Chapter 15. Finally

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I dragged my feet over to the bed after he left the room, sat down and put my head in my hands. I finally told him I love him and this is what I get. I was humiliated and embarrassed, I had a tiny glimmer of hope that somehow he loved me too. The way he acted towards me when we were out and how he insisted on me staying with him wherever we went. It just didn't make any sense. 

My sadness was suddenly overwhelmed with another feeling, anger. How dare he play me like guitar strings? Is this a fucking game to him? The 'don't fuck with me' ego had come through and I started seeing red. I got up and starting throwing things around and trashing the room. I knew I was gonna get in a lot of trouble for the damages but I didn't care. I threw everything I could get my hands on and smashed it against the wall, it felt really good and empowering while I had tears running down my face trying to come to terms with what happened. Finally I punched the glass door that opened to the balcony, it smashed everywhere and my hand was all sliced and cut up. I was so angry, I didn't even feel it. I just looked at what I had done and felt something dribbling all over my leg. I look and saw all the blood, fuck!

I ran out of the room and over to the kitchen sink while getting a tea towel and wrapping it around my hand. I hadn't even seen Nikki sitting on the couch, obviously very curious to what had happened after hearing all the commotion from the bed room. 'Hailie.' He said, walking over to me and staring at me hand. I looked up, realizing that he was there and rolled my eyes. 'I'm fine Sixx.' I said bluntly. 'You need to go to the hospital.' He told me. 'No.' I replied, not looking up. 'That wasn't a question, you're going.' He said dead serious. 'Why are you acting like you care now?' I hissed. 'I've always cared Hailie, I always will.' He signed. 'Yeah okay Sixx, I'm going to get Alex.' I replied, walking away towards the door. 'I'm coming.' He said, walking towards me. 'No you're fucking not!' I yelled, pushing him away. 

I walked out into the hallway, mad as hell with blood dripping down my arm. I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around to see Nikki. 'Honestly Nikki just fuck off I don't need you!' I complained. 'I'm coming whether you fucking like it or not Hailie!' He growled. I walked off towards Alex and Tommy's room, Nikki trailing behind me and knocked on the door. Alex answered and her eyes went wide at the sight of me. 'Hailie..' She whispered. 'It's not what you think it is, but there's no time to explain. She needs to get to a hospital now.' Nikki told her. 'Ring Vicky and tell her to meet us downstairs with a car. She wants you to come.' He added. Alex looked at me and I was starting to feel faint from the loss of blood. 'Please hurry.' I whispered. 

Alex ran inside to call Vicky, then grabbed Tommy and helped me down to the lobby alongside Nikki. We finally got in the car and I was feeling more and more like I was gonna pass out. Alex and Nikki sat on either side of me making sure I was alright while Tommy and Vicky sat opposite me, not knowing what to do. 'You okay H?' Tommy asked, as Vicky handed me a fresh towel and swapping it for the one soaked in blood. 'Yeah.' Was all I could get out. I couldn't speak anymore, so I didn't try to. I still couldn't feel any pain but I knew this wasn't good. We got to the hospital and by the time we had entered the ER, I blacked out. 

I woke up eventually and looked around me, I was in a hospital bed. I had tubes on me and a huge bandage around my hand. Nikki and Alex were sitting there in conversation, not realizing I had woken up yet. 'You know I would never hurt her.' I heard Nikki say. 'Well then what happened? Because this doesn't look good Sixx.' She replied. He took a deep breath before explaining what had occurred. 'She told me she loved me, and I froze. I didn't know what to do so I walked out of the room. Then all of a sudden, she started going nuts and trashing the room, throwing shit everywhere and then eventually she punched the glass door smashing it into pieces and that's how she hurt her hand.' Nikki explained. 'If you don't believe me, then you should see the room, or ask her yourself when she wakes up.' He added. 

'Why didn't you tell her you love her back? I'm not stupid Sixx I know you do.' Alex said. 'She doesn't like being played.' She added. Nikki signed and looked at the ground. 'No body has told me they love me before and actually shown it. When she said she loved me, it all made sense. She treats me like she loves me and it's all new to me, I've never had that before. So I freaked out.' He explained. 'So I can see how she thought she was getting played but I promise I wasn't.' He added. 'You were just trying to protect yourself because of all the shit life has put you through, I get it.' Alex said quietly. 

'Well she would never hurt you SIxx, I can guarantee it. When Hailie loves, she loves hard. She is the most loyal and honest person and she'll give you 100% of everything within her. She's the one that gets fucked over, not the other way around.' Alex explained. Nikki looked over at me as I pretended to be asleep. 'I love her, and I want to be with her. I realize that now.' He said. I opened my eyes and smiled at him. 'What the fuck...' He whispered, shocked. 'Did you just hear all of that H?' Alex asked with a smirk on her face. 'Yep. You're an asshole, but I love you too.' I told Nikki.

Nikki suddenly smiled happily as he jumped up over to me and wrapped me in his arms. 'I'm so sorry this happened, I promise I'll never hurt you again.' He told me, kissing me on the fore head and caressing my arm. 'I hope so.' I replied, looking up at him. 'Awh you guys!' Tommy cooed as he walked back into the room. 'Shut up T-bone.' Nikki laughed, punching him in the arm. I looked over at Alex and she gave me the thumbs up. 'Finally!' She whispered. I smiled and giggled to myself.

They finally released me from the hospital with many lectures. I had to keep my bandage on for the next two weeks, which wasn't that bad. The stitches keep pulling which was painful though. We met up with everyone back at the hotel before driving down to Ohio on the tour buses. 'So I've gotta ask you something.' Nikki whispered in my ear on the way back to the hotel. 'Yes?' I replied. smiling. 'Uh.. Will you be my girlfriend?' He stammered. I grinned even bigger before replying 'Of course Sixx.' He kissed me on the lips and we got cheers from Alex and Tommy. Nikki put the middle finger up and kept kissing me.

Every one swarmed me like a hive of bees, as soon as I was in eye sight. Ashleigh and Imogen ran over hugging me, making sure to be careful of my hand. 'Don't even scare us like that again!' Ash lectured me. 'You bloody bitch!' Imogen exclaimed, laughing. Slash and Izzy came over with Vince and Mick all hugging me one by one. After they were done, Tommy yelled out, 'Nikki and Hailie are together now!' We got a bunch of cheers and 'Finally!' from Slash and Imogen, I smiled up at Nikki as he smiled back and wrapped his arm around me. 

Vicky came over to check that I was alright. 'Well you've given us a big bill for the damages. She signed. 'It's okay, I'm sorry I acted like that, take it out of my paychecks.' I told her. 'I was going to anyways.' She said grinning. 'You might also want to consider taking anger management classes when we get back.' She whispered in my ear. 'Fuck no, I'm not going to that shit I am fine.' I replied sternly, crossing my arms. 'Just think about it Hun, okay?' She answered before walking away.  

We finally got on the tour buses and I wanted to sleep. 'I'm gonna go to you're bunk and have a nap.' I told Nikki. 'No worries babe I'll be there soon.' He replied smiling. I walked down to his bunk and laid down. I thought about how lucky I was and how much I loved Nikki, now I finally had him. I smiled like an idiot while I thought about it. 

I just hope he can keep his promise about not hurting me. Cause I'm in it for the long haul, if not forever. 

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