Chapter 96- Unexpected Guest

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My jaw dropped to the floor and my eyes popped out of my head as my best friend walked in the doorway. I had missed her so much.

“Alina!” I squealed.

“Jasmine!” She squealed back at me.

“Alina, I missed you so much.”

“I missed you, too,” she said, coming in the room, wearing an excited look on her face.

She gave me a light hug, careful of the wires hooking me up to the machines around me.

I grabbed her hand and held onto it. “I haven’t seen you in like five months. Where have you been?” I asked, excitedly.

“I’ve been vacationing and when I went home, everyone told me that you'd left! It wasn't long before you were popping up in magazines, tweets, and on Tubmlr and Instagram. Why didn’t you tell me you were dating Niall, boo bear?” She asked overdramatically.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized sheepishly, sinking into my bed.

"I'm demanding a divorce. You cheated on me, and you shan't be forgiven."

We always liked pretending we were a couple, even if it meant making fools of ourselves in public. “Well, I’ve been busy and I’ve been on tour with the guys, and I’ve been in the hospital.” I paused for a moment. “Wait, have you met the guys yet?” I asked eagerly, quickly changing my mood.

She shook her head no.

“Well, Niall, can you bring them in here, please?” I asked sweetly.

He nodded his head, smiling at me. He left the room to go get everyone and I stayed, still holding Alina’s hand.

“How did you get here? When did you get here? How did you know I missed you so much? What’s new? Do you have a boyfriend?” I bombarded her with questions.

“Jazz, take a chill pill,” she said, smiling.

“Sorry, but so much can happen in such little time. I mean, look what happened to me in like eight months."

“You’re right," she sighed happily, "but there's nothing really new with me; I took a plane with your family here, we got here a few hours ago; Niall called your dad and told him that you were always talking about me, and that you missed me; and no boyfriend.” She voiced, answering all of my questions.

“You’ll find someone soon, no worries." I assured her. "Wait, dad, Niall called you?" I asked my father.

“He was really worried, and we talked for a while. Then he mentioned that you sometimes cried over Alina. He could tell you really missed her." My dad replied, smiling,"but guess what?"

“What?” I asked.

“I approve of him. He’s a good guy, and he's treating you right.”

As my dad said this, I couldn't help but let a gigantic smile appear on my face.

My dad’s approval meant everything to me.

Just when my dad finished his sentence, Niall walked into the room with everybody else in tow behind him.

“Hey, Alina.” Gaby greeted.

Gaby and Alina knew each other before, because sometimes when Gaby was at my house, Alina would also be there. They both practically live in my home.

“Hi, Gaby. Oh! Libby and Valeria, I almost didn't recognize you. I haven't seen you guys in such a long time,” Alina said.

Valeria and Libby waved welcomingly and exchanged greetings.

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