Chapter 90- Unconsciousness

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Jasmine's P.O.V.

When I went unconscious, all I saw was blackness. All I heard, once again, was my heart beating in my chest. All I felt was the pain of my injured flesh near my ribcage where the bullet had gone through.

Will they ever get it out of me? Will I make it through alive? Why does everyone hate me so much; so much, in fact, that it'd cause them to shoot me? I never did anything to them.

Then, without even opening my eyes, I saw a bright, white light. I was up and out of the hospital

Gaby, Harry, Liam, Louis, Valeria, Libby, Zayn, and Niall were all there with me. We were on a huge, luxurious boat. It was so basic, but there was something about it that made it feel... Special.

We were riding in the ocean; the water was bluer than I've ever seen it before. It looked almost unreal.

There were dolphins swimming and jumping alongside the boat. I squatted down and reached my hand out and felt the wet, smooth skin of one of them. Another dolphin nuzzled my hand and I let out a small laugh.

The laugh echoed in my head, like I would never laugh again. I stood upright, then, and turned around.

Niall was there, smiling down at me.

I smiled up at him as he wrapped his strong arms around my waist.

He leaned down and kissed me softly, then pulled away slowly. He let go of my waist. Then, out of nowhere, he went and suddenly dove into the water.

"Niall?" I questioned worriedly, not seeing him come back up.

My words echoed through my head.

"Jasmine, come here." Louis called for me.

Hesitantly, I went over to him and he led me downstairs, onto the lower deck.

There, through a porthole, I saw Niall smiling at me under the water.

He held up a sign at me, but I couldn't read it.

Wait... Haven't I seen this before?

Déjà vu.

Just like that, all the blackness from before came back.

It was all just a dream, but I felt like I've had this dream before.

Did it mean something?

Then, I started panicking, but I didn't open my eyes. I was still unconscious.

Why could no one hear me?

Again, all I saw was blackness. All I felt was the pain of my ribcage. But this time, something was missing...

Where was my heartbeat?

A/N: What do you think? Again, sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted a cliffhanger.

The new chapter should be up soon. But please, comment, vote, and fan. xx

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