Chapter 64. Be the man you deserve

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We finished up our shows in Canada a couple of days ago and flew back to the U.S, having a couple of days off for Halloween. Nikki had so far stuck to his promise, played at the last show and stayed away from drugs, with the exception of cocaine but hey, at least it's not heroin.

I'm currently at my place getting ready for this Halloween party that the guys of the band Ratt were throwing. I hadn't met them before but I knew Robbin was a real close friend of Nikki's. I also wasn't super keen on this whole Halloween thing, being Australian it's just super weird to us. But any excuse to party and have a good time is good enough for me!

I took one last look in the mirror before heading down stairs. I was wearing a sexy devils costume, a high waisted red leather skirt with a red lace bralette to match with red wings and horns on my head. I smiled, knowing this would drive Nikki crazy. I put on my red leather boots to match and went downstairs to meet the others.

I walked in the lounge room and saw a bunch of faces all look at me. Paddy, Alex, Izzy, Slash and Duff were all sitting around the coffee table. Paddy groaned, rolling his eyes and looking away while Izzy's mouth dropped to the floor and Slash laughed at him. 'Well Well Well look what the devil brought in.' Alex chuckled as she stood up walking over to me.

She was wearing a matching angel outfit, white looked so good on her. 'We really are the perfect match.' I giggled. 'Loving the outfit H.' Duff smiled as I took a seat next to Izzy who was still staring at me. Duff was wearing what looked like a ghost outfit, Paddy was a zombie, Slash was Angus Young from AC/DC and Izzy was Marty Mcfly from back to the future.

'Thanks Duff, take a picture Izzy it'll last longer.' I laughed. 'S-sorry.' Izzy mumbled looking away. I shook it off before pouring him a shot and handing him one.

'So my house is the headquarters of the gang now I'm guessing?' I asked everyone. 'You guessed right.' Slash chuckled, handing me a drink. 'What's up you're ass Paddy?' I asked him, noticing the scowl on his face. 'Could you wear anything but that?' He groaned. 'Yeah of course I can go naked.' I replied as everyone started laughing, Paddy started to dry reach and went to go get himself another drink.

After a while of drinking as much as we could, we were finally in a cab on the way to the party. 'Man it's being that long since I went to a house party.' Alex called out from the back of the van. 'Fuck me too! This better be good.' I answered. 'It will be, Robbin's parties are always good.' Duff told us.

We got there and walked around the back where we could hear people. We walked into the backyard and there was people absolutely everywhere, a band I didn't know was playing in the corner and everyone was either dancing or sitting back drinking or doing drugs. 'Tommy!' Alex yelled next to me and ran off. My eyes followed in her direction and I saw Tommy with Vince as he embraced Alex.

I couldn't see Nikki anywhere so I followed Slash to the kitchen area to make up another drink. I wasn't drunk enough for this yet, my anxiety was playing up on me. 'You all good H?' Slash asked interrupting me from my thoughts. 'What? Oh yeah yeah I'm all sweet.' I assured him. 'Check it out!' He exclaimed as he pointed to where Paddy was, on some couch making out with some random chick. 'Oh god I really didn't need to see that.' I groaned, turning my back to him.

'Hey look who finally showed up!' I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see Nikki, dressed as a vampire smiling at me. He was drunk as anything and I could smell the liquor on his breath but I didn't mind. 'Woah.' He mumbled as he took a step back admiring me. 'You like what you see?' I flirted with a laugh. 'Hell yeah I do. Babe you gotta come meet Robbin!' He told me, grabbing my hand and leading me outside.

Nikki dragged me towards a bunch of guys I recognised as the band Ratt but I hadn't met them. I was getting dirty looks from girls left to right while Nikki held onto my hand, and I just smiled back at them. 'Hailie this is Robbin, Robbin meet Hailie.' Nikki said proudly as we approached the guys. 'Ah it's so good to finally meet you.' Robbin said pulling me in for a hug. 'You too!' I smiled. 'You want another drink babe?' Nikki asked. 'Sure, thanks.' I replied.

As he walked away, Robbin introduced me to the rest of the band. The one I knew as Stephen took a step towards me as he looked me up and down. 'You got anything in mind you'd like to do?' Stephen asked me flirtatiously. 'Sorry Steve, she's Sixx's girl!' Axl called out from behind me. Normally I'd object but I was getting a weird vibe so I let it be. 'Yeah right, every chick is Sixx's girl.' Stephen muttered before walking off. Before I could ask him what that meant, Nikki reappeared with a drink in his hand, handing it to me. 'Thanks hun.' I told him before taking a sip.

The rest of the night was a lot of fun, I floated between people but mostly stayed with the girls and Slash. Paddy had left the scene no doubt to fuck that chick he was with and Nikki didn't stray far from Robbin. Now it was about 1am and I was sitting on the couch outside next to Imogen, trying to keep my eyes open. 'Hey Hailie, come with me.' Nikki said suddenly beside me. I grabbed his outstretched hand and he lead me to a ladder on the side of the house.

'What are we doing Nikki?' I asked him. 'Getting up on the roof.' He replied with a smile. I returned the smile and climbed the ladder to the roof, the view of Hollywood was amazing and the stars shined bright down on us. We just sat there, taking the view in and star gazing while Nikki held me in his arms, not saying a word. My favourite place to be was in his arms.

'Hailie?' Nikki asked. I looked at him and noticed he was staring at me. 'Yes?' I asked quietly. 'Would you give me a chance to do this right again?' He asked. 'Do what right?' I asked him innocently. 'To be the man you deserve.' He told me seriously. I chuckled a bit as I looked down, 'you wanna be together again?' I asked him. 'More then anything.' He replied adamantly. 'So what do you say?' He asked after a moment of silence. I didn't know if I could trust him, but I also knew I couldn't say no.

'Yeah, of course.' I replied with a smile. 'Oh Hailie you had me there for a second.' He said, relived. Nikki then pressed his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes. 'Thank you, you won't regret this.' He said honestly before his lips found mine.

And there you have it, I'm dating Nikki Sixx again.

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