, when her and her dad were play wrestling outside, Jasmine bit him really hard... but that’s a whole different story.”

“I will never look at you the same way again.” Louis said.

“Wow, you really are ‘one tough cookie’.” Niall whispered in my ear, reading off my pajama shirt.

“Well, that girl was a slut and she was going to try to hurt me anyways, so I beat her to the chase.” I whispered back, smiling widely.

“I love you, babe. You may be as scary as a baby bunny, but you're my feisty bunny."

I pecked his lips. “I love you, too, Niall.” I watched the movie for a while, cuddled up to Niall.

His arm was wrapped protectively around my torso and my head was resting on his muscular shoulder. He kissed my temple, and I knew this was how things were supposed to be.

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