Chapter 68. Rolling Stones

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Today the tour takes us to Columbia which Izzy was very excited for because apparently it's where the best coke is.  The girls and I finished our soundcheck and headed straight to a photo shoot and interview for Rolling Stones magazine which I was so fucking excited for! The boys had done their soundcheck earlier and left to no doubt get their hands on some coke.

'I cannot believe we're gonna be on the cover of Rolling fucking Stones!' Alex screeched as we jumped in the van. 'I can't believe this is actually happening!' Imogen squealed. We were all buzzing with energy and excitement. 'What is everyone wearing?!' Ash asked rapidly. 'Our signature look of leather.' Alex replied with a grin.

We arrived at the set up for the photo shoot and were immediately ushered into the change room for clothes and makeup. 'Chop chop girls let's do this!' The photographer yelled as we walked out. I was wearing what I normally wear, Harley Davidson crop with leather lace up shorts. The chick doing my hair had put a streak of blue down the side and it look fucking awesome.

'Alright What do you want us to do?' Alex asked the photographer. 'Just be yourselves.' He answered. And that's exactly what we did! We shot some group photos with our tongues sticking out and hands in the air representing rock n roll, then some single shots. I'm glad we could just be ourselves and not have to be told what to do. I couldn't wait for Nikki to see it.

Finally we sat down for our interview with a chick named Julia. She asked away about the success of I always get what I want and then the tour. 'So you're currently on tour with Motley Crue and Guns n Roses, What is that like?' Julia asked. 'Absolute chaos.' Ashleigh answered as everyone chuckled. 'I'd like to say we are the chao.' Alex cut in with a laugh. 'Really, you guys are more crazy then them?' Julia asked, surprised. 'Well we're definitely giving them a run for their money.' I answered with a smile. 'We all contributed to the destructiveness together!' Imogen added.

'So Hailie, can I ask if you're back with Nikki Sixx yet?' Julia asked with a grin. The girls all looked at me with a smirk and I rolled my eyes. 'Yes we are back together again.' I laughed. 'Good, we all knew you were gonna end up back together eventually.' Julia answered with a smile. 'Yeah Hailie, the whole world knew before you did.' Alex joked. I stuck my tongue out at her and smirked to myself.

After a couple more questions it was a wrap and we were on our way back to do the show. I walked into the green room to find all the guys sitting around the table all doing lines. 'Excuse me?' Alex said next to me, making them all look up. Paddy and Nikki look straight at me like they had done something wrong and I started laughing. 'How dare you start without us!' I teased as we joined them, sitting myself in between Paddy and Nikki.

Izzy passed me the bag and I drew myself a line, smiling at Nikki before snorting it up my nose. 'Fuck!' I exclaimed as the feeling of euphoria instantly hit my brain. 'It's good isn't it H?' Paddy asked me, making himself another line. 'Alex you gotta try this!' I yelled out to her, interrupting her make out session with Tommy.

I walked over with the bag, handing it to her before walking back and sitting on Nikki's lap. 'You're so beautiful.' Nikki mumbled in my ear. I looked at him with a smirk, 'don't get all lovey on me Sixx.' I said before leaning in to kiss him. Vicky walked in on the scene and rolled her eyes. 'Jesus Christ, you're all gonna end up dead soon the way you're all going!' She lectured. 'Come and join in V!' Slash yelled out making us all laugh. 'No thanks, Poisons you're up!' Vicky said before walking out. 'Well that's me.' I smiled, getting up. 'Go get em' tiger.' Nikki answered, smacking me on the ass as I walked away.

The show was done and we were all fucked up as usual. It was Doc's birthday so Motley planned a little birthday bash for him in one of the clubs in town. We all ran out to the van, high and drunk as fuck acting like lunatics, it's what we do best.  'We are so getting kicked out.' Mick chuckled as Axl and Tommy wrestled over the seat down the back. Axl got his way so Tommy sat on the floor like a kid who dropped his ice cream on the floor. I noticed Nikki and Slash having what looked like a serious conversation down the front as I sat down next to Izzy.

'What are you frowning at cherry bomb?' Izzy asked. I pointed as Izzy looked over with concern written on my face. 'Don't sweat it, it's probably nothing.' Izzy said as he handed me a cigarette and lighting it for me. I let it go and happily took a drag before handing it back to Izzy.

