Chapter 1. Surprise!

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'Hailie get up, rehearsal's in 20 minutes!' My band mate Alex yelled banging on my bedroom door. I groaned and sat up, looking at the time that read 1.37pm on my alarm clock. 'Shit.' I said to myself and quickly got out of bed, chucking on my black ripped skinny jeans, black and white converses and an ACDC crop top.

My name is Hailie Darcy, but everyone calls me H. I'm in an all girls rock band called The Pretty Poisons. We formed our band in Australia where we're from. I went to school with all my band mates. There's Alex who plays guitar, she has short wavy hair, freckles all over her face and a nose ring. And fuck can she play that damn guitar. She's also my cousin and 'terror twin.' Then there's Ashleigh, she has long blond hair that's straight and a sassy attitude, with a lot of tattoos. She plays bass. Then there's Imogen who plays the drums and is the loudest person I know. She has bright pink hair and wears crazy outfits, she's also covered in tattoos.

Then there's me, the vocals. I'm probably the most energetic singer you'll ever see,  although Axl Rose is giving me a run for my money. I have long brown wavy hair, freckles and hazel eyes. I write all the songs but Alex comes up with the tunes for them. We knew Melbourne wasn't the place we were gonna make it, so we made the move to L.A late last year, and got a house together. Oh, and we are fucking mental for a girl band.

'Why the fuck did I sleep in for so long?' I asked the girls, while walking out to the car. 'Well you did stumble in at 5am.' Ashleigh replied. 'Yeah where the fuck did you disappear to, I couldn't find you anywhere!' Alex exclaimed. I remember going out to the clubs last night with Alex. but that's it.

"What the fuck did I do last night?' I thought to myself out loud. We all loaded into the car, most of us still hungover. Vicky, our manager, who also managed Guns & Roses sat in the drivers seat. Once she starting driving, she look at all and said 'Now girls I've got some big news to tell you.' 'What is it V??' Imogen asked excitedly. 'Well because I'm the best manager in the world, I've booked you a tour with one of the biggest bands in the world!' Vicky replied with a massive smile on her face. 'OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS?!' screamed Alex. 'Fuck yeah!' Ash and I both said high fiving. 'Who's the band, Bon Jovi?!' asked Imo. 'You'll find out soon girls." She said with a grin on her face. Hmm wonder who it is?

We pull up to rehearsal and go inside, as we enter the rehearsal space we see Guns & Roses sitting there and oh my god I can't believe it! Motley fucking Crue! 'SURPRISE' the boys all yell. 'WHAT THE FUCK' Imogen screamed excitedly. 'I'm gonna pass out' Alex said looking shocked. 'Or vomit!!' Ash replied even more shocked. 'We're touring with Guns and Motley Crue??' I asked astonished.  'Yep you sure are babe!' Tommy said coming up and giving me a hug, I had met Tommy before and had become good friends with him.

"This is amazing!' Imogen exclaimed. While the girls hugged all the guys, I saw someone staring at me out the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw Nikki Sixx, looking at me. He had beautiful green eyes, I actually didn't realize how attractive he was.But there is no way I'd ever go there, I know very well of his bad boy reputation. I decided to walk over and introduce myself.

'Hi I'm Hailie' I said to Nikki holding out my hand to shake his. 'I know I met you last night remember?' Nikki smirked at me. 'Uhh what? Where did I meet you?' I asked him. "At the whisky, we were doing shots and blow together and then we-' before Nikki could go any further we were interrupted by Vince. 'Hey there pretty lady, wanna come back to mine after this?' I rolled my eyes and laughed,  'Vince you've already tried, and it ain't happening.' I replied smiling. 'Whatever you say doll.' He smirked and walked away. When I turned around to talk to Nikki again, he had wondered over to Tommy and Ash. 'I wonder what else we did last night?' I thought to myself, frowning.

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