Chapter 44. Back at it

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Two days had gone by and we've finished our shows in Dallas but had a day off before our next show in Colorado tomorrow. After I told Nikki what happened in the bathroom the other night, he hasn't left my side. After everyone had finished their set they decided to go out, but I was in no mood too. I had worn a black long sleeve turtle neck with snake print leather pants to cover up my bruises but it was painful to wear.

Nikki insisted on coming back with me and I didn't have to sleep alone these last 2 nights, I didn't push him away. He kept saying I needed to see a doctor but I refused, I didn't want a big fuss to be made I just wanted to forget about it. I'm still not sleeping and having nightmares but it really helps that someone is there beside me at night. I even asked him to shower with me because I hadn't being back in the bathroom since it happened.

Since it was our last night in Dallas, everyone was going out. I was feeling better and decided to go along with a lot of persuasion from Paddy and Slash. 'You sure you want to go? We can stay here Hailie.' Nikki told me as I started to get ready. 'I'm done moping around, I wanna have a good time and you're coming too!' I said flashing a smile at him. My bruises were still there so I decided on my black turtle neck again with a red tartan skirt and my platform boots. I looked in the mirror after I finished my makeup and hair and felt more like myself again for once.

'You are absolutely gorgeous.' Nikki's voice came from behind me as he stood there looking at me. A big smile spread across my face, I wasn't gonna let what happened to me bring me down. That wasn't who I was, I was much stronger then that. Nikki changed into his leather pants and a denim jacket with boots, and of course teased his hair to the maximum.

I walked downstairs with Nikki right behind me to where everyone sat outside drinking. 'She's made it!' Paddy called out, running over to me and immediately shoving a drink in my hand. 'Woah you missed me that much huh?' I chuckled. 'You've got no idea man, we're drunk buddies remember?' Slash said with a grin. We sat down while Nikki walked over to Vince by the pool and I took a sip of my drink. As soon as it went down my throat I realised how much I had missed it. 'Yep, it's gonna be a messy one guys!' I called out as Alex sat next to me.

'H! We've fucking missed you girl.' She told me wrapping her arm around my neck and pulling me in for a hug. 'Terror twins are back tonight.' She whispered in my ear. 'Fuck oath.' I told her, grinning.  An hour went by and I was 4 drinks in and feeling tipsy when the van arrived to take us in. We got up and Nikki immediately was by my side again, I'm glad that he was looking out for me.

We got to the bar after we all just sang our hearts out to Billy Idol's white wedding and sat down in a booth big enough for all of us for once. Ash and Vince seemed closer then ever and of course I was stuck between my unofficial body guards Nikki and Paddy. Tommy order a round of shots to the table and I took three, I wanted to forget about what happened and I was feeling great. 'Maybe you should slow down a little?' Nikki said into my ear. 'Relax I've got it under control.' I replied with a flirty smile, kissing his cheek. Nikki started a conversation with Tommy across the table and Izzy who was sitting on the other side of Nikki tapped me on the shoulder.

I leaned towards him while Nikki was leaning towards the table trying to hear Tommy. 'What's up Izzy?' I asked him. 'There's a better way to forget everything.' He grinned at me as he showed me his baggie of coke. 'You got it.' I said with a smile. We got up and walked out to the smokers area getting looks from Nikki and Tommy but they didn't say anything. We ran over to the corner and faced away from every one while Izzy got a playing card out and put the coke onto it to snort. I did a line and if I thought I felt good before this was 100 times better. We kept doing more and I was in my giggling mood again when we heard a voice behind us.

'Hailie what are you doing?' Nikki said angrily. Izzy and I turned around and Nikki could see the baggie in full view. 'Are you fucking serious right now?!' Nikki yelled at me. 'Hey man back off she's allowed to what she wants.' Izzy came back at him. 'You've got no idea what she's being through, she shouldn't be doing this!' Nikki hissed at Izzy. 'Actually he does know what happened.' I told Nikki bluntly. Nikki stared at both Izzy and I for a moment. 'So you fucking tell him first but not me?' Nikki growled. 'I tried to fucking tell you, you just wanted a root!' I yelled at him. 'Oh so you just run to Izzy instead?! Of course you do!' Nikki yelled back at me.

'What's you're problem man?' Izzy asked him. 'Are you fucking him Hailie?!' Nikki asked me. 'No!' I yelled at him. 'He was the first one I saw when you kicked me out of you're god damn room!' I added. 'Sixx, Hailie doesn't want anybody else but you can't you fucking see that?! If she didn't, she would be all over guys right now!' Izzy yelled at Nikki. Nikki looked at Izzy then back to me with a confused look on his face. 'Whatever man, you're on you're own Hailie.' Nikki said, walking away. 'Yeah cause it's not like we won't look after her!' Izzy called out after him.

I sat there not knowing what the fuck just happened. Why do Nikki and I always fight? Even when we're not together, I'm so sick of this! 'You wanna go home?' Izzy asked me.

'Fuck no, we're pulling an all nighter with or without Nikki.' I told him, before dragging inside for another drink.

The nights only getting started.

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