Chapter 50. You snooze you lose

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I spent the rest of the flight drinking my weight in vodka and putting just as much coke up my nose with Slash and Izzy. Nikki and I keep exchanging looks and I kept flashing him a mischievous grin which looked like it confused him even more. Alex must have notice and whacked me on the knee. 'Ow you fucking bitch!' I yelled. 'I can see what you're doing Hailie.' She said smirking at me. I stuck my tongue out at her and mumbled 'whatever.'

'Seriously though why is he acting confused? Haven't I given him enough hints that I'm only down for him?' I asked her. 'Probably cause you broke up with him? Duh.' She giggled. 'Oh shit I did too.' I said. 'So will Sixx be off the market again soon?' Alex asked. I sat there for a moment as I thought about it. 'Nah I think I'm just having fun, it's nice to be one the playing the games for once.' I replied with a giggle. 'You're down for him but you don't wanna be with him. Sounds like a chick.' Slash interrupted as Alex and Izzy start laughing. 'Oh shut up I don't know what I'm saying.' I laughed.

We finally landed in Salt Lake City and gave our bags to management before heading straight to the venue for soundcheck. I was keen for the show tonight, I was in such a good mood to rock the fuck outta that place. 

The girls and I finished up soundcheck and Vicky was more then pleased. 'What put you girls in the mood to kick ass?!' Vicky exclaimed. We all laughed, before joining Motley for a late lunch while Guns did their soundcheck.

As usual, Ash ran straight over to Vince and sat on his lap. Imogen was throwing back vodka shots with Mick and Alex of course sat next to Tommy to do more lines. Nikki sat there with a smug grin on his face as he motioned for me to sit next to him. 'How's my favourite cherry bomb?' He asked with a grin as he put his arm around my neck. 'Fucking hungry.' I answered as I grabbed his plate of food and starting hauling into it. 'By the way, did anyone see where Paddy went?' I asked out loud with a mouth full of food, Nikki laughed obviously amused at the sight of me.

'Yeah dude, he went back to the hotel. Said he'd meet us here later.' Tommy told me. 'Oh okay.' I replied, confused as Alex and I exchanged looks. That's weird, Paddy's being to every one of our soundcheck. I decided I'll talk to him later and grabbed Tommy's plate of food as well. 'Hey dude get you're own chicken!' He yelled as Vince and Nikki laughed. 'You snooze you lose.' I replied. Man I was hungry

A few hours went by and it was almost time to go on stage. Paddy still hadn't rocked up and I was getting more and more worried. I was in my dressing room getting ready, I decided on wearing a black and white check skirt with a Runaways shirt, leather jacket and platform boots to match. There was a knock on the door and I turned around to see Vicky. 'Has he rocked up yet?' I asked her. Before she could answer, Paddy walked in.

'There you are! I was worried about you.' I said to him as Vicky left the room. 'Hailie...' he trailed off and looked at me with a sad look. 'What is it?' I asked him as my face dropped. 'Mum and dad... they're trying to get into my head.' He answered. 'What are they saying??' I asked him. 'That I need to move back home because I have no where to go after the tour ends.' Paddy replied. 'Nope, you're not going anywhere. You're staying right here with me.' I said firmly. 'Yeah but where would I stay? I don't have any money or a job.' He tried to explain. 'Paddy, I have made a lot of money from this tour that I don't know what to do with it. I'm going to buy a house for us and you'll live with me.' I told him.

'Really?! You'd do that?!' Paddy asked excitedly. 'Well you don't have a choice, you're staying here with me. Fuck mum and dad.' I replied flatly. 'You've got no idea how much that means to me H.' Paddy said happily. 'Now I can put up with more shit from you and Sixx.' He added laughing as I smacked him on the arm. 'Mum's gonna lose her shit when she finds out.' Paddy said nervously. 'Don't worry, I'll talk to her.' I said with a smile. I couldn't wait to rub it in her face that she practically pushed me away and I'm doing just fine without her.

'Hailie, show time!' Vicky's voice came from outside the door. 'Catch ya after the show.' I called out to Paddy as I ran out the door. I meet up with the girls backstage and could already hear the crowd screaming. 'Well aren't you just sex on legs?' A voice came from behind me. I turned around to see Nikki standing there, checking me out. 'Excuse me I'm much more then just sex on legs.' I replied rolling my eyes with a smirk. 'Yes you are.' He said before giving me a kiss on the cheek and wishing me luck. 'Alright girls let's do this!' I yelled as we all ran on stage.

We killed and I'd say it was one of our best shows. Something was in the atmosphere tonight cause Guns and Motley absolutely nailed their shows too. We stayed behind drinking and doing drugs for a while, us girls even decided to stay when the groupies rocked up. One sat herself on Paddy's lap who I was sitting next to and told me to get lose because he was taken. '1. He's my brother so you can have him and 2. You're the one that gets my sloppy seconds, not the other way around.' I bitched at her before rolling my eyes and walking away. 'Ohhhh shit!!' Vince yelled as everybody laughed, the groupie gave me a dirty look before turning her attention back to Paddy.

After a while we all decided to go back to the hotel except for Tommy of course. We were all tired from the travelling and had another flight tomorrow. Nikki had disappeared from the scene but I was too coked out to take much notice. 'Yo we still sharing a room?!' I asked Paddy as I jumped on him. 'We sure are H.' He smiled. We all piled into the van, squashed in because there wasn't enough seats. I sat on top of Slash and laid my legs across Paddy and Izzy while Tommy and Alex sat on the floor down the back.

We got to the hotel and I raced Slash to the elevator before tripping over my own foot. Slash laughed at me hysterically as Izzy helped me up. 'Shut up!' I said embarrassed as I smacked his arm. He teased me about it the whole way up to our level until we step out of the elevator and everyone stopped dead in their tracks. 'What?' I asked as I walked out of the elevator. Then I saw Nikki with a chick half naked, fucking her against the door. Slash, Izzy and Paddy looked at me to see what I would do next. I signed as I grabbed my key off Paddy and walked towards my hotel door which was right next to Nikki's. Nikki froze, just staring at me. 'Really? You couldn't wait to get into you're room?' I asked him before rolling my eyes and walking into the hotel room.

'You okay?' Paddy asked, as he followed me in shutting the door behind him. I shrugged my shoulders. 'Yeah, I don't have the energy for it today.' I signed. 'I was waiting for you to kick both of their asses!' Paddy laughed. 'I would have if I could have being bothered.' I chuckled.

I walked into the bedroom and shut the door before sliding down against it and taking a moment. Then I started to bawl my eyes out, seeing Nikki with someone that wasn't me broke my heart all over again. It's bad enough hearing about it but to see it, was the worst.

My mood went from sad to angry then escalated to absolutely furious. I'm gonna get revenge. I'm gonna make Nikki Sixx wish he never fucked with me.

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