Chapter 22- This Could Get Ugly

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Niall stormed out of the room. His footsteps could be heard stomping down the hallway.

I got out from under the bed and went out the door, chasing after him.

“Liam!” I heard Niall yell out in anger.

I ran towards where they were.

Niall had pushed Liam against the wall. He had his arm against Liam’s chest, trapping him there.

“Niall, please. Stop!” I screamed, tears forming at the rims of my eyes. He was truly scaring me.

“Jasmine! This is between Liam and me,” He hissed at me.

“Hey, what’s going on here?” Zayn asked, with everyone else at his heels.

“This is none of your business!” Niall yelled out. Then, he made a fist and brought it up in the air, ready to punch Liam.

Louis quickly grabbed hold of Niall’s hand and tried pulling him away from Liam before he could throw a punch.

"Ass-hole! You kissed Jasmine!" Niall's voice boomed throughout the house.

“What’s the big deal? I kissed her before you guys were even dating!” Liam yelled. “You wanna try to punch me for some stupid reason? Well here; I’m wide open!” He said.

Niall tried coming after Liam, but Zayn and Louis held him back while Harry held Liam back.

“Why did you kiss her?” Niall demanded.

“She was nervous about kissing you!” Liam scowled. “Why does it matter? You weren’t even dating then!”

“It matters because I wanted to be her first kiss!” Niall said, breaking free from Louis and Zayn.

By now, I was crying and hot tears rolled down my face, non-stop.

Gaby tried comforting me by hugging me and telling me everything would be alright.

“I’m sorry, mate. I was only trying to help her. She was nervous about kissing you because she had never kissed anyone before.” Liam said, his expression softening. “Mates?” he asked, sticking out his hand.

Niall's face was still contorted, but he eventually looked over at my hysterical state, and his face went back to normal. “I’m sorry, Liam. I guess I was overreacting. I just couldn't stand the thought of someone kissing Jasmine because she's my girlfriend, and I care for her. Mates,” Niall said, taking Liam’s hand.

Niall looked over at me.

I was a wreck by that time.

He came over to me and hugged me.

I buried my face in his chest.

Everyone else evacuated the scene to give us some time to talk.

“I’m sorry you had to see that, babe. I was just jealous. I wanted to be your first kiss because I know you’ve never had one. Could you forgive me?” He said.

I saw regret and hope swimming in his big blue eyes. They looked sad and they were starting to get watery. I nodded my head, tears still streaming down my face. “Niall?” I asked, putting my head back against his chest.

“Yes, love?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about this earlier. It would’ve been the right thing to do. I just didn't want you to be mad.”

“Jasmine, don’t be sorry. You didn’t know I would overreact. I’m sorry for becoming so jealous and flipping out. Especially in front of you.” He kissed the top of my head.

“It’s okay, Niall.” I whispered, so he had to strain to hear.

I’m just glad they made up before it got too ugly. Now I know how much Niall cared about our relationship. It means a lot to me.

A/N: What do you think will happen next? There will be lots of drama and sweet moments from here on out. Thanks for reading!

Bye, lovelies!     XX   ;)

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