Chapter 11- My Secret

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Later on, we all went out to eat for dinner. We decided to go to Panera Bread, which was right across the street from my house. When we sat down, Liam had a panicked look on his face.

“What’s the matter, Liam?” I asked.

“Um. C-can we remove all the spoons from the table please?!” He said with fear in his voice.

“Oh, uh, sure.” I said, removing all the spoons.

Everyone laughed at him, and even though he wasn't really scared of spoons, he still thought they're weird.

When we were finished with dinner, we went back to my house and just chilled, but I was feeling really restless tongiht for some reason.

“I’m going to take a walk, ok?” I said, putting on my shoes. I grabbed my iPhone and my ballet shoes and put them in my bag. I walked outside and started heading to my secret hide out, which was my favorite place in the world. It was a place that was only a few blocks from my house. There, in an empty lot, was an abandoned dance studio. I used to go there when I was younger, but the teacher closed it down because she didn't have enough students. No one wanted to buy the run-down studio, so they just left it there.

The mirrors were cracked and dusty, the electricity didn't work, the wood of the benches was falling apart, but the floor was perfect. It was wide open, calling my name for me to dance. No one ever came here, and I was glad. I have this place all to myself and it's my beautiful secret.

I looked at my surroundings and turned on my phone. I stood in front of a mirror and I took off my shoes and put on my ballet shoes. I put on the song ‘Reflection’ by Ariana Grande and started doing a dance that I remeber from when I was eight. This dance always made me happy, because it was the last recital I had before this place shut down.

I danced for a long time until realizing it was getting dark outside; the light no longer shone through the broken windows. Then I looked at the time on my phone: 8:00. I’ve already been out here for over two hours. I started heading back home because I didn’t want everyone to start worrying about me.

When I got inside my house, the first thing that happened was Gaby ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug. I was so confused.

“Um, Gaby. I… can’t breathe.” I said straining to get oxygen into my lungs.

She finally let go of me and I gasped for air. She had tear stains on her cheeks. "We were so worried about you! Where were you?” She demanded.

“I told you, I was going for a walk.”

“For two hours?!”

“I’m sorry! I lost track of time!”

“Well, please, try not to do it again.” she said worriedly.

“Ok. I’m sorry.” I said, guiltily.

Then, Louis came running from downstairs. He also gave me an enormous hug, making it hard for me to breathe. “Louis, I’m fine.” I said, patting his back awkwardly.

“We were all so worried.” He said when he let go of me. Then everyone else came upstairs surrounding me in hugs.

“You guys, I need to breathe.” I said. They all let go of me.

Zayn looked down at my dance shoes, which were in my hand, then grabbed them out of my hands.

“Zayn!” I yelled.

“So why didn’t you tell us you dance?” He said, smirking. He sat down on the couch, still holding my shoes.

 “Jasmine hates when people watch her dance, but she’s amazing! Dance something, please?” Gaby begged.

I looked down at the ground, ashamed. I was just flat-out embarrassed. "No, that's ok. You guys will live if I don't dance. It's awkward having you guys watch me dance, anyways."

Then, Harry pretended to strain for oxygen. "No! I don't think I'll be able to liveif you don't dance." He said sarcastically.

I got up hesitantly and said, "Fine, but don't laugh at me." I started dancing to “Refklction” on my phone again, and I felt my cheeks go hot as everyone watched me. It's so awkward being the center of attention.

“You’re a really good dancer!” Niall said with an astonished look on his face, once I finished.

I looked down at the ground, trying to avoid everyone’s stares. I didn’t like showing people my dances because I didn't think I was very good at it. “Thanks.” I said shyly.

Zayn handed me my dance shoes back. “You have a secret talent, Jasmine. It’s great.”

“Thank you. I don’t like showing people my dancing, though.”

“Why not?” Liam asked.

“I’m afraid of people criticizing me and telling me I’m not good at it.”

“Well no matter what, it’s great,” Niall assured me, making me blush even more.

Dancing has always been a pass time and I love doing it. There was a time when I would skip dinner and doing homework just so I could dance. Dancing wasn't just a hobby; dancing was life.

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