Chapter 20. bubs?

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I woke up with a massive headache and feeling like I was gonna vomit. I looked over next to me to see Nikki passed out, with no clothes on. I smiled to myself and got up to get some aspirins when that feeling of vomiting came up my throat. I ran out of the bedroom noticing Slash passed out on the couch and raced over to the bathroom, just making it to the toilet before throwing up what felt like my entire stomach. 

After that unpleasant episode, I felt a little better and got up to finally get some pills. I took them, drank a big glass of water then sat down next to Slash who didn't stir once, trying to remember what the fuck happened last night. I remember leaving the venue, getting mobbed by fans who were trying to get to mostly Nikki and Tommy. Then betting another terror twin rematch between Nikki, Tommy, Alex and myself which got a little out of control. I obviously drank my weight in alcohol, and also did a bunch of coke with Izzy. 

What else? Oh, Vince got in a fight and Paddy was making out with Ashleigh and I got super mad at her about it. Oh shit, where the fuck is Paddy?! My stomach dropped as I shot up and immediately ran out the door to look for him. On my way down to his room, every worse scenario was popping into my head of what could have happened. I knocked on his door, no answer. I tried getting in but it was locked, by then I was so worried and frustrated that I did the only thing that made sense to me. 

I kicked in the door after several attempts and ran around his room like a mad chicken. 'PATRICK DARCY!' I screamed for him.  I found him in his bed passed out with Duff and Steven. 'Thank god.' I said to myself, leaning against the door. 'What the fuck?' Duff asked, as I realized that I had woken him up. 'Did you kick the door down?' Steven asked me, looking surprised. 'Ah yeah, sorry about that.' I replied, and chuckled nervously. 'Hailie? Is everything ok?' Paddy asked me, looking at me curiously. 'Ah...I just..t.thought that-' I stuttered. 'I get it, you thought I'd relapse. Well I didn't and I'm okay.' He said, smiling up at me. I grinned and ran over to give him a quick hug. 'Don't scare me like that again.' I whispered in his ear. 'Aw.' Duff and Steven cooed. 'Shut up morons.' I said, throwing a pillow at them.

'Hailie?!' I heard a voice boomed down the hallway. 'Sounds like Sixx is looking for you.' Duff said, smirking. 'Bye guys.' I told them, before walking out of the room to meet Nikki in the hallway. 'Baby where were you??' Nikki asked me, pulling me in for a hug as I approached him. 'Don't stress Nik, I woke up in bed with you I just went to check on Paddy.' I said, returning the hug. We walked back to our room, Slash was still passed out on our couch, I don't think he was getting up anytime soon. 'How fun was last night though?' Nikki asked as he winked at me. I suddenly remember, grinding on Nikki at the club and the next thing I knew he had put us in a cab back to the hotel where we continually made out and barely could keep our hands off each other until we got back. That doesn't explain how Slash got in here though. 

'Ha yeah sorry, tequila gets me turned on.' I chuckled. 'Ah I see, noted for next time.' He said, with a smirk. 'So, how did Slash get in here?' I asked Nikki. 'I would not have a fucking clue.' Nikki laughed, while looking over at the drunken mess passed out on the couch hiding behind his big messy hair. 'Well we better start getting ready to leave, I'll surprise Doc by showing him I'm up for once.' Nikki said, walking over to gather his stuff. 'Yeah I'll do the honors.' I replied, pointing to Slash and rolling my eyes. I walked into the kitchen and opened the draws, pulling out two saucepans. I laughed to myself as I walked over to Slash, held the sauce pans right over his head and smashed them together as loud as I could while Nikki hysterically laughed. Slash jumped and fell off the couch, confused as hell at us laughing at him. 'Fucking hell!' He moaned. 

 'How did ya get in here dude?' I asked him laughing. He looked around before saying 'I actually don't know the answer to that.' I just shrugged my shoulders. 'Ah well doesn't matter!' I replied. 'You welcome to crash anytime Slasher.' Nikki called from behind me. 'Thanks man, well it looks like we're leaving soon so I better go find Izzy.' He replied, stumbling over clothes on the floor before making it to the door. 'Bye!' Nikki and I both called after him. We gathered all our stuff, before deciding to have a nice hot shower and some sex. 

