Chapter 27. You don't know trouble

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The night continued on and we played our shows, I sang as loud as I could to hear myself over the crowd and so did Axl and Vince, they sure were a loud crowd. Vince actually had the volume of his microphone adjusted during the song she's got the looks that kill. Nonetheless it was an amazing show and we were all pretty stoked with how it went, which put us in our usual partying moods.

I still didn't feel 100% after doing the zombie dust the night before and neither did Alex, so we stucked to our drink of choice, vodka. Nikki seemed to be doing all the drugs he could get his hands on though, in front of every body. Snorting coke, speed, and zombie dust while downing it with a couple of pills of god knows what. I know Sebastian pissed him off but jesus. I caught Paddy's eye, he raised his eyebrows at me as he looked back at Nikki.

I rolled my eyes and signed. 'Sixx come on lay off it.' I said calmly, walking over to him and taking away the tray of narcotics. 'Hey give that back!' He demanded. 'No, you've had enough! Give it to someone else.' I said sternly as I handed the tray to Vince who immediately started snorting lines. 'Since when the fuck do you tell me what to do?!' Nikki yelled at me. 'Since you think you can tell me what to do!' I spat back. 'Don't be a fucking bitch.' He replied, glaring at me.

'Hey man watch it!' Paddy said instantly, standing up and walking over to stand next to me. I gave Nikki the biggest death stare I could, how fucking dare he. 'Oh shit man, why did you say that?!' Tommy half whispered as everybody stared at me, curious for what my next move would be. Nikki shrugged before mumbling 'whatever' and chuckling to himself, then getting up to walk out of the room, bumping shoulders with Paddy in the process. 'Hey don't be touching my fucking brother Sixx or you'll have another thing coming!' I screamed after him as I held Paddy back from attacking him. 

He just laughed as he walked out, probably going to find more drugs. Whatever, I wasn't gonna let him ruin my night because he can't get his head out of his ass. 'Come on kiddo, sit down and have a drink.' Mick called out as Paddy made sure I was alright before heading back to his seat next to Duff. I slumped down next to Mick, grabbed my drink and sculled the rest of it. 'That's it!' Tommy yelled as I threw the plastic red cup across the room and grinned at him. 'I'm sorry he acts like that towards you.' Mick said quietly so only I could hear. 'He's just so unpredictable, one minute he loves me and wants to spend all his time with me and the next, he throws a tantrum and calls me a bitch? Ugh I don't get him.' I whined. 

Mick laughed as I said this. 'Nobody gets Sixx, I don't even think Sixx gets himself.' He chuckled. 'Don't worry, he'll come running back kiddo, as usual,' He added. 'Yeah well let's not let it ruin our night!' I cheered. My plan was to get so drunk that I forgot about Nikki for a while and what he could possibly be up to. Slash came and sat down next to me to make sure I was alright, he still wasn't good from the night before either. 'Drink this bottle of vodka with me, seriously it makes you feel better.' I told Slash. 'Alright fine if you quit buggering me!' He joked. Alex, Slash and I all finished off that bottle of vodka before heading out to the club to meet up with Skid Row.

It wasn't long before Slash and I were staggering and leaning against each other for support. 'You're rig-ht t-this did make m-me feel better.' Slash slurred as I burst in a fit of laughter and he joined in. 'Oi Doc wait I've gotta go find Sixx!' I heard Tommy yell from behind me, I didn't even care, I was too drunk and in my own little world of inside jokes with Slash. Izzy made sure I got in the van alright and I slumped down next to Slash and rested my head again his shoulder, still laughing hysterically.

'Jesus what is with you two.' Imogen giggled as she cuddled up to Steven who was sitting opposite us. After a while of waiting the door to the van opened and in came Tommy and Nikki. 'Hey he's back!' Vince yelled from the back of the van. Nikki grinned a goofy smile at him before saying 'you know it.' I was still laughing, but watching Nikki as he got into the van and went to sit down the back next to Tommy, Alex and Vince. He didn't even look at me, what the hell? Eh whatever, I was happy in my drunken state. 

