Chapter 76- Ending the Madness

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Right away, Niall brought in all the other lads, along with Gaby. He made everyone sit down on the bed and listen to him.

“Now you guys,” He started, "we need to protect Jasmine with everything we have. Holly is going to try to do anything she can to tear her and me apart.”

I shivered at the thought.

Niall crouched down beside me. He grabbed both my hands in his and whispered soothingly to me. “She won’t hurt you. I won’t let her. We’re all going to work together to protect you, as well as Paul and our bodyguards. Alright?”

I took a deep breath, but nodded.

“Now, I’m going to call Holly, ok? I‘m going to try and stop her from saying or doing anything else to you.” He stated, a determined look in his eyes,

When he spoke, I could feel the pain and anger in his words.

All eyes were on him as he dialed Holly’s number.

Zayn held my hand, running his thumb over my knuckles, and tried comforting me as I continued shaking.

Niall put his phone on speaker so we could all hear the conversation. The phone rang twice until someone answered.

“Hello?” a girl’s voice answered at the other end.

“Holly?” Niall asked.

“Is this Niall?”

“Yes.” He answered emotionlessly.

“Did you finally dump that girlfriend of yours and come to your senses?” she sneered.

Anger built up inside me.

“Ssh, it’s alright, everything will be ok.” Zayn whispered, stroking my hair.

It calmed me a bit but I was still enraged.

“No, and it doesn’t seem that we’ll be breaking up any time soon.” He hissed.

“Pity. You can do so much better.” She said in a sickly sweet voice.

“I’ll have you know, she’s a better girlfriend than you ever were.”

“Whatever. Why are you calling me, then?”

“I’m calling to let you know that this shit will be ending here. Don’t text Jasmine, don’t communicate with her in any way, and definitely do not hurt her.”

“Bummer. Last I checked, I could do as I pleased.”

“Listen, I don’t want to have to bring in my security, but if I have to, I will.”

“You wouldn’t do that to me. You’re too much of a softy.”

I could hear the sickening smirk in her voice.

“No, I surely will. If it’s to protect someone I love, and stop someone I despise, I will gladly bring in security." Niall barked.

“You don’t despise me. You can’t resist me.” She gave a squeaky giggle.

“Oh, I can. Trust me.”

“Well, dump your little girlfriend, or I will hurt her." Holly flouted.

“You little son of a-” I started to yell, but got caught off by Louis’ hand over my mouth.

“Who was that, Niall? Was that the little girl you’re babysit- I mean, dating?

“It was Jasmine, my girlfriend.” Niall hissed.

“Soon to be ex girlfriend, hm?”


"Oh, well. Too bad for her, then."

Then, the line went dead.

“She hung up.” Niall sighed, putting his face in his hands.

Louis finally took his hand off of my mouth, letting me talk.

I clenched my jaw. "What're we gonna do?" I ask, angry and worried at the same time.

“We have no choice. We bring in security and make sure you don’t get hurt. I will die for you, understand?” Niall assured.

“You won’t. I’ll be fine.” I stated, trying more to convince myself than him. “I’ll be fine." I repeated.

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