Chapter 22. You'll always find you're way back

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I woke up feeling like absolute shit. I felt really anxious and didn't want to get out of bed. We had a show tonight and I was not up for it at all. I looked around the room, suddenly realizing someone laying next to me.

Nikki laid there, sound asleep. I smiled at the sight of him, then everything from last night came back and I started getting really angry. Vanity had said that she slept with Nikki before the bar last night. Even if that didn't happen, he was still talking to her behind my back and let her come here.

My fist clenched into a ball as I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I walked back into the bedroom and tipped the entire glass on Nikki's head as he slept. He awoke in shock and shuddered as the cold water hit his skin. 'What the fuck Hailie!' He yelled.

'Good morning sunshine, how was Vanity? Is she a better fuck then me?' I spat at him. 'What the fuck are you on about?' He asked, confused. 'Oh save it Nikki, she fucking told me that you didn't even break up with her and that you slept with her.' I said bitterly. 'And you fucking believe a word that bitch says?!' He asked, now getting up and standing in front of me. 'Well you obviously invited her here cause why else would she fucking be here!' I yelled at him.

'Hailie, it's not what you think.' Nikki said calmly. 'Yeah it's never what I fucking think Sixx, it's never what it looks like there's always some bullshit explanation.' I yelled, rolling my eyes and walking out of the room. 'Hailie she had what I needed! I couldn't find any gear in these fucking towns and she was calling me all the time, I gave in!' He explained as he followed me out of the room.

'Yes you're fucking addiction is top priority believe me I know.' I growled.

'What do you mean?' He asked, dumbfounded. 'You got absolutely strung out in front of everybody! You didn't even recognise me when I got there, you're so fucking lucky Paddy wasn't around to see that!' I raged. Nikki's eyes went wide as he realized what had happened and put his head in his hands. 'Hailie, I'm so sorry. I fucked up.' He said. 'Yeah you did, and you know what, I think you did sleep with that whore. I should have belted the fuck out of her when I had the chance.' I spat. 'No I never touch her Hai- what what?' He asked.

'Next time that bitch rings you, give me the phone.' I said over my shoulder. I grabbed my jacket and walked out before he could say anything else. I was too mad and hungover to deal with this shit right now. I walked down to the restaurant in the hotel and ordered a coffee. 'What you doing down here H?' Mick's voice cause from behind me. 'Oh hey Mick, just getting some coffee.' I replied. 'Well you look like shit.' He told me as he sat down. 'Jeez thanks man!' I answered back sarcastically. He chuckled as he order straight vodka with ice. 'How you feeling after last night?' He asked.

'Like absolute shit. I just confronted Nikki about the whole Vanity thing, I had to walk out before I did some damage.' I told Mick. 'Do you think he slept with her?' Mick asked me. 'I want to believe that he didn't but I honestly don't know.' I replied sadly. 'Well I can personally tell you that I was with Nikki the whole time from leaving Richfield right up till we went to the bar and he didn't disappear with her once. He just wanted the drugs she had for him.' Mick explained. I sat there in silence trying to understand everything going on inside my mind. 'I'm gonna kill that bitch for running her mouth when I see her.' I mumbled, finally.

Mick laughed at me even though I was deadly serious. 'I wouldn't stop you.' He grinned. 'Well he didn't sleep with her but he still let her come here, and that's not okay.' I told Mick. 'I totally agree, he doesn't think things through sometimes.' He agreed. 'He let himself get like that when Paddy was around.' I groaned. 'Why do you think Duff and I took Paddy with us to the strip club?' Mick asked. 'Thank you so much.' I replied. 'Always Doll.' He said.

'He loves you, ya know. Sixx does.' Mick said while we sipped on our drinks. I looked at him with a smile on my face. 'I've never seen him this way around a girl, he normally just tosses them aside after he get what he wants but you're different. You're good for him. I hope he doesn't fuck this up.' Mick explained. 'Me too.' I grinned at him. We finished our drinks and headed back to our rooms, 'I'm gonna take a nap, I'll see ya tonight.' Mick said, walking into his room. 'Cya then!' I replied. I looked at the door to mine and Nikki's room and walked straight past it, I didn't feel like seeing him right now. I walked up to Paddy's door and knocked on it.

Duff answered the door, 'Why hello Hailie, come on in.' He said smiling. 'Hey Duff, Paddy up?' I asked. 'Yeah he's on the balcony.' He replied. I walked out to the balcony and greeted my twin. 'Hey how you feeling sis?' Paddy asked. 'Not great.' I chuckled. 'You scared us all last night.' He replied. 'I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen.' I told him. 'How come you did so much?' He asked. 'Uh I'm not sure, just overdid it I guess.' I answered. I didn't want to tell him about Nikki and Vanity or the drugs, I may forgive Nikki but Paddy won't.

'Well you need to be careful H, I don't wanna lose you to drugs.' Paddy said seriously. 'I promise, I'll be careful.' I replied. Suddenly there was impatient knocking at the door. 'Wonder who that is.' Duff said, getting up and walking over to open the door. He opened it and there stood Nikki, I rolled my eyes and signed. 'Hailie, can we talk please?' He pleaded. 'No.' I replied bluntly. 'Is everything ok H?' Paddy asked. 'Yeah everything's fine.' I smiled up at him. 'Hailie I'm not going away until you do.' Nikki insisted. I rolled my eyes again, put my cigarette out before saying good bye and walked out towards Nikki. I pulled him down to our room and shut the door.

'What is it Sixx?' I huffed. 'Look I spoke to Tommy and heard about what happened last night. I just want you to know I'm really sorry and that it won't happen again.' Nikki told me. 'Yeah you say that every time Nikki.' I complained. 'I know but I'm gonna make sure I mean it this time H.' He replied. 'Sure you are.' I said bluntly. 'Well what are you gonna do then? Break up with me? You know that's not gonna work.' He said chuckling

. 'What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!' I raged. 'We can't stay away from each other Hailie! We could try as hard as we could, try so hard to convince ourselves we don't love each and we would still always find our way back, don't you get that?!' He explained. I sat down and put my head in my hands in defeat. I knew he was right, I knew that it was always going to be about Nikki and only ever him. 'I'm just sick of the shit you put me through.' I mumbled. 'I know baby, I'm sorry. I don't ever try to intentionally hurt you.' He cooed, as he sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I sank into his chest and signed.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. 'Hailie! Soundcheck come on!' Alex's voice boomed through the door. 'Okay I've gotta go. I'm still not happy with you, but we'll work on it.' I told Nikki. 'Thank you princess.' He replied before kissing me. I blushed, I always do when he called me that. I walked out and greeted the girls on the other side. 'All good?' Alex asked. 'Yep!' Let's do this!' I replied as I put my arms around Ash and Alex's shoulders.

I still had some anger left and I couldn't wait to get it out at tonight's show. 

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