'Dude looks like a lady!' Slash yelled in his best drunken impression of Steven Tyler. 'Dude looks like a lady!' I sang after him before laughing even more. 'Dude looks like a lady!' Tommy followed louder then either of us. 'Hey don't sing that shit!' Vince called out. 'Why cause it's about you Vinnie?' Ashleigh sniggered sending the whole van into roaring laughter while Vince rolled his eyes and groaned. 'Dude turn around please! I never notice what you looked like from the back.' Alex told him, laughing. 'Fuck off the lot of ya.' Vince chuckled. 

We arrived at the club, Paddy and Izzy were out first and then Slash and I from the help of Izzy of course, then the rest followed. I was still leaning onto Slash for support, even though he couldn't stand up properly. His legs finally gave way and he fell flat on the ground pulling me down with him. 'Holy shit dudes you okay?!' Tommy asked worried. I started laughing hysterically again as Tommy came to help us up. I saw Nikki walking behind him and put my hand out so that Nikki could pull me up. Instead he looked at me and looked away without even stopping, just completely walked past me. 

Okay fine. If he wants the silent treatment, I'll give him silent treatment. I also knew just the thing to piss him off. After Slash and I managed to get up and stumble into the club together, I pulled him over to the bar where Paddy and Duff stood, ordering a tequila shot for both of us. 'You sure you need more alcohol?' Duff asked with a smirk. 'Ssssshhhush' I slurred, putting my finger up to my lips. Slash copied me and I started laughing again, what is with me? After downing the shot, I turned around to look for 2 people. The first person was Nikki, I scanned the room to see where he was at.

My eyes finally found him, at a booth talking to some blonde bimbo, of course even better reason for me to do what I have in mind. Now for the second person, I looked around the room again and found him sitting by Vince and Izzy, Sebastian Bach. 'Don't do it Hailie, you're asking for trouble.' Paddy suddenly said, following my gaze and knowing exactly what I was thinking, it's a twin thing. 'If you don't know trouble, I'm a hell of scandal.' I replied, smirking and making my way over to Sebastian. 'Oh shit!' Duff and Slash both said behind me. 

Sebastian's eyes flickered up towards me as I walked over to him, I flashed a flirty smile at him and he grinned at me. 'Hi there stranger.' I giggled as I approached him, I immediately saw Nikki's head look up over at us, his face turning into a massive scowl. 'Hello darlin' why don't you come sit down?' Sebastian said with a grin looking me up and down. Even though he was no match for Nikki, he was a gorgeous man I must admit. Makes my job easier, Nikki now had his full attention towards Sebastian and I, ignoring the blonde that once had his attention.

I slipped into the booth and flashed a smile at Izzy and Vince who both nervously smiled back while looking back at Nikki, like they knew what he was capable of. Sebastian who was oblivious to the whole thing snaked his arm around me. 'No Sixx around this time?' He asked. 'Who cares.' I scoffed, rolling my eyes. 'True.' He stated, chuckling. In the distance I saw Paddy shaking his head at me while Duff and Slash watched on as if they were waiting for something to happen. 

I snuggled in closer to Sebastian before sneaking at quick look at Nikki, he wasn't there anymore and neither was the blonde. Ha, probably went to go fuck her, that'll probably be right. I looked up straight into Sebastian's eyes and flashed another smile. 'So tell me what do you wanna do tonight gorgeous?' Sebastian asked. Before I could even answer, I saw the look on Izzy and Vince's face out the corner of my eye as a hand wrapped around my arm and yanked me out of the booth. 

'You keen on fucking my girl Bach?!' Nikki screamed at him. 

'Well I mean, only if she's keen.' Sebastian answered with a grin.

Wrong answer Sebastian, wrong fucking answer.

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