Chapter 72. End of tour

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Today is officially the last show for Pretty Poisons and Guns and Roses before Motley continue their tour in Japan. I was so sad it was ending, this had being my life for the past 6 months and I didn't want it to end. We were playing in Pembroke, Florida.

I arrived at the venue for soundcheck with the girls and Paddy, everyone was buzzing as usual with their choice of drink and drugs.  'I can't believe this is our last show!' I whined as I sat down next to Izzy and Slash taking Izzy's cigarette for a drag.

'I know it's gonna suck without all you guys!' Slash agreed. 'We're still gonna hang out all the time!' Alex said positively. 'Well since this is our last show, we're going out with a Big Bang!' Izzy cheered as he pulled out the biggest bag of coke I have ever seen and chucked it on the table.

We didn't waste anytime getting into it, as I did a line Motley walked in and joined us. 'Hey cherry bomb.' Mick chuckled as he ruffled my hair. 'You know the rules Mars, no touchy.' I lectured him, pointing to my hair as he laughed. Nikki walked behind him and sat down in front of me, planting a kiss on my lips. 'I'm gonna miss you so much when you go to Japan.' I told him. 'I'm gonna miss you too baby.' He answered with a smile.

It had being a couple of days since we made up and he's being doing really well with staying sober, only drinking. I was proud of him, but I also wasn't getting my hopes up. I was worried about him going to Japan without me.

We all did our soundcheck and waited around for our shows for a couple of hours. Just before we were about to go on, we could hearing the crowd chanting and yelling. 'Fuck their a rowdy bunch!' Vince laughed. I wore leather shorts and a matching studded leather bra with boots. I was so ready to rock the fuck out of this last show. Suddenly Pretty Poisons were introduced on stage and the crowd screamed and the girls and I ran out there for the last time this tour.

We rock and rolled as hard as we could and thanked the crowd for the last show, that's it! It's all over now. We ran off stage after introducing guns and I hugged Izzy with tears in my eyes before moving onto the others.

By the time we walked off on stage and towards the guys on Motley I was bawling, but happy tears. I really couldn't believe the tour was now over! 'Don't cry kiddo, you absolutely killed it.' Mick reassured me as he gave me a hug which I was shocked about. 'Come here.' Nikki said smiling as he grabbed me and pulled me in for a tight hug. I hugged him back and buried my face in his chest. We stayed like for a few moments before i decided to pull back.

'Okay no more crying, let's get this party started!' I yelled out to everyone. 'You go and do that.' Nikki chuckled as I kissed him good luck before running to the bar backstage with the girls.

Alex and I found the vodka and other things like kahlau and captain Morgan's so we decided to mix it up abit, also with some tequila of course. It wasn't long before guns joined the party and by the time Motley finished, we were all a drunken mess.

Doc and Vicky had organised an after party to celebrate the last leg of the tour at a popular club down the road so we took our shenanigans to the van with us, one again all squished in. I sat on the floor in between Nikki's legs and held onto his knees while he skulled a bottle of Jack.

We arrived and were greeted with everyone we knew back in L.A. Ratt, Red hot chilli peppers, skid row, warrant and a lot of other bands were there as well as everyone from the record label. 'Holy shit Vicky this is amazing!' Alex exclaimed as they all greeted us. 'You deserve it all, you girls did so well.' Vicky told us beaming.

We didn't waste any time getting into the partying, I said hello to Sebastian but steered clear of him to avoid another altercation with Nikki. 'Where's Sixx?' I asked Tommy after a while of not seeing him. 'He's with Robbin somewhere no doubt.' Tommy answered. I gulped with worry, it was always in the back of my mind that Nikki will go back to doing heroin and Robbin was an addict. I shook the thought away and did more shots that were sitting on the table.

After a while of doing Tommy's party trick with him and taking some ecstasy pills, I stumble out side where heaps of people were looking for Nikki. I looked over to the corner and saw Izzy sitting by himself having a cigarette.

'Hey Cherry Bomb.' Izzy said smiling as I approached him. 'Hey Iz what are you doing out here?' I asked with a little concern. 'Just taking a moment to take in the best months of my life.' Izzy replied smiling. 'Me too Izzy.' I smiled back sitting next to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He put his arm around me and rested his head against mine.

'Thank you for everything you've done for me these past six months, I mean it when I say I don't know what I'd do without you.' I told him sincerely. 'Anytime H, it's what we do for the people we love. You'd do the same for me.' He answered honestly. I didn't say anything, just hugged him tighter. I knew he didn't mean love in a friend way but he also knew nothing was gonna happen. None the less, he was still one of my best friends I'd do anything for.

I let go as Tommy and Alex approached us with big smiles on their faces. 'You guys, we've got news to tell you.' Tommy said with a big smile. 'What is it??' Izzy asked curiously. 'We're getting married in Las Vegas next week before the boys go to Japan!' Alex exclaimed.

Oh my god yes!' I screamed as I jumped up and hugged them both, getting looks from everyone around us. 'Congrats guys! Can't wait for it!' Izzy cheered behind me. 'Alex we've got so much to organised, we need to get our dresses and shoes as soon as we touch down in LA and-' I started babbling. 'Woah slow down H!' Tommy laughed at me. 'I'm just too excited!' I yelled jumping up and down.

Nikki and Robbin join us with Mick and we told him the good news. 'Such good fucking news to hear man!' Nikki exclaimed as he hugged Tommy. I walked over to Nikki and gave him a hug. 'Where have you being baby?' I asked. 'Just around with Robbin.' He replied, hugging me back. 'You're gonna look absolutely stunning at their wedding I can't wait to see you.' He whispered in my ear, making me giggle.

The rest of the night we partied the roof off, I'll always remember these 6 months of my life where I made 8 new friendships for life and one relationship I'll never forget.

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