Chapter 31- Date Night

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The next morning, I woke up with Niall’s arm around my waist.

His eyes fluttered open as I stirred under him. “Good morning, lovely.” He stated.

“Good morning. Did I wake you?” I asked worriedly.

“No. I was up before, I just didn't want to ruin the moment.” He said, smiling sweetly.

“Aw, you’re such a softy.” I held his face in my small hand.

“Maybe that’s why you fell for me.” He winked.

“That, and you're cute.” I said, giggling.

“You’re beautiful.”

“Thank you, Liar." I joked.

"You can't take a compliment, can you?" he askedm shaking his head and smiling.

"Not until I actually believe what you're telling me."

Niall leaned in, softly kissing my pink lips. "I don't care what it takes. One of these days, hopefully in the near-future, I'll convince you that you're beautiful."

"In the mean time, I'll continue arguing with whatever you say," I grinned.

"That's what I like about you; you don't go with the flow. No matter what, you do what you want."

"Yeah, and I probably should've warned you, but that may be a problem in the future." I giggled.

"I don't care. I'll find a way to tame you," he whispered, leaning in closer to me.

I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips gently against his plump ones. "Friendly reminder: I can't be tamed." I whispered against his lips.

When we pulled away, Niall said, “I want to do something tonight. At 8, be ready for a date, and I’ll handle the rest.”

"What're we gonna do?" I asked curiously.

"You'll see tonight." he laughed at my impatience.

“Niall, why are you so mysterious?” I pouted.

“The fun is in the mystery.”

“You're so weird. Alright, I’ll do it.” I giggled. "What should I wear, though?"

"You could be wearing a potato sack and still look gorgeous."

"So a dress?" I joked.

He sighed, but smiled at me. "You'll look beautiful no matter what."

I blushed, and buried my face in my pillow, wanting to hide the crimson on my cheeks.

"I'll see you then," he whispered in my ear seductively.


At 6:30, I started getting ready. I put on a nice dress (picture at the right), straightened my hair, and put minimal makeup. 

Then, there was a knock on my door. Liam came in wearing a tux and had a blindfold in his hand.

“Hi! You look lovely this evening,” he said.

“Thank you.”

“I will be the escort to your date. May I put this on?” He said in a posh accent, holding up the blindfold.

“Ok, but be careful with my makeup.” I said, jokingly.

He chuckled. "Women," he scoffed humorously, putting on the blindfold. “Just let me lead you along.”

I grabbed his arm and he led me up stairs and into what I think was an elevator. When it stopped, we stepped out.

“Ok, take off your blindfold.” He said.

I did and saw him smiling. “Where’s Niall?” I asked, confused.

“Somewhere special. May I escort you there?”

“Yes you may.”

We started walking and quickly, Liam put the blindfold back on, hurriedly pushing me back.

“Liam, what are you doing?”

“Um, just-just put it on,” he stuttered with panic in his voice.

“Liam, please. What’s the matter?” I took off the blindfold and saw something that tore my heart up into a million pieces.

Niall and Danielle were kissing. Niall’s hands were on her shoulders and her arms were around his waist. Danielle's tongue was shoved into Niall's mouth and I had to tear my gaze away as tears started to form.

“Niall! Danielle!” Liam yelled.

I felt tears roll down my cheek, staining my makeup. I looked up at Liam to see tears streaming down his face as well.

He must be so disappointed in Danielle.

Niall and Danielle pulled away and Niall looked at me in surprise.

“Jasmine I-” I cut him off by putting my hand up.

“Save it, Niall.” I angrily stomped into the elevator and went down to my room.

Every time. Our date gets ruined every time.

to be continued...

A/N: I told you there was going to be a lot of drama! And we all know that Niall and Danielle would probably not cheat like that so please no hating.

XX           ;)

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