Chapter 64- Packing

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Once we got into Niall's room, he stripped off of his soaking shirt, which was clinging to his toned chest, outlining every muscle.

I couldn't help but gawk over his beautiful body. When I caught myself staring at his abs, I made myself look up into those gorgeous blue marbles.

“You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you,” he sang softly. He wrapped his muscualar arms around my frail waist.

I wrapped my arms around his chiseled, bare torso.

“You'll never treat yourself right, darling, but I want you to. If I let you know I'm here for you, maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh.” He continued, kissing me lightly on the lips. “That song was written for you.” He voiced.

"You didn't even know me when the song came out." I said, slightly chuckling.

"I know, but everything in that song describes you perfectly," he cracked a grin.

“Well, thank you.” I thanked, shivering; I was cold from the rain.

“You’re beautiful, even without makeup on.” He wiped something off of my cheek.

I looked at his thumb and saw black. It was my mascara running. “Oh, I probably look horrible.” I complained, trying to wipe away my makeup, desperately, with my sleeves.

Niall laughed and grabbed my hands, stopping me from wiping away any more makeup.

“No, you don’t. You look gorgeous, always. You don’t need makeup to look beautiful. Even with your makeup like this, you’re still the most beautiful girl in the world to me. You’re a gorgeous person, inside and out.”

I looked straight into his eyes. “Do you really mean that?”

“I really do.”

“Thank you, Niall.” I leaned closer, giving him a huge hug. “I love you to the world’s end.” I said, still shaking.

“I love you, too.” He stated, hugging me back. “Babe, you’re shivering.” He replied in a concerned tone.

“Oh, it's just the rain. I'm fine,” I lied.

He wrapped his arms tighter around me. “Let me just get a shirt on, and why don’t you get in your jim-jams? Then I’ll help you pack, yeah?”

I completely forgot! We were leaving for the guys’ tour tomorrow. I nodded my head, agreeing with Niall. I went into my room and put on my pajamas (external link). I heard a small knock on my door, shortly after.

“Come in.” I called.

Niall stepped in the doorway. “Hey, love.” He greeted.

“Hi,” I smiled.

“Do you need help packing?”

“Do you mind?”

“Not at all. Where’s your suitcase?”

“Up there.” I huffed, pointing to the top shelf in the closet. “I can’t reach it.”

He chuckled. “How’d you get it up there in the first place?”

“Gaby put me on her shoulders.” I said sheepishly. I'm on the shorter side, so I tend to have problems reaching things.

He laughed at me, but he got the suitcase off of the shelf and helped me pack all my clothes, shoes, hair supplies, and makeup.


“Thanks,” I said gratefully once we were done. I glanced at my closet and it was almost completely empty.

“No problem.”

I walked closer to him and put my arms around his neck.

He placed his hands gently on my hips, slowly pulling me closer.

I gently leaned in and kissed him and he smiled. I deepened the kiss, letting our tongues dance together in a beautiful way, and then pulled away a few moments later.

“Good night, Niall.” I whispered, leaning my forehead against his.

“Good night. I love you.” He said quietly.

“I love you, too.”

He kissed me once more and left for his room.

I got into my own bed and tried to go to sleep. Once I did, I had a strange dream.

Niall was under water and I was looking at him through an underwater window. He was holding up a sign, but the words on it were blurred. He tapped on the window, smiling at me and pointing at the sign.

I squinted to see the non-legible words, but I failed. I stepped closer, seeing smudges of black ink on the sign, but no words that were able to be read.

Then, I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.

That was some weird dream.

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