Chapter 30- Nando's

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We all piled into Louis’ car and headed off towards Nando’s. When we finally arrived, we were seated immediately. The boys had a “V.I.P. section” because they were there so often and so they didn’t get mobbed by fans.

We sat down and an extremely good looking waiter of about 17 or 18 years old came and asked us what we wanted to eat. He took our order, which was huge by the way, since Niall ordered at least one of everything.

“Sure, I’ll be back with that.” The waiter said, winking at Zayn. He turned around to walk off.

Once he disappeared, Gaby said “That guy’s hot!”

“Excuse me! Your boyfriend is sitting right next to you!” Harry said jokingly, putting an arm around her shoulders.

“It’s alright Harry, he’s obviously gay anyways.” I stated, snickering.

“How can you tell?” Gaby asked, befuddled.

“Did you not see that? He winked at Zayn!” Louis whisper-shouted.

“Eh. I’m going to flirt with him anyways.” She said, but Harry gave her a hard look.

"Really, babe?" he asked humorously.

When he came back with our food, Gaby started being flirty.

“Do you work out?” She said, eyeing his huge muscles.

“Uh, yeah.” He replied, but he seemed the least bit interested; he kept glancing over at Zayn.

“Wow. It really shows,” she said, smiling at him and fluttering her eylashes.

Even though this guy was obviously gay, Harry still threw a protective arm around Gaby's waist and pulled her closer to him. It was so cute to see him get jealous so easily.


We used all of our strength not to burst out into laughter.

Finally, he had to go to take someone’s order.

When he left, we started laughing our heads off, except Danielle, who didn’t seem at all amused in being here. She continued to sip her drink.


When the check came, Gaby asked if she could see the receipt, and then she scribbled something down on it.

I took it from her hand and saw that she had written her number down. I couldn’t help but laugh even more.

Finally, we left and came back home, and it started drizzling on the way here. I just hope there isn’t a thunder storm. Everyone knows that I hate thunder.

Just my luck. I went up into my room to get my pajama’s on (picture at the right), when I saw lightning flashing from outside my window, illuminating my room for a split second. The tree right outside my room tapped its arms against the glass window, wanting to come inside. I was starting to get really scared, so I ran right out of my bedroom.

I went back downstairs and it started thundering, and I flinched at the scary sound. Everyone was on the couch, watching Grease. I sat down with them and not long after, Niall announced he was going to bed.

Another clash of thunder rang out and I winced. Niall must have noticed because he looked at me worriedly. He did a head nod, indicating for me to follow me.

I obeyed, trailing behind him. We headed up to his room and he climbed into his bed.

I stood there awkwardly, not wanting to intrude his personal space.

Niall looked at me funny. "C'mon, baby."

Hesitantly, I climbed in after him and took up a small part of the bed, my tiny frame lying away from Niall. I just really didn't want to be a bother.

Niall scooted closer to the middle of the bed, wrapping a securing arm around my torso. "Why are you so far away?" he sighed.

"I-I don't want to bother you," I stuttered shyly.

"It's bothering me that my princess is so far away." he joked, pulling me in closer to him.

His comforting scent filled my nose as I buried my face in his chest.

He concealed his face in my hair, and gently kissed my neck from time to time.

“Good night, Jasmine." Niall whispered, kissing my lips and lingering there for a moment.

I got butterflies in my stomach and felt a blush come to my cheeks.

“Good night, Niall.” I said quietly, yawning and rubbing my eyes.

We tangled our legs together, and it felt like he was a missing piece to my puzzle, because we fit perfectly together.

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