Chapter 30. Cat Fight

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We all finished the show in New York and now were on our way back to a club to celebrate Paddy's and I's birthday. It was my favorite show I had played yet, the crowd were going crazy for us, calling out our names, throwing us gifts and holding up posters. I had never seen a crowd like that, they did the same for Guns and of course went absolutely nuts for Motley Crue.  Women were throwing their knickers at Nikki and Vince and screaming even louder then before, I scoffed while rolling my eyes and walking off to drown myself in vodka.

There were two separate vans to take us all, Paddy, Alex, Tommy, Izzy, Slash and Mick all got in the same van as me while the rest got into the other one including Nikki. Of course he would be avoiding me right now, why would I expect anything else. 'I cannot believe you got Sixx's name tattooed on you Hailie.' Izzy chuckled. 'Wait what?' Paddy asked, looking at me in shock. 'Oh fuck he didn't know?' Izzy asked me as I palm slapped my forehead. 'No he didn't until now.' I groaned as Tommy and Alex started laughing. 'Well what are you waiting for?? Fucking show me!' Paddy yelled. I lifted up my shirt and showed him and everyone else the black ink on my ribs. 'You're a fucking idiot.' Paddy told me shaking his head. 'Why?' I asked him defensively. 'What if you break up? Then you have that idiot on you forever!' He replied annoyed. 

'What's done is done alright? Fuck it, I'm just living life.' I replied with a smile. 'Yeah tell me that again in six months.' Paddy mumbled. I gave him a look and stuck my middle finger up. I was keen to get to the club and down as many shots as I could and party like never before. 'Drinks are on me tonight!' Tommy yelled while everyone cheered. We arrived and got out with our VIP passes, skipping the line and walking straight in. I saw the rest of the gang sitting in booths with a drink, I caught Nikki's eye as he sat next to Vince. He was staring at me but I broke the gaze and looked away, I wasn't playing his games tonight. The rest of us walked up to the bar where Tommy got us all a round of shots. Paddy and I got two shots each, and then a drink in either hand from god knows who. 

I downed them both and turned around to walk over to everyone else at the booths. As I was about to start walking, the doors of the club opened and in walked guess who. Fucking Vanity. 'Oh shit.' I heard Alex yell over the music. I stopped in my tracks and stared at her, she looked around the club until her eyes fell on Nikki who had his back to her and was obviously oblivious to what was going on. A smile instantly spread across her face as she made her way over to him. Over my dead body was I going to let this happen. 'Hailie don't!' Izzy yelled reaching out to hold me back but I was too quick for him. I made my way over to Vanity, Nikki gazed up at me, saw that I had my eye on something and turned around. His face dropped as he realized what was happening and pushed Vince out of the booth as quick as he could. 

Vanity's face also dropped as she saw me walking up to her and turned around to walk the other way. 'Hailie!' I heard Nikki yell from behind me, but I completely ignore him. 'Oh hell no get the fuck back here!' I yelled at Vanity as I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. 'Ow get off me you pyscho!' She yelled at me. 'Did you not listen to a fucking thing I told you the last time you decided to make an appearance?' I growled at her. 'I guess not.' She replied with a smirk. 'Then you're gonna get what I promised you.' I smirked back. Before I had time to even think about what I was doing, my fist connected with her jaw and she stumbled back with a yelp. 'You fucking crazy bitch!' She screamed at me as she lunged forward at me and grabbed my hair.

When you're fighting a junkie, it's not hard to beat them. I knew she was weak and pushed her off of me, then snaked both of my hands through her hair, got a grip then smashed her face into my knee. 'Hailie that's enough!' Paddy yelled at me, while Nikki pulled me off her. Blood was pouring down her nose but she was still mouthing off at me. 'I'm too much of a good fuck that's why Nikki flies me to whatever city he's in!' She yelled at me. 'You really wanna fucking go for round 2 cunt?!' I screamed at her. 'Hailie it's not true just fucking ignore her please!' Nikki pleaded. 'I betcha it is true, get the fuck off me!' I yelled at him as I pushed him off. I headed for the bathroom with Alex before security could figure out who was fighting to wash myself off and calm down. 

'I swear I'm gonna kill that bitch someday.' I huffed as I walked into the bathroom. 'Yeah she's like a fucking dog, won't stop yapping at you.' Alex laughed. I looked at myself in the mirror, apart from the cut on my nose and a little bruise on my forehead, I looked pretty good. 'Bitch I'm still pretty!' I yelled as Alex started laughing and gave me a high five. 'Oi I know for a fact that Sixx didn't ask her to come here though. She was in New York for a shoot and must of heard he was here.' Alex told me. 'She just can't stay away can she!' I said annoyed. I cleaned myself up and walked back out to carry on like nothing happened.

'Hey are you okay?' Slash asked me as he handed me another drink. 'Perfectly fine darlin.' I replied smiling up at him. 'You might wanna go see Sixx though, he's not in good shape.' Slash told me as I took a sip from my drink. 'Why what's wrong?' I asked him. 'I'm not sure but you better go see him, he's in the smokers area.' Slash replied. I finished my drink and made my way to the smokers area.

I scanned the deck and saw Nikki in the corner by himself, just looking at the ground expressionless. 'Nikki.' I said as I walked right up to him. 'Hailie!' Nikki started, 'it's not what you think it is. I did not invite that bitch here at all, please you gotta believe me!' He pleaded. 'Shush it's okay, I believe you.' I said quietly, grabbing his hands and looking into his eyes. 'You do?' He asked. 'Yeah, Alex told me what was up.' I replied. 'Oh thank god.' He signed with relief, pulling me in for a hug. 'I'm so sorry for being a dick, I didn't even know when you're birthday was. I promise I'll make it up to you.' He said in my ear. 'You better.' I chuckled. 

'I love you, don't forget that.' Nikki said looking straight into my eyes. 'I love you too Sixx, now come on let's finish off the night! I'm not 21 forever.' I said with a grin as Nikki lead me back inside. 

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