Chapter 73. Nice day for a white wedding

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It's being a couple of days since the tour ended and just like that, we're back in L.A. I've just being hanging out with Nikki and Paddy mostly at my place by the pool spending time relaxing and doing absolutely nothing with the company of Alex and Tommy every now and then.

Tomorrow is Tommy and Alex's wedding so they're having the Bucks and Hens night tonight which Nikki and I both organised since we're both best man man and maid of honour.

Nikki's taking the boys to Las Vegas tonight while I've organised the Hens night in LA and us girls will drive up in the morning. I've got together a function room upstairs at a club where we'll have an unlimited drink tab at the bar and from there we'll be going from club to club. As for Tommy's bucks, I didn't wanna know as I knew it'll be fucking nuts.

'Bye twin.' Paddy grinned as he hugged me good bye. 'Be safe okay.' I signed. 'Always.' He replied before heading to the bus out the front with all the boys on it already causing a ruckus. 'Don't worry babe I'll look after him.' Nikki's voice suddenly came from behind me. 'You better, and you look after yourself too!' I lectured him before giving him a big bear hug. 'See you at the wedding doll, love you.' Nikki smirked at me before walking off to the bus leaving me in a big pool of anxiety.

I watched the bus drive off and it wasn't long before girls rocked up at my house. 'Party's here!' Alex screamed throughout the house. I ran over to greet them and screamed back with excitement. I was so excited to be celebrating such an important time of Alex's life.

We all got into the alcohol and drugs straight away and slowly my worries about the bucks and Nikki or Paddy relapsing started to slip away. Time got away and next thing I knew I was really fucked up at some club crying and telling Ashleigh how much I loved her. Suddenly male strippers took over the room and we started yelling and tucking notes into their underwear.

'H come over here!' Alex yelled from across the room. I walked over to where she was standing at the side of the stage with one of the strippers lying down. I noticed two lines of coke on his abs as he smiled up at me. 'Come on lets do it.' Alex grinned at me, handing me a note rolled up. I immediately bent over with her and snorted the line of this man's abs and started laughing hysterically.

The rest of the night was a black out and again the next thing I knew, I woke up in my bed with Alex sprawled across me and the room trashed. 'Jesus Christ.' I mumbled, noticing my thumping headache. I looked over at the time that read 11am. 'FUCK!' I screamed, waking up Alex and jumping out of bed. 'What's wrong??' Alex asked worried. 'We're gonna be late to you're wedding that's what!' I yelled as I hurried to grabbed my things.

'Shit shit shit shit!' Alex ranted, jumping out of bed and rushing. I woke the other girls up and within 10 minutes we were all packed and ready to go by the time Vicky rocked up to pick us up. 'Wow you girls are a mess.' Vicky laughed as we got in the car. We all had a quick glance in the mirror and I looked like a train wreck! My mascara and lipstick was all over my face and my hair was a bird's nest, although I did fit in with the rest of the girls.

We finally got to the wedding destination in Las Vegas, which was a hotel and a beautiful garden out the back which was all set up for Alex and Tommy's wedding. We had an hour to get ready so we were rushing hair and makeup before slipping on our dresses. Ash, Imogen and I all wore elegant long white silk dresses and Alex look absolutely amazing in her white lace wedding dress.

We were all sitting around having some wine when there was a knock on the door. Vicky opened it to Doc beaming at us all. 'Good luck Alex, you make a beautiful bride.' He complimented. 'Aw Thanks Doc.' Alex gushed. 'How did the boys turn up?' I asked curiously. 'Uh let's just say you girls are a whole lot better.' Doc chuckled before leaving. 'Did we really expect anything else?' Ashleigh laughed. 'I'll kill Tommy if he's out of it.' Alex said seriously.

Finally it was time to go downstairs and meet the groomsmen to walk down the aisle. I was so excited to see Nikki and how he looked suited up. We got to the lobby and saw Mick and Vince standing there with Nikki up the front. 'Wow you look gorgeous girls!' Vince said as we approached them. 'Not bad kiddos.' Mick added with a smile. I grinned and walked towards Nikki but as I did so, Vince gave me a weird look.

I look back at him as if to say 'what?' but as I stood in front of Nikki it all made sense. I looked at Nikki who hadn't even realised I was there, he was completely out of it and obviously strung out on something. 'Nikki hello?!' I said annoyed, shaking him trying to get his attention.

His eyes slowly locked on me and he smiled a little bit. 'Hey baby y-you look a-amazing.' He stuttered, trying to stand properly. I frowned and grabbed his arm, pushing up the sleeves. Yep, fresh track marks. 'Are you fucking kidding me Sixx?' I hissed at him as everyone started paying attention. 'It's you're best friends wedding and you're high as a kite on H!' I half yelled half whispered.

Nikki didn't say anything, just diverted his eyes back out the window of the door we were about to go through. Ashleigh and Vince gave me a sympathetic look as I shook my head trying to shake the tears away. Finally Alex joined us, I didn't want her to see me upset because she would kill Nikki if she knew. So instead I gave her my biggest smile. 'You ready?' I asked her. 'Never being so ready in my life.' She replied with a grin.

So off Ashleigh and Vince went down the aisle followed by Mick and Imogen. I took a deep breath and grabbed onto Nikki, knowing full well he would fall over if I didn't get a good grip. 'I'm s-sorry H.' I heard Nikki say as we walk out of the building and towards the aisle where all the wedding guests looked at us. I ignored him and covered my worries with a smile as we approached everyone, whilst also trying to help Nikki walk properly.

I caught Paddy's eye as we got half way down the aisle, he gave me a sad look which nearly made me cry. Then I looked at Izzy who was next to him, he mouthed 'sorry' and I had to look away to try and hold it together. Finally we reached the alter to a very annoyed Tommy obviously because of Nikki. I helped Nikki up next to Tommy making sure he was fine. 'Please don't let it ruin you're wedding, I'm so sorry.' I whispered to Tommy. 'Not you're fault H, I can't wait to marry her.' He replied beaming at me. I took my place and waited for Alex.

Finally I see her coming down the aisle, eyes locked on Tommy. She look absolutely stunning and I just let myself cry, I couldn't have being more proud. As she reached Tommy who was in bliss, they started the ceremony. I thought about how lucky I was to be here and witness such a beautiful moment. They started to read their vows and I looked over at Nikki who was still struggling to stand up properly let alone take in what Tommy and Alex were saying.

A tear fell down my cheek as I realised we might never get married, as long as Nikki had heroin he didn't need anybody or anything else.

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