Chapter 10- The Signing

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I took a shower and straightened my hair and I got dressed (picture at the right). Later on, we were heading out because the boys had a signing, so I was just getting ready. I'm already trying to get over the fact that fans hate me for no reason.

The guys asked if we wanted to tag along during the signing, so we decided we would. We got into the limo and met Paul, their bodyguard. He had flown in a few days ago and is staying in a nearby motel.

Once we arrived at the mall where the signing was taking place, all you could see were hundreds of girls with signs saying how much they loved the boys, funny sayings like 'Kiss me, I'm legal!', and there were even some inappropriate ones like, 'Point your erection in my direction!'. But, man, can those girls scream! I could hear them from inside the limo, and the windows were rolled up.

We were about to get out of the limo and head to the back entrance of the mall, but fans found a way to block that, too.

Paul started barking out orders. “Gaby and Jasmine, I need you to do one thing: stay with us. These fans are crazy and will stop at nothing to just touch the boys. Gaby, stand behind me and in front of Harry.”

Harry put a protective arm around her shoulder.

"Jasmine; you stay behind Zayn and in front of Niall. Stay together, everyone. We wouldn’t want anyone to get lost in the crowd. You know how aggressive they can be.” Paul said.

I grabbed Niall’s hand and squeezed it gently.

He smiled nervously at me.

Once we got out of the limo, the sounds of girl’s screams continued and filled my ears.

I grabbed onto Zayn’s shirt and grasped tightly onto Niall’s hand. Some girl’s must have recognized me, because they started calling me names and telling me I don’t deserve Niall. I tried blocking out the rude comments as best I could and focused on getting inside of the mall safely.

When we were finally inside, we all took our seats. Gaby sat in between Harry and Zayn and I sat in between Niall and a standing Paul. The first group of girls went over to Harry, Liam, and Zayn and told them how great they were. Then, they moved on to Louis and Niall, getting their autographs and telling them how talented they are.

The smile that grew on the boys' faces when they heard fans tell them that they were appreciated was priceless.

Another group of girls came and told Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Louis how amazing their voices are, getting their autograph. They moved on to Niall and one brunette said, “Why are you even in the band?”

I looked at her with wide eyes, then looked over at Niall, who looked like he was on the verge of crying. I felt like slapping those girls so hard, it would knock out their teeth, but before I got the chance to say anything, they walked away. I clenched my fists, making my knuckles go pure white.

Other girls came and went, some not even looking at Niall, others making comments on either how much they adore him or how he doesn’t belong.

Finally, Niall grabbed my hand and dragged me to an empty maintnence room, while girls screamed at him. He looked me in the eyes, tears threatening to fall out.

“Niall, don’t listen to those girls. You’re amazing, talented, and a great person. Anyone who says different is insane.” I told him.

“I just can’t take it anymore, though. Lots of girls say that I’m not as good as the other lads. I always feel like I don’t belong. That’s why I’m so insecure. 'Niall's too fat.' 'Niall's not tan enough to go shirtless.' 'I don't even see how Niall made it past X Factor auditions.'” he quoted.

“You have no reason to be insecure! You have so much talent; don’t ever say that you don’t belong. You are the best person I’ve ever met- and I've met a lot of people. You are so brave to deal with this and still go out there.” I said truthfully.

Niall stepped closer and hugged me as I hugged him back, wrapping my arms around his torso.

“Are you ready to go back out there?” I asked him.

He pulled away a little bit. He sniffled and wiped his tears with the back of his hand and nodded. “Thanks, Jasmine.” He hugged me again and I kissed his forehead.

When we got back, we took our seats again. Sometimes, girls would ignore him, tell him he didn’t belong, or others would tell him they loved him. Every time a girl talked bad to him or ignored him, I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and he would smile at me.

 I don’t get how anyone would ever think badly about him. He was innocent, caring, and so sweet. Don't even get me started on his voice, which is fantastic.


Later, we went back to my house and just relaxed. A whole day at the mall, listening to screaming fans can give you such a headache. I don't know how these guys do it so often.

I sat next to Niall, letting him attempt at braiding my hair.

The boys were playing X-box, except for Harry. He and Gaby were on the couch talking and laughing.

Niall seemed to forget about all the hate once he realized that more people love him than hate him.

I really hope he becomes less insecure and see’s how great he truly is.

A/N: I really don't get how people can hate on these boys! Niall is always being told he doesn't belong in the band and that he's talentless. I saw this one Youtube comment and it said "I met One Direction and took a picture with them. But I told Niall to get out because I didn't want him in the picture." All I could think was "WTF?!" Niall, as well as the rest of the boys, are so talented and special in their own way. I love them so much!

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