Chapter 70- Zayn's Big Move

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The next day, I took a shower, put on my clothes (external link) and fixed my hair in a ponytail.

I went to Zayn's hotel room, and knocked on the door.

Liam answered. “Hi, Jasmine,” He said, inviting me in.

“Hey, Liam, is Zayn here? I need to ask him if he called Libby.” I explained.

“Why would he call Libby?”

“He’s crushing on her.” I beamed.

“Well he didn’t tell me about this!” He said, overdramatically.

“Well, he barely wanted to tell me. I got it out of him, though. Anyways, he said he’d call her and I need to find out if he did or not. So, is he here?”

“Yeah, he’s in the bathroom. You can wait for him if you want.”


I walked in and sat on Zayn’s bed.

He came out shortly after, his hair up in a quiff.

“Hey, love.” He greeted.

“Hi,” I responded.

“Vas happening?” He asked.

I giggled. “Nothing much, I just wanted to know if you called Libby or not.”

“Oh, yeah I called her.” He said, without another word.

“And...” I questioned, practically begging him to say more.

“She answered.”

I groaned.

Liam was sitting on his bed, beside Zayn's. He snickered at my frustration.

“And?” I asked louder, getting agitated.

“I was talking to her for about an hour. Then I asked her if she was doing anything tonight.”

“What did she say?” I squealed, jumping up and dwon excitedly.

“Whoa, calm down.” He said, laughing. “She said no. So I took the chance to ask her out and she said yes.”

“Oh, my God! Where are you going? What time? What are you wearing?”

“Uh, well, I’m taking her to the beach around 6. And I’m wearing clothes." He said obviously.

"Well, no shit, Sherlock." I joked. "What clothes are you wearing?"

"I don’t know; maybe  jeans and my varsity jacket with a t-shirt.”

“Ugh, you’re such a guy, but I guess we need some of those in the world, huh?"

He laughed again. “But here’s the thing,” He started.

“What is it?”

“I’m way too nervous to go alone with her. Would you and Niall maybe come with me? You know, like a double date?”

“Are you sure you want us there on your date?”

“Yes, I’m positive. I just need your help. Please?”

“Ok, I’ll tell Niall. Are you picking her up?”

He nodded. "We'll just meet you at the beach, then?” He asked.

I agreed.

"Thank you so much, Jazz!" He grabbed my head in his hands and kissed my forehead. “I’m going to call Libby and tell her you guys are coming, too.”

“Ok, I’ll go tell Niall we’re going to the beach, then, and we’ll meet you there.”

“Thanks again, love.”

“No problem, Zayn.”

I knew I was going to be playing Love Doctor! Whoa, baby, I'm like Dr. Phil or something. 

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