Chapter 14- Red Carpet Event

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 I headed to the bathroom where I started getting ready. I knew I was going to the Red Carpet event so I bought a gorgeous dress for the occasion (external link).

I got out of the bathroom as Gaby came out of another room in her dress.

“Wow,” she gasped. “You look amazing!” she said.

I looked at her in awe. “Not as good as you. Should we show the boys?” I asked.

Gaby nodded.

We made our way downstairs, and we saw the boys dressed in their tuxes.

“You guys clean up good,” I said, making them turn around.

Their jaws dropped. “You look great.” Niall said, astonished.

“Thanks. You do too,” I said.

“Shall we go, then?” he asked with a playful smile on his face.

“We shall.” I said, returning his grin.

When we got into the limo, it took us about 20 minutes to get to the event. All you could hear were screams and talking. All you could see was paparazzi and their flashing cameras.

We got out, Gaby was holding Harry’s hand, and I was holding Niall’s. We heard paparazzi’s questions and the click of cameras.

“Niall, is this your new girlfriend?”, “How long have you been dating, Niall?” and plenty of other questions like these. Finally, Niall answered them.

“We’re not dating. We’re just really good friends. Thank you for your time.” He said nothing more, but walked away with me right beside him.

We caught up with the other boys and I asked Gaby, “Gaby, this is a Catching Fire premiere. Do you think we’ll see Josh Hutcherson?”

“Maybe,” she said, smiling from ear to ear. I loved Josh Hutcherson. He was an awesome actor and he was super hot!

“Girls, you walk around while we answer some questions, ok? Enjoy yourselves.” Liam said.

We went off and I was in shock when we came up to Selena Gomez. Gaby and I were huge fans of hers. We went up to her to say hi and she looked at us, her smile fading.

“Oh. I know who you are.” She said to me.

“Really? I’m such a big fan. You’re such and inspiration and-"  I started.

“Save it.” She cut me off, raising her hand up. “Niall’s mine so stay away from him.” She scolded at me.

“Niall isn’t yours. He isn’t even mine, we’re just good friends. He can be with whoever he pleases. Besides, you’re dating Justin Bieber, so stick to him and mind your own business.” I said, walking away.

Then I heard a growl and then felt a tug at my hair. I screamed and turned around. Really, Selena? Hair pulling? How trashy can you get? To think, this is a 'professional actress/singer' and she's making a huge scene at a public event! All because of a guy. 

“Leave me alone!” I hissed. With that, I walked away.

A/N: Don’t hate on Selena! She truly is an inspiration and I really admire her. She just acts like the bad guy in my story. No hating on her, please. Much love!

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