Chapter 85- Never Looking Back

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After settling our stuff in our room and putting all our clothes in the closet, Niall and I decided that we should go to bed; after all, it had been a very long (and very awkward) day.

I took a quick shower and put on my pajamas (external link). Then, I crawled into the huge bed to go to sleep.

Soon, Niall jumped into bed with me and I cuddled up to his chiseled chest. He drew lazy patterns on the small of my back. Then, he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

“Good night, my princess.” He whispered in my ear, playing with my hair.

“Good night, Niall. I love you.” I responded.

“I love you more.”

“I love you most.”

 (Yes, I did steal that line from the Disney movie Tangled! Got a problem? Jk, back to the story!)

Niall’s P.O.V.

“Good night, my princess.” I said in a hushed tone, running my fingers through her long, brown har.

“Good night, Niall. I love you.” She voiced.

“I love you more,” I stated.

“I love you most.” Then, she yawned the cutest yawn I’ve ever seen. She rubbed sleep away from her tired eyes and I rubbed her back soothingly. Soon, she was sleeping.

I watched her as she took steady breaths and her chest moved evenly with each one. I moved my head closer to hers and could feel her hot breath tingling against my skin.

I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to come, and soon, it did, but it wasn't an ideal slumber.

I saw tears running down her face, and it broke my heart.

She sat, perched on a park bench, head in her hands.

I tried running to the girl, trying to comfort her, but with every step I took, she got farther and farther away from me. I ran as fast as I could to her, but I never reached her.

“Jasmine!” I yelled.

She looked up to see who was calling her name, tears still racing down her cheeks.

Then, the clock turned back and I saw the same girl, Jasmine, in a house all alone.

Soon, someone that looked exactly like me barged into the house, not bothering to knock on the door. The guy looked identical to me, but this person wasn't me. It was me, but it was another me. (Confusing, right?)

“Hi, Niall,” she greeted, plastering a smile on her face.

“Hey.” I snapped.

“Can I get you anything, babe?” She asked, sweetly.

“Yeah. Get me a beer.” I demanded.

She scurried to the kitchen and came back, carrying what I demanded.

I snatched it out of her hand and I popped the cap off.

“How was the concert?” She asked, still smiling.

“Why do you care?” I hissed.

“Well, you’re my boyfriend. Why wouldn’t I care?”

“You really want to know? Ok, I saw this girl there. She was really hot, and to make things better, she gave me her number.”

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