Chapter 42. Sixx's missus

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*violence and sexual assault in this chapter, if you are triggered or if this upsets you in anyway please skip this chapter*

I walked back into the house where Alex and Ashleigh sat on the couch, as I did more people we didn't know walked in. Girls and guys started swarming in and going outside to where the boys were all at. 'Man fuck this I'm going to bed.' Alex groaned. Ashleigh went back outside and sat on Vince while I took Alex to bed. 'Here have these.' I said, handing her the Valium. 'Oh thank fuck I ran out of them last week.' She replied, shoving them down her throat.

I left her room and decided to go have a nice hot shower since nobody was up on the second floor. I turned the taps on, took my clothes off and stepped in the tub closing the shower curtain and relaxing under the hot water.

After a while I got out, drying myself and putting on a black lace bralette with black silk panties. Then I heard the door open from Paddy's room that I had my back to. 'Get out of here Paddy, can't you see I'm in here?!' I yelled, turning around expecting to see Paddy but it wasn't.

It was some guy I'd never seen before. 'What the fuck are you doing?' I asked after a moment of silence. He looked me up and down before giving me a scary smile. 'You're Sixx's missus, Hailie Darcy right?' He asked. 'Not anymore, get the fuck out now.' I told him coldly. 'Oh you aren't with Sixx anymore? Perfect.' He replied. He came closer towards me as I took a step back. 'Come on baby, I know you're missing the dick.' He purred. 'Get the fuck away from me now!' I yelled at him.

Next thing I knew, he grabbed my throat and pushed me up against the wall. I tried to scream but he was choking me that hard I couldn't get a peep out. He trying to taking my panties off as I was struggling to breath. Out the corner of my eye I saw my hair straighter which I had turned on before this guy walked in, I quickly grabbed it and pressed it down on his arm that was holding my throat. He yelled and immediately dropped me. 'You fucking bitch, you gonna get what you deserve!' He spat at me. 'No please don't!' I yelled, tears streaming down my face in hopes someone would hear me but everyone was downstairs and Alex was knocked out because of the Valium.

'Shut up bitch!' He growled as he started kicking me. He kicked me in the ribs, my stomach, and my legs until I no longer could try and scream even though there wasn't much coming out because of the choking. 'This is it, I'm gonna die.' I though as he kept kicking me. Then suddenly something in me snapped and I grabbed his leg and pulled it up, he fell backwards and hit his head on the tub, knocking him out cold.

I looked at him waiting for any sign of consciousness. When I realised he wasn't waking up anytime soon, I got up with all the strength I had and walked as fast as I could out of the bathroom. I walked in the hallway, struggling to even see. There was no body around and I was absolutely terrified standing there in my underwear. I heard a grunt from the bathroom and quickly made my way into the closer room I could find, shutting the door quietly. I found my way against the wall and slid down, tears streaming down my face trying not to sob so loud in fear that he would hear.

I stayed in that position for what felt like a few hours until the door opened and the lights came on. In came Nikki, making out with some chick heavily. Fuck me of course I had to be in his room! He want to push her on the bed until he saw me crouched down by the wall. 'Hailie? What the fuck get out!' He yelled at me. 'Nikki please don't make me g-' i started. 'OUT!' He yelled again. Tears streamed down my face again as I got up and peeped into the hallway making sure it was safe. Nikki must have seen the marks on my body and how distressed I was because he called out my name as soon as I saw Izzy coming up the stairs. I walked out ignoring Nikki and went straight over to Izzy.

'Hailie, what's wrong??' Izzy immediately asked with a major look of concern. 'I don't have time to explain right now, please just take me back to you're room.' I pleaded. He just nodded and put his arm around me protectively before walking into his room and shutting the door. Nikki stuck his head out of his room but Izzy told him he had it covered. 'What happened?' Izzy demanded. 'I can't tell you right now.' I replied quietly. 'What the fuck do you mean??' Izzy exclaimed. 'Look I promise I'll tell you in the morning, just please hold me. I need to feel safe.' I cried, tears running down my face again.

Izzy signed and gave me a hug before giving me his tshirt to wear to bed. I got into the bed and he put his arms around me, being careful of my fragile state and just held me. Stroking my hair, making me calm down just a little. It wasn't the same as being held by Nikki but it was close enough. Plus nikki would rather get laid then help me out so fuck him.

'Thank you.' I told Izzy after a long period of silence. 'I'm gonna kill whoever did this.' He told me adamantly.

I signed and tried to get some sleep, even thought I knew I'd being lying awake all night.

(It's a short chapter I know, but there's loads more to come. Thank you for reading xxx)

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