We got there and got escorted to the second floor, we had it to ourselves for an hour before the public came in. After singing Happy birthday to Doc and Tommy sitting on the cake with his bare ass while the candles were still lit, I walked over to Slash. 'What were you talking about with Nikki on the way over here?' I asked Slash. He got nervous and rubbed the back of his neck. 'Saul?' I asked sternly. Every time I called him that he knew I was dead serious.

'He was giving me advice about getting off smack.' He mumbled quietly. 'Oh my god.' I said to myself. I grabbed Slash and pulled him in for a hug. 'I'm so glad man, you deserve so much more then this.' I told him sincerely as he hugged me back. 'Thanks H, it means a lot.' He replied with a smile. After talking to him some more and upstairs opened to the public, I went to find Nikki.

He was sitting on the couch with Mick taking a swig of a jack bottle. 'You're amazing.' I told him as I slid onto Nikki's lap. 'Why is that?' He asked puzzled. 'Slash told me what you guys were talking about.' I explained. 'Well if I can do it, anybody can.' He beamed up at me proudly. I kissed him before walking off to meet Izzy and Alex at the bar for a drink.

I grabbed my drink and spun around to face the crowd. Taking a sip my eyes wandered until they met somebody else's eyes. Some guy stood in the corner, staring at me. He looked familiar and I was trying to figure out who he was, until he smirked at me. I realised who he was straight away, my heart sank into my stomach as my breath was cut short and I struggled to breath. What the fuck was he doing here?!!

I broke eye contact and turned around, looking down at the ground trying to catch my breath. 'Hailie what's wrong?!' Izzy asked, immediately coming to my side and putting his arm around me. Alex grabbed my hand and squeezed tight as I tried to push through the panic attack. 'Izzy it's him.' I managed to get out, tears streaming down my face. 'Who??' Izzy asked increasingly worried. I pointed over to where he still stood smiling at me and Izzy knew straight away. Without even thinking, Izzy marched straight over there and I tried to stop him but the flashbacks of him trying to take my clothes and hitting me were taking over my mind and I felt faint.

'PADDY!' Alex screamed as she pointed to where Izzy was, confronting the guy. I saw paddy run over there as Alex handed me a cup of water. I chugged it down and felt a little better, I managed to regain my breath and looked over to see Izzy and Paddy both laying into the guy. 'I'm gonna go get Nikki.' Tommy said. 'NO!' Alex and I both yelled. 'Nikki will fucking kill him!' Alex hissed at him. 'Why?' Tommy asked, confused. We both suddenly realised that he didn't know, only Nikki, Izzy Paddy and Alex knew.

The fight escalated as the man's friends who I also recognise from the party back in Dallas joined in. Suddenly Nikki came out of no one and started going nuts, punching anything and anyone in his way. 'Oh my god.' I said outloud, watching in horror as Tommy jumped in. The doors opened with a massive bang and a team of security guards ran over, pulling everyone away and pushing them against the wall, handcuffing them.

'Every body out!' A security guard yelled and started directing us towards the exit. 'Nikki!!' I yelled, tears streaming down my face. All I wanted was Nikki to hold me right now, and I'm not sure whether he knew that was the guy who attacked me or if he just jumped into the fight for the sake of it. He looked straight at me, trying to read my face as I walked backwards trying to look past the security guard. Something clicked in Nikki's head and like Izzy, he just knew. He started causing a scene, yelling at the guards to let go of him. 'Sixx don't fight it man, let it be!' Tommy yelled at him.

As I was pushed out the door, I could see Nikki still trying to break free. I burst into tears and Alex held onto me as we walked out the front of the club. Two police cars and a van were out the front obviously waiting for the boys. 'This is all my fault!' I cried into Alex's shoulder. 'No H it's not, do you really think this situation would have gone any different?' She asked, rubbing my arm. Slash came over and gave me a hug, trying to calm me down.

Finally the guys in the brawl walked out, the man and his friends were first. He walked past me, smirking again and I looked away biting my tongue and trying not to lose it again. 'Keep walking you disgusting piece of shit!' I heard Alex scream at him. Izzy and Paddy came out followed by Tommy and Nikki. 'I'm so sorry.' I croaked as they walked past me. 'We'd do anything for you.' Izzy told me. 'I love you, I'm sorry.' Nikki said walking past me as he was roughly pushed into the back of the van with the others.

I watched on as the police van started and drove off out of sight. How the fuck did this all happen?

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