'We're doing that quite a lot lately.' Nikki said, grinning as we got out of the shower and started getting dressed. 'I know, it's great!' I chuckled. 'I can't get enough.' Nikki replied, wrapping his arms around me from behind. We got dressed and made our way down to the lobby to meet everyone else. As we came out of the lift, everyone was waiting for us. 'Damn Sixx, save the sex for later don't keep us waiting!' Tommy yelled, laughing. 'Ew dude, I don't wanna hear that about my sister.' Paddy groaned. 'Shut up T-bone, pretty sure sex is 90% of you're life.' Nikki teased. 'Hailie, Alex! Over here please.' Vicky called as we were laughing at the boys. We walked over with Ash and Imogen already standing there. 'I've got us a van so we can go down to Thornville later, Alex wanted a day to make some material and you have today off so I thought why not. You can meet the boys there later.' Vicky explained. 'Yeah sounds good to me!' I replied, the girls all agreeing. 

I walked back over to Nikki and kissed him goodbye. 'Be good.' I told him, pointing a finger at him. 'Always princess.' He smirked. 'Cmon Pat, let's go.' I called over to Paddy. 'Actually Hailie, can I go with the boys?' He asked. I rolled my eyes and signed. 'Pleeeeaase!' He pleaded. 'It's okay H, we'll look after him.' Slash told me reassuringly. 'I promise I won't let anything bad happen.' Nikki swore. 'Yeah he'll have fun with us!' Tommy cut in. 'Fine, but if anything happens, I will come for the lot of you.' I scolded them. 'Done!' Vince agreed. 

I said goodbye and walk down to the van with the girls, I was nervous but I was sure that he'd be fine. I can trust the boys... right? Vicky had hired out a studio for the day and we all spent hours writing lyrics and making new material. I was still annoyed at Ash but she apologized multiple times so I decided to just let it go. Alex showed me some guitar riffs she had being practicing and we incorporated the bass line in before adding the drums and then the lyrics. We weren't sure if we wanted to put it all on our next album, but it was great stuff and I was excited for the future and for what's to come. Vicky was impressed and insisted on us making another album as soon as we came back from tour. 

We hopped on the van and made the long drive down to Thornville to meet the boys. Ash and Imogen decided to catch up on some much needed sleep while Alex and I decided to drink a bottle of vodka between us because why not? I needed to calm down, Paddy had being at the back of my mind all day, So was Nikki, he was really good at hiding his addiction and I couldn't hide my fears on what could happen. All I know is that he loves me and I love him and that's enough. 'H... I think I'm pregnant.' Alex suddenly said, cutting off my thoughts. I looked at her to see any kind of reaction of her making a joke, when I only got a serious face and tears in her eyes, I realized she was serious. 'Fuck.' I replied. 'What am I gonna do??' She cried, getting upset. 'Shush it's okay, I'll get Vicky to stop at the next gas station to get a drink and we'll take a test there just to see if you are, then we'll go from there.' I reassured her. 

15 minutes later, Vicky pulled up to the nearest gas station, Alex and I got out of the car while Ash and Imogen were still fast asleep. 'Ok so here's the plan, you get the drinks and I'll buy the test and I'll meet you in the toilets.' I told her. Alex took a deep breath and wiped her tears away before saying 'okay.' I picked out the most accurate one, brought it, getting looks from the cashier who I hoped to god didn't recognize me and legged it to the toilet. Alex met me in there not long after and sat down on the toilet to take the test. 

'What do I do now?' She asked. 'Wipe the stick from you're piss and give it to me.' I told her. She wiped it and handed it over, I placed it facing down on the counter while we waited the longest 3 minutes of our lives. Alex sat there, shaking while I wonder what I would do if this was me and I was pregnant with Nikki's baby. What would he do? Would he freak out or stay? Finally the anxious 3 minutes were up. 'Okay babe you ready?' I asked her. 'Fuck no.' She replied, as she reached forward to grab the stick. 

Okay, here it comes.. 

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