Chapter 16- Friend Zoned

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 We took the limo to a nearby hotel and saw everyone arriving. We saw everyone there! People like Tina Fey and Jennifer Lawrence and Brad Pitt were there, plus many more. I was so excited to meet everyone. While I was being mesmerized by the talented actors and actresses, camera's were flashing non-stop. I didn't know which way to look. Finally, we went inside and away from the cameras.

There, Niall introduced me to Simon Cowell. "Simon, this is Jasmine. She's the one I've been telling you about."

I was flattered to know that Niall's been talking about me and a small blush fell upon my cheeks.

"Jasmine, this is Simon Cowell, the creator of One Direction."

“Nice to meet you, Jasmine” Simon said to me.

“Hello. Nice to meet you too,” I said, shaking his hand.

After talking with Simon a little bit, I realized that he's not nearly as mean as the people on TV make him out to be. He's actually very nice.

Eventually, though, Niall and I moved on to go mingle with other people.

Next, Niall introduced me to Selena Gomez. 

“We’ve met earlier this evening,” I said smirking at Selena.

“Yes we have. Charming girl you have here, Niall” She said, glaring at me.

“She is something,” Niall said winking to me.

“Nice to see you again, Selena” I said, still smirking.

She scoffed at me. "You too, Jamie."

"My name's Jasmine."

"Same difference."

"Right. Anyways it was nice to see you too, Sabrina."

Her fake smile faltered. "It's Selena. As in 'Selena Gomez'. You should be familiar with that, since I assume you've read about me in articles." She flipped her hair.

"Selena, Sabrina. Same difference. Anyways, goodbye. I hope to see you again. Or maybe not."


We turned around and walked away.

"Whoa that was quite a bit of sass." Niall stated jokingly.

"Well, you know how us Chicagoans can be: sassy and whatnot." I laughed.

Niall chuckled, and once he introduced me to everyone, he went and got us some drinks.

“Come with me,” he said, grabbing my hand and taking me outside.

We strolled away from the crowd, the music getting softer and softer as wee gained distance. Finally we got outside, behind the hotel.

There was a pond outside with twinkling white lights dangling overhead. There were plants and flowers growing on either side of a beautiful stone pathway. It was absolutely magnificent.

We started wandering down the path, walking side by side.

“You know there are a lot of rumors that we’re dating, right?” He asked me.

“So I’ve heard.” I said, smiling playfully.

“Yeah well, I’m really sorry about that.” He said with a sincere look in his eyes.

“It’s ok. It’s not your fault. I know how the fans can be, considering I am one.”

“It’s not ok. You're getting hated. Selena Gomez even pulled your hair!” He said.

“Honestly, it’s fine. I don’t care about what those people say. Besides, we know that we’re just friends, right?” I asked. Although, I think I was growing too close to him to just be friends. I felt like I had more feelings for him than that, but then again, what fangirl doesn't? I pushed the thought out of my head.

Niall would never like me like that; I'm just a kid. He can have any girl in the world; someone like Selena.

“Yeah I guess.” He said looking down at the ground with a sad expression on his face.

“Why are you sad?” I asked him, gently nudging him with my elbow.

“It’s nothing. It’s just that; if you have any more problems dealing with these rumors, or any problems at all, just tell me.” He demanded.

“Ok, Niall. Don’t worry. I will.” I said truthfully.

He stopped walking and so did I. "Come 'ere."

I walked near him and he pulled me into a warm hug.

He kissed my temple. "I just don't want to be the reason for any girl to cry. Especially not you, Jasmine. We're friends."

The word was like a hard punch in the gut. Friends. That's all we are, and ever will be. I just got friend zoned. I might as well stock up on my cats now. I'll grow up to be a lonely cat lady. Quiet Jasmine, you're being stupid! I thought subconsciously.

We pulled away from each other and I gave him a fake smile.

"I'll be fine," I stated, trying more to convince myself than Niall.

He gave a small nod and held onto my hand, comforting me. We continued to walk along the path until we came to the door and went back inside.

People were just sitting around, occasionally talking to one another. The party wasn’t really even a party. It was more of a ,nanti-social gathering, but then again, I'm so used to the crazy Chicago parties. I'm no scientist, and I'm not from England, but I don't think English parties are supposed to be this boring. I mean, England and America aren't that different.

“Guys, this party kind of sucks. Can we go home?” Harry asked, coming up to us with Gaby at his side. "There are no drinks." he pouted.

"Yeah, usually thes parties are a big hitm but I guess with no bar, it's a bust." Niall stated.

“We can have our own party!” I exlaimed, smiling.

“What?” Niall asked.

“Yeah. Come on. Let’s go!”

A/N: Hehe cat lady. BYE!

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