Chapter 6- A day in Downtown

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We all hopped got into Louis' car, which I assumed was rented for their stay here, and we turned on the radio. “Call Me Maybe” was on and Gaby and I started singing along to the lyrics of the song.

“'Hey! I just met you, and this is crazy, but here’s my number, so call me maybe!'” We sang together, doing silly dances and moves.

The guys just laughed at us. I could already tell that this would be another amazing, day, just like yesterday. Seriously, though; I have no idea how Gaby and I had the luck of meeting these boys and spending time with them.

I was so deep in thought that I had barely noticed that we were in downtown already.

We found a parking space in a parking garage and started roaming the city.

“We should go to the Hershey’s store!” I suggested.

“Yeah! Chocolate,” Liam yelled out. “I love chocolate.” He said, smiling innocently.

“Shall we go, then?” I asked, grabbing Liam’s hand, and hooking my other arm with Gaby's.

"We shall," Gaby responded, grinning from ear to ear. She grabbed Harry's arm and pulled us all towards the Hershey's store.

We probably looked like maniacs, with our arms linked to one another's, crossing the intersections together. But I didn't care if I looked weird; I never do.

We finally got into the store, and were immediately hit by the sweet smell of chocolate. Dozens and dozens of shelves filled with Hershey's products.

“Whoa. That’s a lot of chocolate!” Niall said breathily, then headed for the Reese’s section.

“I’m in Heaven,” Liam said, looking around the store to see where to go first.

“I’ll be back guys, I want a brownie!” I said. “Does anyone else want one?”

“I do!” Gaby exclaimed, raising her hand up high in the air.

I smiled. “Ok! Anyone else?” I asked. They all shook their heads no. “Ok. Be back soon!” I said turning on my heel to leave.

As I got to the bakery section of the store, my eyes scanned over all the sweets. Cupcakes, brownies, cookies, cakes, and much more.

"What can I get for you?" the man behind the counter asked politely.

"Two chocolate buttercream brownies, please." I said.

I handed him the money and grabbed the baked goods, walking back to where everyone else was.

When I arrived with the brownies, I handed Gaby hers, then started nibbling on mine. Niall came up behind me and attacked me in a hug. “Can I have a bite?” he asked sheepishly.

I giggled. “Here,” I said putting the brownie to his mouth. He took a bite then smiled.

“Thanks, love!” he said turning back around to go and adventure with the other lads.

When they were done shopping, we left the store with a bag with a pound of Resee's, half a pound of Hershey's Kisses, and two giant bottles of Hershey's chocolate syrup.

We strolled outside and walked along the sidewalk.

“Where should we go next?” Gaby asked.

“Um, we could go to the Shedd Aquarium, if everybody wants,” Louis suggested. "I heard that it's really cool."

"Oh, my gosh! It's the cooliest!" I said in a nerdy voice, while everyone laughed.

Everyone agreed to go and we started heading towards Louis’ car.

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