Chapter 38- Back Home

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We all put our luggage into the car and piled in. We were on our way home but it took about 45 minutes to get there. My mom put on the Up All Night album and blasted the volume up. We all laughed at her choice of music, and her teenager-like ways.

We all, including my mother, sang out loud and danced in our seats.

“Taken” was now playing and it’s not really a dance song, so we all started our own conversations. Niall and I were in the far back of the car, so no one was able to hear our conversation over the others.

“Your mom is really nice.” Niall said.

“Thanks. It’s nice that I can talk to her, you know? She listens to what I have to say.” I said. "And she acts like somebody my age, so she relates," I giggled.

“Yeah. It’s nice to have a conversation with someone who pays attention, huh?”

“Yeah,” I agreed.

“That’s why I like talking to you,” he said, looking into my eyes. "You listen like nobody else. I can tell you anything."

“Really?” I asked, blushing.

He nodded his head.

“It’s nice talking to you, too, Niall.”

He kissed my cheek gently.


Finally, we arrived at the house. We unloaded the trunk of our luggage and I nearly tripped over my own feet trying to rush inside.

My sister and cousin arrived at the door to greet us.

“Jasmine!” They both exclaimed when they saw us.

“Hi you guys!” I ejaculated, giving Isabelle and Alison huge hugs.

“Izzy, how’s the arm?” I asked worriedly, looking at her bright pink hard cast.

“Broken, whadaya think?" she said sarcastically. Then she smiled genuinely. "It’s ok, I just can’t play softball.” She shrugged her shoulders in disappointment. I know softball was her life, and now she can't play for a while.

“Aw, I’m sorry.” I kissed the top of her head.

“It’s ok.” she stated quietly.

Then, Gaby walked in and Isabelle's face lit up again. They then greeted her as she lugged her bags with her.

“Girls, we have a surprise for you! Well, five surprises, technically.” I said, giggling.

“May we present: One Direction!” Gaby cheered, opening the front door to reveal the boys smiling widely.

The girls stood there gasping, mouths hanging open.

Then, my four-year-old brother, Zach, trotted in, coming upstairs from the 'man cave', which was downstairs. He came and gave Gaby and me huge hugs. He looked at the guys standing in the doorway and went up to Zayn.

“You look like Zayn from One Direction!” He remarked, rubbing his tiny chin.

We all laughed.

“That’s because I am.” Zayn stated. He squatted down and picked up Zach, placing him on his knee.

“You are?” Zach said, gasping over-dramatically. "Really?"

Zayn just laughed and nodded.

“How does he know so much about us?” Louis asked, looking up at me, smiling.

“Well, before we met you, we looked you up all the time on our phones and computers, we listened to your music daily, and we have tons of posters of you on our wall and in binders. You’re our favorite band. Zach even knows all of the lyrics to all of your songs. He knows all of you and even some of your jokes from video diaries and stuff! Zach is a ‘Bradford Bad boy in Training’. Oh, and sorry, you guys, but Zayn is his favorite because he likes his hair and Zach's middle name is Zain.” I said, giggling.

The guys laughed too.

Zach started quoting things from video diaries. “Carrots!” he yelled.

“Oh, my gosh. He knows all!” Louis exaggerated.

“Superman!' 'She’s mine!' 'I play the triangle!'” Zach said, randomly.

“I love this kid!” Harry said, patting his head.

“Well duh! He’s my brother. He adapts my traits.” I said, jokingly.

“Yeah. That’s why.” Gaby voiced, sarcastically.

“I know. That’s why I said it, you durp!” I said, laughing. "I'll be right back," I announced.

I went downstairs to see my dad. He was sitting on the Chicago Blackhawks-designed couch in the man-cave, when he spotted me. “Jazz!” He exclaimed, engaging me in a gigantic hug. "I didn't know you were coming this early. I would've picked you up from the airport myself if I had known," he gabbed.

"It's ok, dad,” I started, "I didn't come alone anyways."

"What do you mean?" he asked, pulling me away and holding me arms-length away.

"I brought Gaby and a few friends."

He gave me a wary look. "Oh yeah. I heard about those One Direction guys. Your mother raved about it. So where are they?"

"They're upstairs right now. Want to meet them?"

"Hell yeah. One of them is dating my daughter," he said sternly, but I could see the humor in his eyes.

"Just be nice, please." I begged. "I really care about Niall."

He agreed. We went upstairs, and he greeted Gaby with a welcoming hug, and then stood awkwardly, staring at the boys.

“Um, this is Liam, Louis, Zayn, Harry, and Niall.” I said, introducing everyone. “Guys, this is my dad.”

“Hello sir.” They all said, tensing up.

Somehow, I imagined when Niall first met my dad, it would be less... awkward.

A/N: Hi peoples! Again, thanks for reading, and check out the picture of the right of Sam Garcia, Jasmine's dad, being portrayed by Enrique Iglesias. Bye now! xx

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