Chapter 23- A Day to Ourselves

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It’s been a few days since the “incident” with Liam and Niall. Since then, nobody’s fought or argued so we’ve been ok. Everyone else was at a movie. Niall and I decided to hang back and relax.

“Hey, Jasmine!” Niall called to me. I walked into the kitchen, where Niall was, and he came up behind me and engulfed me in a hug.

“Hi there, Niall” I said, giggling. I turned around to face him. “What’s up?”

“It’s good to have a day alone. Just you and me... to hang around. You know, I’ve been thinking,” He trailed off, smiling.

"Oh you were thinking? That's a first," I teased.

"Yes," he joked along.

“What were you thinking?” I asked.

“I was thinking that we need to go on a first date.” He said, quickly pecking my nose.

“Ok, what did you have in mind?” I asked, playing it cool, even though I was jumping with excitment on the inside.

“It’s a surprise. You’ll find out tomorrow. Just wear something semi-formal, ok?” he said, chuckling.

“Ok, Mr. Man.” I said, laughing.

“You’re so cute when you laugh.”

“I know,” I said jokingly. "But thank you," I said, pecking him on the lips.

“Hey, we need to go grocery shopping.”

“Ok then. Let’s go,” I said. “Just let me get ready.”

“You look gorgeous,” he said, grabbing my hand.

“I look gorgeous?” I said, slightly giggling. I looked down at my sweats, tank top, and sweatshirt (external link). “I'm not even wearing makeup. I look awful.”

“No you don’t. You look amazing.” He said, hugging me.

I huffed. “Fine, you win. Let me just grab my shoes, ok?” He nodded his head. I went into my room and grabbed my blue Nike Free Run shoes and put them on. “Ready!” I said, jumping off the second step of the stairs.

“Ok, let’s go.” Niall intertwined our hands together and lead me outside. We got to the car and he opened the door for me like a gentleman. Then, he got into the car himself and started the engine.

We got to the grocery store and I grabbed a cart.

Niall came behind me and started pushing the cart with me.

“What do we need?” I asked.

“Food.” He responded.

I looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. “Wow, I had no idea.” I said sarcastically. "That's real specific."

We started heading down each isle. Niall grabbed at least one thing from every shelf. He grabbed so much stuff, that I had to end up getting another cart to put food in.

I just followed him and laughed.

“Ok, I think we’re done here.” Niall said.

“Yeah, me too. You basically cleared out the entire store,” I said giggling.

“Yup, looks like they’ll have to restock soon.” He said, laughing.

When we went and paid for the stuff, the cashier looked at us like we were crazy and her eyes nearly popped out of her head.

When we got back to the flat, everyone else was back home already.

“Hey, guys” I greeted, coming through the door, carrying a load of grocery bags.

“Hey,” they all greeted back.

I was about to break my arms carrying all these bags and everyone else was just sitting down, watching TV.

Niall came into the house, also carrying a huge amount of bags.

As I was walking into the kitchen to put the groceries away, I tripped over a pillow, and went tumbling down to the ground with all the stuff in tow. I yelped as a gallon of milk landed on the floor and exploded all over me. "Ew!" I screamed.

Niall dropped his bags and came towards me. "Are you ok, babe?" he asked worriedly. He checked my head for any bumps and he checked my arms and legs for scratches, bruises, and marks.

I laughed at how cute he was when he was so anxious. "Niall, I'm fine. This is just really gross. There's milk in places milk should never be."

He chuckled. He put his hand out to help me up, but ended up slipping on the milk himself. He landed right next to me, and I cringed at the sudden movement.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm ok," he stated, carefully standing up. He stripped off his shirt and lay it on the ground, covering the wet spot so we couldn't slip anymore.

I couldn't help as my eyes wandered over his beautiful body; abs, biceps, everything. It took all my willpower to tear my gaze away, but I did it anyhow. I realized I was still sitting on the floor when Niall reached down and scooped me in his arms effortlessly.

He carried me into the living room and stopped in front of everyone else. "Thanks for your help, you guys." he voiced sarcastically.

They all mumbled responses as the continued to watch television.

Niall and I looked at each other, and I shrugged.

He turned on his heel and carried me into my bedroom, pushing the door open with his foot.

"I'm sorry I dropped the groceries," I apologized.

"Don't sweat it. The lads are always leaving pillows lying around on the ground around here. Someone always ends up tripping over them," he said, rummaging through my drawers for new clothes.

I nodded.

"Go on, Jasmine. Go take a shower. I'm going to take one too, or else we'll smell like rotten milk."

I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

Niall stepped closer to me, kissing my nose and handing me my clothes.

"Thanks," I said.


I was playing Connect Four with Niall in his bedroom, like the nerds we are, but for some reason, I was really tired today so I thought I’d go to bed kind of early tonight.

I went up to my room and brushed my teeth before crawling into bed.

Right as I was finished brushing my hair, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in,” I called out.

Niall stepped in from the doorway.


“Hey,” he said, sitting at the edge of my bed right next to me. “Tomorrow, go to the park at around 2:00, ok? Meet me at the fountain,” He said, smiling.

“Ok, what are you planning?”

“You’ll see.” He said, quickly pecking my lips. “Good night, Love.”

“Good night, Niall.”

Just like that, he left my bedroom.

What on earth was that crazy boy planning?!

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